Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

It’s never been about pre/post Disney, it’s anything that isn’t the original trilogy.

The original trilogy was still George Lucas and the die hards still hated it. It cracks me up when they come out with lines like ‘George Lucas wouldn’t have done this’ and yet they hated all the fiddling he did with the original trilogy at each re-released and the prequels.
To be fair, ‘Star Wars fans’ as you describe them heavily criticise everything outside of Episodes 4-6.

At this point can you call yourself a ‘fan’ if you don’t actually like 8/11 films, and the numinous TV shows which have been produced?

Of course you can, ther trouble is 80% of SW's visual content is mediocre to absolutely terrible,particularly Disney SW, which is getting worse by the year. You take away the original trilogy and what have you actually got?

So what's actually Star Wars and what isn't? because the original trilogy sure is. Seems a strange way to gatekeep the fandom by arguing if you only like the best material you're somehow not a fan...

I think we're getting the G RR Martin argument here where basically anything that wears the brand should be acceptable. George thinks fans shouldn't care about the quality or content of the material at all, that's not relevant. You're not allowed a critical viewpoint, only blind subserivence to creators and brand is acceptable.

This coming from a man now so entitled and up his own **** that he thinks he can lecture people about popular culture while failing to write a book for 11 years.

Shut up and consume.
Gate keeping? I was merely pointing out the irony of the hardcore fans dislike started well before Disney and 50% of the content their beloved George put out they didn’t actually like.

I’m also not even sure where you get that obi wan was some super Jedi without acknowledging the prequels exist, particularly the phantom menace. The character was a merely a plot mechanism in the original trilogy. A bit like boba who was in the films for a matter of minutes and then disposed of in a comical fashion.
Not reading the thread due to spoilers.

How does this compare to the mandalorian?
Which I thought was very good.
Oh dear God... as Ackbar said "IT'S A TRAP!". The first episode with all its sanity and atmosphere-building was just a lure that led to a dark room of horrendous writing. Poor writing, certainly not the worst I have ever seen, but poor nonetheless. Contrived and convenient plot armour and hare-brained decisions by supposedly wise and powerful characters that I am sadly no longer surprised to see in big budget shows like this.

I will keep watching, but I have a feeling it's going to be a rough ride and far worse than the disappointment I felt with most of Mandalorian Season 2 (compared to the great first season).
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Not reading the thread due to spoilers.

How does this compare to the mandalorian?
Which I thought was very good.
Only a few episodes so it's hard to tell. I don't think it's quite as good as the Mandalorian (yet) but it's a decent watch and much better than Book of Bobafet
Long time Lurker here, deciding to join the fun :)

I have to say, episode 3 was very weak. Why would Vader just let Obi Wan walk off like that and are they are going to wait another episode to explain it or will they at all?

You also have the teleporting sister. I agree writing is not very good and there are a lot of these "what just happened, that didn’t make any sense" moments and they ruin the immersion.
Long time Lurker here, deciding to join the fun :)

I have to say, episode 3 was very weak. Why would Vader just let Obi Wan walk off like that and are they are going to wait another episode to explain it or will they at all?

You also have the teleporting sister. I agree writing is not very good and there are a lot of these "what just happened, that didn’t make any sense" moments and they ruin the immersion.

Welcome to star wars post 2010.
I'm sorry to say but I found it a bit meh...

Obiwan some how looses all his abilities and turns into the white girl at the start of every 90s horror movie

I wouldn't say "somehow", it's pretty obvious that he's been laying low living an inconspicious life where use of Jedi abilites and the force are pretty much no goes unless he wants to draw attention to himself. He's spent quite a few years living this way so stands to reason his fighting skills would be rusty and his connection to the force very weak. If anything it would be more eyebrow raising if he was slinging a sabre around like he did in episode 3 considering he's meant to have not touched one for years.
I`m enjoying it so far although I know what you mean I was expecting him to kick Vader's back side in episode 3 but then again what you said above makes sense so he wouldnt have although I thought he might have not been such a wimp.
What made me laugh is Yoda tells him in the film he will show him how to contact "his old master" yet years in isolation he still has not figured it out ! (so far)
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