Oasis Tickets

Gov could fix it. Just make it illegal and shut ll the sites down. If you change your mind you can get a refund from the seling site minus a capped processing fee. The selling site can then resale at face value.

Nah they'll find a way to tax it instead and say they fixed it.
The real sad thing is that live music at a grass roots level is dying with venues shutting down all over the country as there is just no money in it. Bands don’t ’play the circuit’ anymore when they are getting established it’s all social media. Arena tours are debuts these days or so it seems.
That is not true, loads of bands still work there way up from smaller venues into bigger ones.
That is not true, loads of bands still work there way up from smaller venues into bigger ones.
Nothing like the did in the 'good old days' small and medium sized venues up and down the country are closing left right and centre and bands just don't tour in the same way.
I was never the biggest Oasis fan when they were current, I appreciate their music a lot more but wouldn't say I'm a fan, my Mrs, however, is a bit of a super fan. I logged on to ticket master 30 mins before tickets went on sale. Never actually managed to get into the site by 11am.

Joined on the app, queue of 200k+ for hours so gave up. If I'd have got to the front of the queue and was met with tickets 3x asking I wouldn't have bought them anyway.

I wish someone would do something about scalpers.
I'm a big fan, my favourite band, pretty much got me through my GCSEs studying with that in the background.

After queuing for 5.5hrs I got in, tickets in basket, didn't work and then booted to over 300k in the queue.
Got in another venue, kept choosing tickets but again no joy.
Eventually got suspended for allegedly being a bot. No ticket me me or friend group.
At least ticketmaster worked I suppose even if the queue was moving slowly (how can Glasto sell 180k tickets in half an hour yet the Oasis queue was moving at like 100-200 a minute?). Never got in seetickets / gigsandtours.

I also think this dynamic pricing is bang out of order, in the sense that they crow about "oh you cannot resell tickets for a profit, they must be sold via official channels at face value". Yet they literally scalped their own tickets, charging £350 to stand next to someone who paid £150 for an identical ticket. I'd rather they just priced them at £350 to begin with. At least that would've scared off some of the casuals.
That said no issue with 21yo Chloe from Stockport getting tickets, I don't gatekeep the band. My wife was saying they should ban under 40s from getting tickets haha.

I do think they should've made it so you can only buy tickets for one date however, some people have multiple tickets spanning different dates/venues meanwhile others get none.

Part of me thinks they should've put the tickets on sale at the venues, so if you really want to go, you go and queue up there. If someone brings a sleeping bag and queues outside for a couple of days, good luck to them they deserve it. But I appreciate that's too much admin and potential aggro about queue jumpers etc.
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I know dynamic pricing is in a lot of other things, like flights and hotels, so the guy sitting next to you could have paid half. Not sure why it feels wrong for a concert.

But I didn't even try to get tickets, none of my mates did either, that was before the whole dynamic pricing thing was known. It was stressful enough getting TS tickets last year, and in truth, I only like the first 2 albums including the B-sides up until then. If they play anything after that I would be totally lost.
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The issues is everyone unless they are an idiot knew it would be a sell out regardless of the price rising or not. It’s pure greed.
We seemed to have reached a point where enough is never enough and we are concentrating huge amounts of wealth into a small number of people and that group of super rich just can’t have enough and always want more.
Between ticketmaster and see tickets I was close to 10 hours trying on Saturday.

Soon as I realised the dynamic pricing kicked in, I'd ironically got through having wasted my day to pass on the tickets.

I get supply and demand but anyone who has paid Ticketmaster for them is just a contributor to the problem.

By legitimising touting, which is what it is really, yes you're more 'secure' than chancing buying a ticket from a random tout but you only get bitten by that once and you never do it again. This just lessens the risk, and increases the corporate greed.

I'm viewing it as a one hit reunion at this point, if they had any faith in themselves as far as 'the band' went, they would have stuck everything at face value - if you're sat there having paid £300+ plus fees for a £150 ticket... and they're naff, I expect many will be doubly annoyed and disappointed. Can see it now... "how much did you pay for your seat", "£400 something", "wow I got this for £200!".
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We seemed to have reached a point where enough is never enough and we are concentrating huge amounts of wealth into a small number of people and that group of super rich just can’t have enough and always want more.

Yup I was thinking about this, or Ticketmaster as a business.

They will be making an absolute fortune, but I bet behind it all there are not actually that many heads, you could probably look it up.
Yup I was thinking about this, or Ticketmaster as a business.

They will be making an absolute fortune, but I bet behind it all there are not actually that many heads, you could probably look it up.
Some pretty grim comments from Ticketmaster and promoters out there talking about dynamic pricing meaning there isn’t so much ‘left out there’ for the touts. The industry is seriously in need of regulation as it clearly isn’t capable of regulating itself, hopefully the government will do the right thing and ban all ticket sales above face value wether on the primary or secondary market and limit admin fee’s to a small percentage. This kills the mass secondary scam market over night (it’s much harder work touting in person outside a show!) and also kills the dishonest price hikes under dynamic pricing.
Some pretty grim comments from Ticketmaster and promoters out there talking about dynamic pricing meaning there isn’t so much ‘left out there’ for the touts. The industry is seriously in need of regulation as it clearly isn’t capable of regulating itself, hopefully the government will do the right thing and ban all ticket sales above face value wether on the primary or secondary market and limit admin fee’s to a small percentage. This kills the mass secondary scam market over night (it’s much harder work touting in person outside a show!) and also kills the dishonest price hikes under dynamic pricing.

Yup we are sorting out the problem with ticket touts by just becoming the ticket tout.
Two more Wembley dates announced already! Somehow they plan to allow access to UK fans who couldn’t get tickets first time and sort out the problems with Ticketmaster

I'd like to see how that works.
eg My Sister got 4 tickets so they can see her email address/details etc but there's a potential 3 other people who could now try for a second date.

I was told today by my Boss that you can't transfer Glastonbury tickets, you can only send them back to be sold on.
That was also how the Led Zeppelin concert in 2007 was done, they were paired up to your passport.
I'd like to see how that works.
eg My Sister got 4 tickets so they can see her email address/details etc but there's a potential 3 other people who could now try for a second date.

I was told today by my Boss that you can't transfer Glastonbury tickets, you can only send them back to be sold on.
That was also how the Led Zeppelin concert in 2007 was done, they were paired up to your passport.
No idea. They thought I was a bot, so who knows if they'll even let me on!
No idea. They thought I was a bot, so who knows if they'll even let me on!

and me, I got to around 4,873.

It's caused a bit of a problem in my household so basically me and my two daughters are trying for tickets all separately.
My Sister gets hers but then my youngest declares she's got hers so I ask how many did you get? "Two".
My eldest is now upset because her Sister could have got one for her.
She gets kicked off as a bot so I tell her to come down mine because I'm around 4,995 in the queue and then a few minutes later I'm kicked off.
We all went out on Sunday and I was ordered not to mention Oasis tickets :)
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