Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

Can anybody explain
where the second cargo ship suddenly appeared from after Vader force pulled the first one back and destroyed it? Because in all the previous shots there was only the one ship in the dock. Oh, and why did Vader, a bloke who had no qualms about butchering multiple children, leave Third Sister alive? That makes no sense at all.

Look closely, back right. It’s there. Throughout the episode too. I had to rewatch to notice it.
Most people seem to have enjoyed this episode but I think I am with you.

Maybe toss the thermal detonator through the door when Reva first broke through, rather than save it?

And one minute obi-wan was in handcuffs kneeling on the floor, and the next he is free, killing storm troopers behind the door? I know they concocted a little plan in full view of a battalion of troopers, but showing us what happened might have helped.

Also I thought the 'hidden' ship taking off behind the one Vader destroyed was as bad as Leia hiding under a cloak.

And they left Reva for dead? And what does that garbled message actually tell her about Luke and Leia? Nothing really.

All the same things that irritated me, the handcuffs to being free really confused me that was really bad.

Also young Anakin, he looks obviously older to the point where in those training scenes that's all I could notice, they can make Eleven in Stranger Things look like a child and make a dead actor come to life in Rogue One but they cant make a guy look ten years younger?

Another thing is some of the lines, like one line I picked up on was "The 3rd sister is here" to Vader, for some reason I cant help but think it sounds dumb, probably a bad example but I've noticed it a few times now

How long was Leiah looking for that thing for, she was just sat in there for half an hour!

I found the episode a bit of a mess and although I enjoy watching it, I'm constantly noticing poor choices, acting and story telling
Look closely, back right. It’s there. Throughout the episode too. I had to rewatch to notice it.

I missed that. But it begs the question, how did it fit in the hangar when it was only big enough for a single ship?

Not a great episode. They could have just done Vader reading her thoughts and emotions to figure out who she is. She should have counted on the ignition alone (just like Kylo) to stab him in the back rather than a big swing leaving him plenty of time to react. How did Obi go from captured to knocking out guards? Where did that ship appear from? Why did the people wait until the very last second to board the ship? Why didn't the Stormtroopers set up an AA battery outside the hangar? The CGI on the escaping ship! And their de-aging technology needs improving.
I missed that. But it begs the question, how did it fit in the hangar when it was only big enough for a single ship?


It doesn't make sense at all.

What if Vader came along a bit later? What if he didn't successfully force pull the ship back down? It would have flown off, exposing the true ship.

Just a flashy TV visual.
Not a great episode. They could have just done Vader reading her thoughts and emotions to figure out who she is. She should have counted on the ignition alone (just like Kylo) to stab him in the back rather than a big swing leaving him plenty of time to react. How did Obi go from captured to knocking out guards? Where did that ship appear from? Why did the people wait until the very last second to board the ship? Why didn't the Stormtroopers set up an AA battery outside the hangar? The CGI on the escaping ship! And their de-aging technology needs improving.

Was Darth Vader in a star destroyer? I don't think they showed which ship it was.

If so, why didn't they launch tie fighters to patrol?
As if anyone was surprised she turned on Vadar, they have been hinting to us about that. At least they had it be Vadar was playing her the whole time.

Anyway, when are we getting the new Riva TV show, is that next year? ;)
Did the grand inquisitor warn Vader he was stabbed I wonder.

Of course obi wan lost that transmitter. Why did reva have to find it, kill her off already
The scene where he stops the ship taking off was like a nod to the Force Unleashed games except that the character you play as who is also considerably weaker then Vader, stops and moves a Star Destroyer lol. Something that Vader could likely do with relative ease in the fiction outside the films.

I was cool with him being able to do it, it just looked bad, That and the bad flashbacks lol.
The only really bad bit was the stormtrooper aim coming to the max and missing everyone just standing in a massive huddle in the hanger and then again walking down a narrow corridor and not landing a shot for about 5 mins. The rest I found quite enjoyable. Obi mentioned the other ship near the start and asking about getting it repaired for him to escape on but they said it would take too long. Apparently someone sorted it :D
I need to rewatch the ship escaping scene, as it did seem a bit silly that Vader didn't see the other one. Having said that he went full on ballistic with his force powers from that moment till the end of the episode, so I can't grumble too much.

Flashbacks were cool and had a real prequel vibe, I didn't notice the whole de-aging thing

I need to rewatch the ship escaping scene, as it did seem a bit silly that Vader didn't see the other one. Having said that he went full on ballistic with his force powers from that moment till the end of the episode, so I can't grumble too much.

Flashbacks were cool and had a real prequel vibe, I didn't notice the whole de-aging thing


It’s not silly at all, it’s the whole point. It’s what obi wan said in the flashback, Anakin’s thirst for victory blinds him. It’s probably the best scene in the show so far since we’re seeing it from Vader’s eye and miss it too. If you rewind the ship is actually there in every scene.
It's because it's only from force awakens onwards that the prop lightsabers have led blades that light the actors up, I guess they have gone a bit nuts with It because it's a new toy

Everything before that is a stick with light added in post
It’s not silly at all, it’s the whole point. It’s what obi wan said in the flashback, Anakin’s thirst for victory blinds him. It’s probably the best scene in the show so far since we’re seeing it from Vader’s eye and miss it too. If you rewind the ship is actually there in every scene.
After rewatching the scene, you're right. The second ship is also clearly visible in multiple shots in the preceding scenes.

Vader seemed even more powerful and brutal on the second viewing. Plus I forgot, he dual wields at the end :D

A lot left for Ben to do in the final episode. Drop Leia off, commune with Quii gon, get his mojo back and finally land on a dusty planet to duel Vader (as we are in the splash screen for the show). Anything less than a 1hr runtime (including credits etc) will be a disappointment.

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