I'm sorry you went through such a hard time. A lot of people suffer mental health issues for a multitude of reasons. However you didn't wake up overweight overnight.
But... Credit to you you've done something about it. Body positivity is dangerous, we shouldn't be celebrating unhealthy lifestyles.
Genetic conditions are rare/minority and an excuse people use.
Regardless of what you call it some personal accountability is needed nonetheless. Sometimes hard truths are hard to hear.
No, youre right, I didn't, but then I also couldn't understand the chemical processes going on in my body and how to alleviate the symptoms because no doctor ever explained them to me, they just kept telling me to stop eating junk food, eat less, move more, eat "healthy" carbs.
What I've discovered is that for ME there is no such thing as a healthy carb, taking dope makes me want crack. Even on keto I would find it hard to say no to junk food that was being brought in to the house. Within a week of going carnivore all my cravings were gone and someone literally waved deep fried bananas in my face and I just said "no thanks".
I agree that we shouldn't be celebrating unhealthy lifestyles, but I'm just saying that for people who haven't been given a viable alternative its there as a defence mechanism because "society" are being pretty vile to those people.
For people that don't get unconquerable cravings then I obviously understand how they would struggle with this concept, in the same way that I've never had alcoholism and used to think "just drink less, its not hard, I don't drink every day".
This thread is pretty crazy if you take the posts on keto as gospel. Makes it sound like it's the magic diet and any other diet that even includes fruits and vegetables means you're contributing to things like fatty liver etc. Meanwhile keto has only positives with no negatives?
I just think it would be a lot more common in things like sports if it was really that efficient and effective. It's been known about for decades now, and there are a lot of studies on it.
No, no one is saying keto is magic with zero downsides, it does still take discipline, its just that the whole insulin, leptin, ghrelin cycle sets you up to fail on a carby diet, alleviating those symptoms HELPS, but it isn't a complete cure all instantly. There is nuance that you need to understand.
For me, the main benefits have come from going almost completely carnivore, I retained most of my healthy issues with keto.
90% of nutrition science is funded by big food companies, "the data" overwhelmingly supports the current system because its 90% paid for by that same system who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
There's no money for studies on low carb, hence no studies on low carb (or very few).
There is data available if you choose to search for it because of how many people are doing n=1 experiments and self publishing. When I looked at it and then tested myself, my findings on me match up with those, but thats the only way I've been able to "prove" anything to myself. Everyone is free to ignore it and put their health in the hands of "health professionals" though, its up to them, the stats don't suggest this is on the path to working out for most people though.