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I'm not sure it's avoidable problem. The food most of us have access to is junk. Cheap food is junk. Expensive food is more pre-fabricated and junky than it used to be 20, 30, 40 years ago. Food sold as healthy option is just as junky as anything else. Even organic food doesn't look or taste the same as it used to, because it's mass produced in the same all 24/7 all year round greenhouses.
It's all junk and we all know it. Supermarket meals that only contain 15% of meat in the meat portion of the meal. Tomatoes that have to be sold with vine to resemble smell of tomatoes. Frozen pizzas that contain more sugar in dough than flower. Carrots than no longer have sweet core, but have to be sweetened up with syrups for your veggie tray. Broccoli and cauliflower that smell of sulfides from fertiliser when cooked. Junk. Kids that grow up eating sugar ketchup on everything to help cardboard taste to their 5 a day vegetables. Junk that creates hormonal issues and affects your body, breaks your DNA. Yes, there is a constant percentage of fatties that do "eat too many pies", but you'll probably find that most people classed as obese these days don't eat THAT much more than active, healthy person. They just eat junk. Your body doesn't react to it as violently as theirs and that's all. Making that junk more expensive with taxes is not a viable option. Someone will just come up with different cheap junk to fill the gaping hole in the market. Sugar tax on drinks for example. Is coloured water with aspartame pretending to be sugar any better for your body? Doesn't your body react with insuline flood afterwards? Sweet drinks are more expensive, more people drink "0 calorie" option then get cravings. Doesn't seem to work.
Most of these people will spend lifetime chasing unachievable weight targets on diets and fasting, through endless yo-yo's - loosing some weight, gaining some weight. But on the other side of the "lost one stone" rainbow is the same junk. That will make them fat again.

Regulate food industry. We are not going back to the days when housewives selected fresh produce from farmers market to cook home meals for their hard working husbands. Farmers market stands sell produce from crates with "made in somehwre abroad" anyway. We are going to eat more and more ready to eat prepped meals with each decade. Regulate the makers of that food. It's the only way.
This is a real barrage of drivel. Half of it doesn't even make any sense - "same all 24/7 all year round greenhouses?" :confused:

The food industry is regulated. What you are asking for is to be spoon fed what you should be eating (pun intended).
Regulate food industry. We are not going back to the days when housewives selected fresh produce from farmers market to cook home meals for their hard working husbands.


The extent to which the food environment has changed, in the last 15 years alone is astonishing. Petrol stations which simply exist to sell junk food, highstreets with more junk food outlets than shops, anything you want delivered to your door in 20 mins, and so on.

For me, one of the biggest root causes of obesity is the food industry disproportionately targeting children. Kids are far more likely to make bad choices and develop bad eating habits - once that happens, those habits continue into later life and you end up with basically all the problems and diseases we have now. The government have made progress on this with certain types of advertising being banned, but they need to go further.

I don’t want to see things being banned outright, but it’s gotten out of control. You can’t exercise, educate, tax or “self control” your way out of an obesity epidemic where 65%+ of the population is overweight or obese. The only option unfortunately is regulation.
This is a real barrage of drivel. Half of it doesn't even make any sense.

And yet your discussion style does not convince me to produce anything better though, you come across as a bit of a... what's the english word for it.. Richard, in your replies. You are aware of that, right? :D

The food industry is regulated. What you are asking for is to be spoon fed what you should be eating (pun intended).

It's not regulated. When organic movement started you couldn't have a creosote impregnated telegraph pole for miles from your field to get approval. Today it's the same mass made, 24/7 light cycle, sped up growth industry and many organics are grown in the same all year round greenhouses where fodder and forage for animals used to be produced. Organic food becomes meaningless, unenforceable term - like 'free range' or 'British made'. There - full sentence explanation. Peace.
Toblerone took out chunks of their chocolate bar, prices remained the same due to outrage (justly so as it was a blatant rip off).

What gets me is when these companies reduce the size of the product and yet the price stays the same?

Kettle crisps, McVitie's biscuits, Snickers, Mars bars have all shrunk over the years - shrinking items is not the answer. Fizzy drinks advertised as no sugar etc, right-oh. If you have a big appetite, you just eat/drink more small biscuits, bars, drinks or go for a cheaper alternatives (which is entirely understandable).

For example, take Cigarettes, top brands, the likes of Marlboro, Dunhill, are very expensive, so what do most ordinary smokers smoke?

The cheap brands or roll-ups. Did I smoke less when the prices got higher? Nope, I went onto rollups and smoked the same amount or more as it was cheaper.
No I get that, but I did point out the exploitation angle with the Toblerone example.

To be fair Tom Kerridge is trying, you watch most cooking programs and whilst enjoyable; How many people are going to have half the ingredients or utensils in their cupboard? Watching the likes of millionaire chefs rustling up a dish in 15 mins, which would take the average Joe 3 times the amount of time to prepare...

Exercise is a whole can of worms. When someone at work mentioned Joe Wicks I could have spooned out my eyeballs with a blunt fork.
day time unemployed tv? yeah most wouldn't.

You have to laugh at the show on during the day don't you, maybe not unemployed as in the man out at work and th ewife/mother at home all day, then he comes home and the wife wants a home under the hammer.
The problem is, it requires effort, and as a society, we are so used to being spoon fed we can't possibly do the research and make a lifestyle change for the good.
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