OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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10 Jan 2007
Morba said:
I am utterly shocked that you can only leg press 450lb considering the other impressive lifts.
Im guessing that you have a low squat weight as well?

Sorry, typo mistake. Meant to read 650Lbs. :D



10 Jan 2007
Jeffstar said:
TC1, if you really are at that level, i'm surprised you feel the need to criticize a beginner. Please don't try and ruin the thread with spam pics and negative comments, ok m8?


Get real mate. Criticism is good, that is how we progress, no point in telling someone lies. I would much rather the truth anyday.

2ndly, the Pic was meant as a light hearted reply. No need to take everything serious in life. ok M8! ;)
8 Sep 2005
TC1 said:
Get real mate. Criticism is good, that is how we progress, no point in telling someone lies. I would much rather the truth anyday.

2ndly, the Pic was meant as a light hearted reply. No need to take everything serious in life. ok M8! ;)

What tosh... your criticism of my pic in no way helped me to progress in any way, shape of form. You didn't take even one moment to find out what work i'd already done, or what my current routine was. Please don't make excuses for the fact that you're obviously a bit of a dim muppet. :)
18 Oct 2002
West Lancashire
TC1 said:
Criticism is good, that is how we progress, no point in telling someone lies. I would much rather the truth anyday.

You are a tool! That's about as constructive as your criticism so far......

Still maintain that if you've worked hard for those lifts (with or without typo :rolleyes: ) you should be offering more encouragement and advice than a blunt "Whoa you're skinny".

How long have you been lifting for, what weight are you now, what were your lifts like when you started?
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
TC1 said:
Sorry, typo mistake. Meant to read 650Lbs. :D

sorry but 650lb is still nothing tbh (in comparison to your bench), having said that, your shoulder press is also very poor compared to your bench.

im sure some people are thinking those are big figures from you, but realistically you are shoulder pressing 90kg yet have a massive 180kg bench press.

do you specialize in bench press and dumbell curls only? as these 2 seem to be very good in comparison to your other mentioned weights. A 30kg dumbell curl is more than most people do on a barbell.
17 Aug 2005
What id like to know is, are you actually ripped or just fat looking? Fair enough if you can bench and lift all that but if ya as strong as an ox and the belly of a cow it aint so impressive :p
8 Nov 2002
NW London
R5Rich said:
What id like to know is, are you actually ripped or just fat looking? Fair enough if you can bench and lift all that but if ya as strong as an ox and the belly of a cow it aint so impressive :p

Depends on your goals. Not everyone wants a six pack.
18 Oct 2002
West Lancashire
messiah khan said:
How do you normally measure the weight of a dumbbell? Each individual dumbbell, or the pair? Im assuming each seperate one.

If I were to say i pressed 45kgs DBs that would mean one in each hand since they come in pairs.

If I said i press a 120kgs barbell then that would be 120kgs total (bar + plates)
29 Aug 2005
TC1 said:
I have been training for about 4 years. 16 3/4 stone now. Not much fat. Train about 4 times a week. About 2 hours per session on average. Average weights used i suppose:

400Ibs Bench for 2 reps
70Lbs Standing Dumbell Curls
200lbs Front Shoulder press, seated
70lbs Dumbell Flyes
450lbs Leg Presses, seated 45 Degree angle

These are some of my better records for myself. I usually do about 6 to 8 reps per set, 2 exercises per bodypart 4 sets each exercise.

I take some Prot powder but nothing else. Just eat good i suppose.

Measurements are approx:

Chest: 48
Waist: 33
Bicepts: 18.5

I am 6ft 2" tall

Train hard, eat well and concentrate on your own goals and not on the next guy standing next to you in the gym (Or lady!).

I think if you work on your leg press of 204kg you would get greater gains on your upper body not bad upper body measurements :) .



10 Jan 2007
Richdog said:
What tosh... your criticism of my pic in no way helped me to progress in any way, shape of form. You didn't take even one moment to find out what work i'd already done, or what my current routine was. Please don't make excuses for the fact that you're obviously a bit of a dim muppet. :)

Truth hurts i suppose. Looking at you pic i guess you are an Ectormorph in structure. I instruct at the Gym i go to and i tell it like it is. No use in lying to people. You may have been much more skinny when you started so well done for getting started. As for a Dim Muppet, i see that you you are obviously upset at the truth! I would definitely wait a year or so before putting another pic of yourself up for everyone to giggle at. :p

I only tell it like it is. Sorry if it upset you matey. Next time i will lie for you if you want?
8 Sep 2005
TC1 said:
Truth hurts i suppose. Looking at you pic i guess you are an Ectormorph in structure. I instruct at the Gym i go to and i tell it like it is. No use in lying to people. You may have been much more skinny when you started so well done for getting started. As for a Dim Muppet, i see that you you are obviously upset at the truth! I would definitely wait a year or so before putting another pic of yourself up for everyone to giggle at. :p

I only tell it like it is. Sorry if it upset you matey. Next time i will lie for you if you want?

I think you're severely mistaken mate... you didn't upset me in the way you think you did. But I think its plain to see that not only are you rude, but the general concensus is that you are a bit of a tool. I'm happy with my body, and nothing you say would make me think otherwise... I just take exception to your rudeness and the fact that you mistakenly think you're being ""cruel to be kind" by "telling it like it is". I shudder to think how you got to be an instructor with that sort of attitude... it's terrible and I think it's quite sad that you seem to genuinely believe otherwise.

More pics will follow whenever I have the desire to post one thanks, if it makes you laugh then good... but I have to say you've proved yourself to be a bit of a sad individual from you posts... and that certainly makes me giggle.

Thanks for ruining the tone of an otherwise perfectly good and constructive thread... you're certainly making one hell of an effort and i'm sure it's appreciated by everyone here. :)
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18 Oct 2002
West Lancashire
TC1 said:
Truth hurts i suppose. Looking at you pic i guess you are an Ectormorph in structure. I instruct at the Gym i go to and i tell it like it is. No use in lying to people. You may have been much more skinny when you started so well done for getting started. As for a Dim Muppet, i see that you you are obviously upset at the truth! I would definitely wait a year or so before putting another pic of yourself up for everyone to giggle at. :p

I only tell it like it is. Sorry if it upset you matey. Next time i will lie for you if you want?

Seriously you are a tool!

There's a difference between telling the truth and being unhelpful and inconsiderate. It patently obvious what you think of Richdog but why not phrase it slightly differently. Offer positive encouragement rather than negative insults!! :mad: The lad has been training for 3months and presumably his own awareness of this body is what prompted his decision to start training.

All this would be irrelevant had you actually contributed anything meaning full to this (or any other) thread instead of half assed advice like eat more protein and train harder.......is that the kind of advice you dish out as a personal trainer? :rolleyes:
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