Yeah its adding up that your invalidating the whole review based on drivers that might increase the performance so much it will put it in the class with 580GTX.
A class that BASED on AMD own release slides, its clearly not in.
We can only judge it what its based on now. And based on that and £280 price tag, I myself would have to go with 570GTX if I had to choose for £30 less. But hey, Gibbo is selling them 6970 well so who am I to argue.
6950 on the other hand looks like a gem. Thats a great card. Not 6970. imho
Again, AMD's ENTIRE SLIDES show was leaked on the 22nd November, we've seen them all, then in all the fud in the past few days the one you linked showed up, ON ITS OWN, contrary to previous slides.
its NOT AN AMD SLIDE, its as simple as that, firstly the slides for this release were made before the 570gtx launched and only a short while after the 580gtx launched.
Again LOOK AT THE REVIEW< the numbers don't add up anywhere.
1536 shaders vs 1408 shaders, 880Mhz clock vs 800Mhs clock, and the 6970 is mostly 10-12% ahead(which it should be on clock speed/tmu/rops alone probably), once its 16% ahead it should be quite easily 18% ahead, maybe 20% in most situations.
They are flat out using the 10.11 drivers, others have shown a LARGE increase going from 10.11 to 10.12, theres NOTHING to suggest this is an official review, many aren't, many are, impossible to know which.
Bad reviewers do bad reviews, its life, I know LOTS of reviewers for lots of products often only have a day with the hardware, thats life, simple fact is newer drivers that everyone(except you) says are faster are already available and theres potentially another even better set(i'm not clear, it seems like there is indeed TWO 10.12 with different build numbers and the newer one isn't available on the AMD site yet, this looks like it will be the review driver from the best sites).
You can't simply ignore it however much you want.
So lets be clear, everyone says the new drivers are MUCH better, you don't, fine, the numbers in that review don't reflect what is very likely a different real life story in the numbers.
Other leaked numbers suggest the 6970 AVERAGES 25% faster than the 570gtx, but they don't count because they were done on a newer driver, and not an over month old driver?