Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

I’ve made the point so many times, mainly in the Star Trek threads but also here. The usual contributors seem to want to torture themselves by watching something they don’t like.

The irony that @Darujhistan cant see that by watching something they don’t like is that they are doing exactly what the person he is quoting and disliked said he should do and watches it anyway.

The industry works on viewership, a view is a view no matter if that persons opinion was negative or positive. The industry used to work against piracy, now they actually realise that it’s a symptom of issues with distribution and not programming. A show that is heavily pirated is a popular show so they make more of it while encouraging people to view it legally (aka pay for it).

Loads of people watched EP8 but it was bad so they didn’t go and watch Solo and the film did terribly despite not actually being bad. Do you know what they did? Oh yeh they stopped making Star Wars films because people didn’t want to watch them and went back to the drawing board.

If you don’t like this, stop watching it, stop engaging with it and they will stop making it. It’s that simple.

Even YouTube work on the same basis, watching the video and giving it a dislike is far better than just not watching it.

So shut up and consume then?
Gosh, if that’s what you took from that then I think we are done here… :rolleyes:

Yes I guess we are, and i'm going to continue to watch what I want and comment on whatever I like. If you don't like that then that's tsb.

If you think you're going to stop me commenting by using such lame arguments such as "If you're watching you're making thnigs worse" then you're crazy.

Oh and PS:

Oh yeh they stopped making Star Wars films because people didn’t want to watch them and went back to the drawing board.

Yeah they went back to the drawing board, learned nothing, and continued spewing out crap "content". Nothing was learned, they actually doubled down on telling their own garbage stories, and pushing their politcal agendas.

So actually, boycotting had no effect whatsoever.
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Yes I guess we are, and i'm going to continue to watch what I want and comment on whatever I like. If you don't like that then that's tsb.

If you think you're going to stop me commenting by using such dumb arguments such as "If you're watching you're making thnigs worse" then you're crazy.

At least you give us all a good laugh.

Can’t we just have a civilised discussion without constant negativity and bringing gender randomly into it?
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I wish I was as passionate about anything in life as some of you are about bloody Star Wars.

For what it's worth, I'm enjoying OWK and I'll probably enjoy Andor too. I guess I am the problem :D
After reading some of the comments in these d+ star wars threads, your summary is spot on.

I fall into the same category as you, I guess.!

I kind of feel sorry for @Darujhistan, I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be compelled to watch something I didn’t like or get any enjoyment out of and then be so invested in it to spend so much time talking about the thing I didn’t like.
So far a total let down, what have they turned Kenobi into !?
Just like Boba the actors are all wooden, the third sister is appalling, about as scary as a little lamb.

The scene with the snowspeeder was a wtf moment for me.

Certainly attempting to hit the lows of episodes 7-8&9
finally a flashback! Nicely done too, highlighting Anakins/Vader’s weakness. I love that we get to see Vader’s full power in this one, doesn’t even need a lightsaber. If it wasn’t for the suit he easily would have replaced the emperor.
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everything is good for me, except the production quality seems to dip at times, the volume as a technology is amazing but sometimes it really confines scenes, its almost like watching a play on stage at times
some of the CGI type stuff has been a bit ropey as well
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Can someone please confirm that I'm not going mad.

About 11:38 Obi Wan says to Leia, "Leia be careful" and it sounds like the "careful" part has been dubbed in with an American accent.
someone pointed out that there are 6 episodes and each has themes from each corresponding film:

1) TPM - Tatooine, Princess kidnapped
2) AOTC - Neon underworld type place, bounty hunters
3) ROTS - fight with Vader, someone gets burned
4) ANH - Obi in death star rescue princess etc, escape but with tracker
5) ESB - maybe a Tauntaun will get its guts cut open?
6) ROTJ - fuzzy bears attack? :D

Yup episode 5 is basically a rehash of the themes from ESB - a little borrowing from the themes of the movies is one thing but when it is just an uninspired retelling of the same story with different window dressing it is pretty lame unfortunately.
About 11:38 Obi Wan says to Leia, "Leia be careful" and it sounds like the "careful" part has been dubbed in with an American accent.

The be and careful sound like a computer generated version of his voice, it wouldn't be the first time in these series they've used AI generated voices such as Luke for instance - I'm guessing it was done in post for some reason.
Yup episode 5 is basically a rehash of the themes from ESB - a little borrowing from the themes of the movies is one thing but when it is just an uninspired retelling of the same story with different window dressing it is pretty lame unfortunately.
ah you are totally right - i know that was my point before but it took you mentioning it for me to remember lol

deffo killer teddy bears in next episode then
I thought this episode had some plot armour but was still a brill watch, especially second half.

Let’s be honest we don’t watch Star Wars for the script but for the visuals.
Let’s be honest we don’t watch Star Wars for the script but for the visuals.

There is, somewhat subjectively, a line to it though - things have to have some kind of illusion of rules and consistency, etc. or it just gets stupid.

Like the bit where you have people standing in the open with dozens of Stormtroopers just blazing away and seemingly most of them not getting even close to being hit... come on at least take the time to make it half convincing with the use of barricades and cover etc.
Great episode, possibly best so far as so much happened in 35 ish mins. Opening scene was a bit goosebumpy. More tomorrow after the spoilers are allowed.

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