I think at some point in this series Obi Wan will be able to reconnect with Qui Gin via the force allowing him to become the Jedi Master he is in a New Hope.I do hope to see him go see yoda to help with his training to talk to whats his name as it seems he still hasnt managed to commune with him yet.
Thats the sort of Youtuber I was referring to in another post who is monetarily incentivised to hate on everything.
Appears so. What I don't get is at the end of revenge of the sith, Yoda says he will teach Obi Wan how to communicate with his old master. We fast forward to 10 years later and it looks like he didn't bother using it at all, makes you think what's the point of including it in the recap intro when he has done sweet fa.Is Obi wan the new Captain Picard? IE old and useless.
I agree with the use of the force, but he could easily have kept up with his lightsaber training in secret in his cave or in the desert imo.I'm fairly sure it was strongly implied in the first episode that they had to shut themselves off from the force to be able to hide in plain sight where there is a bunch of dark side force users hunting them. Force users can sense other force users, that's well established in star wars long before this series.
I'm not sure Obi-Wan would last long if he was getting his saber out every 30 seconds for the last 10 years.
Is Obi wan the new Captain Picard? IE old and useless.
Yes. Another heroic male figure torn down to be dominated by a fem, Master Chief, Loki, Bobba Fett.
Same trope, show after show after show.
What tripe are you posting. Obi Wan suffering ptsd and dominated by Vader. So lore accurate.
I don’t know why half of you bother watching these shows since you seem determined to moan about them.
I mean if you enjoy this tripe then fine, but don't tell me I donlt know what I'm watching. Obi can't even work out how to navigate a simple obstacle by walking around it or use some transport when needed, that's PTSD is it?
You now what really cause my ire to rise more than anything? The fact that when Vader was on screen there wasn't even an inking of The Imperial March, not even a few subdued bars of it.
Oh, and this
After everyone was dead he continued on foot, he didn't take the hover truck. So why did he shoot it and disable the laser barrier when he could've just walked around it.
I don’t know why half of you bother watching these shows since you seem determined to moan about them.
Because they're fans.
Fans watch the franchises they like, fans don't like it when what they consider to be bad writing negatively effects the franchises they like. If you are a fan then thats great, I haven't seen anyone saying you shouldn't like what you like, but I have seen comments saying that people who didn't like it shouldn't complain and/or shouldn't watch it - someone telling other fans not to watch sounds like that person is gatekeeping to me (something very negative in fandom) and it doesn't sound like that person is really a fan, well to me at least.
To be fair, ‘Star Wars fans’ as you describe them heavily criticise everything outside of Episodes 4-6.
At this point can you call yourself a ‘fan’ if you don’t actually like 8/11 films, and the numinous TV shows which have been produced?