Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

I liked that they really showed Vader being the truly horrific person he became post RoTS, walking around snapping necks of innocents because he can etc and I hope they continue to show us some more of Vader doing Vader things. Its something the EU did very well but, post Disney sale which scrapped the EU, we've only had a small section at the end of Rogue One to show just how terrifying he was.
I liked that they really showed Vader being the truly horrific person he became post RoTS, walking around snapping necks of innocents because he can etc and I hope they continue to show us some more of Vader doing Vader things.

Bit weird that he was doing it to an apparently pro-Empire settlement though. It doesn't send a great message.
Vader more powerful than he was even when Obi fought him at the end of RoTS and Obi well out of practice and almost shut off from the Force. Wholly unsurprising.

It didn't make sense though - Vader isn't exactly know for his speed, yet he was somehow able to get ahead of Obi-wan, who was running away.
I'm sure a channel that's last few videos were

"Disney Panics! Obi-Wan is Awful"
"Female Thor: Love and THunder - More Cringe"
"Amazon Fears LOTR: Rings of Power Flops"
"Doctor Strange 2 is an unmitigated M-SHE-U mess"
"Moon Knight is a another disney marvel disaster"
"Disney Marvel is DOOMED - The M-SHE-U Explained"

is a perfectly balanced and unbiased source. Don't think I've ever seen a channel that has used the words flop and disaster in as many titles as there.
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Yeah I'm glad I didn't bother continue watching it after 30 mins of the first episode.

I'm glad I don't watch videos with clickbait titles :)

It's almost like loads of people who don't like star wars, watch a new star wars program expecting it not to be star wars :D
I'm sure a channel that's last few videos were

"Disney Panics! Obi-Wan is Awful"
"Female Thor: Love and THunder - More Cringe"
"Amazon Fears LOTR: Rings of Power Flops"
"Doctor Strange 2 is an unmitigated M-SHE-U mess"
"Moon Knight is a another disney marvel disaster"
"Disney Marvel is DOOMED - The M-SHE-U Explained"

is a perfectly balanced and unbiased source. Don't think I've ever seen a channel that has used the words flop and disaster in as many titles as there.

I’ve never watch a video from that channel and I never will as those titles make is sound like whoever makes those videos doesn’t like women.
He explained, “This is just a marketing gimmick for Disney at the end of the day because there is no talk about The High Republic that is positive.”
Random guy on the internet who can't understand why Disney didn't back Gina Carano thinks it's all a con without an iota of proof? Well I'm convinced....
It's getting review bombed on rotten though...

One in particular:

Weak characterisation, poor writing. Three adults cant catch a 10 year old who runs like a toddler? Obiwan leaves his charge in the 1st episode, failing to play the darth theme when he 1st appears. Basically it seems the usual deconstruction of the old heroes to raise up the new "villains?" Darth cant use the force through fire? Why is Obi-Wan shown as so useless? I gave up after ep3.

Plus numerous other ones with a similar theme. Can't be all wrong can it?
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You guys have have WAY too much time on your hands if you have the opportunity to watch that kind of nonsense on you tube.

How about the sensible approach, watch it yourself, if you like it then carry on, if you don’t then don’t.

Media, particularly TV and movies works on viewership, what gets watched, gets made. If it was based on reviews, we wouldn’t have had 9(?) fast and furious movies at this point.

Negative engagement is still engagement and can drive more viewers to the thing you didn’t like. For example, I only watched the recent Jimmy Carr thing because of all the negative engagement around it.
TLDR if you don’t like it, stop watching and engaging with the content on all mediums. It’s really that simple.
TLDR if you don’t like it, stop watching and engaging with the content on all mediums. It’s really that simple.
This 100%, loved Star Wars as child, had all the toys and even gave them back stories (Hoth Luke losing a leg in a horrific lawn mower accident, I mean a horrible crash in his snowspeeder, poor guy). Went and saw ep7 in the cinema with my son and its was average at best, but didn't feel like 'star wars'. We went and saw 8 and then never bothered with 9, he's completely indifferent to the SW universe now. I do feel like they (Disney) are trying to pander to a demographic that just doesn't exist and to pull it round to Obi-Wan, I will wait until all 6 have dropped, read reviews from people I know share similar tastes to myself, and go from there.
Looks like it's the broken down useless old man trope again, Whata surprise! that bit where they didnl
You now what really cause my ire to rise more than anything? The fact that when Vader was on screen there wasn't even an inking of The Imperial March, not even a few subdued bars of it.

Oh, and this


After everyone was dead he continued on foot, he didn't take the hover truck. So why did he shoot it and disable the laser barrier when he could've just walked around it.

I think that about sums it up. Just more content **** out to order by Disney.


I quite liked ep 3, love a bit of the bad guy doing his thing. Vadar fight i thought was ok, i liked how he made obi suffer in flames to basically say, see how it feels to have ur body on fire like what u did to me. I think obi being alone for so long without support of other jedi and not using the force has weakened him considerably and i think with hearing ani is alive has shocked him and he shows that in basically being scared of vader and doing all he could to just defend and back off from him a lot.

I do wonder why he tried to destroy the barrier when he coulda just walked around it.

I kept waiting for jedi mind tricks from him with the troopers or the alien driver, bit disappointed there.
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