OcUK & Cutters Rolling Road Day 19 @ Powerstation (Tewksbury) - Saturday April 25th 2015!!

Chieveley services is normally a good place to meet up, and I would be up for meeting there!

Excellent, I'll organize something properly once I'm home from work tonight.

Anyone coming from London?

Coming from Sidcup here (SE London) and will be going round the M25 from the Dartford Bridge to the M4 clockwise, where about's are you coming from?
Going to go M1 > M6 > M5
Could go M40 but that means cutting through Aylesbury and Bicester. While that should be a nice blat through the country, it adds 40 mins to the journey time! Going down the M4 means back down to London then west to M40

M1/M6 is horrible route from you I'd have thought.

Can't you go M1 to Milton Keynes, then come across A421/A422 to Buckingham, follow A422 right up to M40 J11 (easy drive) then go from there?
Excellent :) What way were you planning to go, through London or west on the A2 to the M25? If west then you'll pretty much go straight passed my house so might see you in transit, give me a shout via trust if you want to meet up on the way :)

Ok, so, Newbury convoy. Let's aim to meet at 7AM with the aim to be on the road again at 7.30AM. Should be a 1hr 9min journey from there according to Google, so allows us some extra time in case of any issues.

We shall meet at the BP service station located here:

B P Service Station Chieveley Service Area
Oxford Road
Thatcham, West Berkshire RG18 9XX

I'll leave it to Vigoro to suggest the best place inside the services as I've never been there before!

So, who's in? Just going to keep a tally of names so that we know once everyone has arrived.

- Voxination
- mrk
- Vigoro
- Freefaller
- Howard(?)

Anyone else wanna hop on? Also Vigoro - is there a McDonalds or somewhere there for breakfast? Could meet a bit earlier and all grab some grub together :)

Feel free to sent me a message via trust for mobile phone number if needed.
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So 7AM at the service station? That sounds fine by me. I too will have to leave by 6AM as it is 1hr away.
I can do 7am at Chieveley - bloody early start though! :eek:

I don't know if I'm going through London or via the M25.

I'm bringing Gayjin along.
M1/M6 is horrible route from you I'd have thought.

Can't you go M1 to Milton Keynes, then come across A421/A422 to Buckingham, follow A422 right up to M40 J11 (easy drive) then go from there?

According to Googles that's the quickest route! Having had a look at that suggestion now I think I will take it! Cheers :) who's coming from m40 then? :D
Ah man I hate Google maps, it's given me 3 different routes every time I check it! Think I'll just whack it on in the morning and see what's the quickest.
This is the route I have now
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I'm coming from M1 J13, straight across A421, heading to Chipping Norton, then through to Stow and across country. It reckons about 10mins longer than using the M40 but the road looks more fun than cruising at 70.
Yeah that's pretty much the route it's taking me in that screen shot! When you planning to leave? I should be up round jct 13 around 6:45 ish. You driving from MK?
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Havana, you going to go the scenic route or M40? I'm tempted to cut across as Steeps suggested. Convoy? :D
Anyone else wanna hop on? Also Vigoro - is there a McDonalds or somewhere there for breakfast? Could meet a bit earlier and all grab some grub together :)

It is a moto services with a burger king I think, so plenty of parking and there are places to get food!
Not sure, and tbh I'll probably just bung the address in the sat nav and just blindly follow that...maybe if I set it to short route it will take me cross country. I pick the car up tomorrow so I'll have a fiddle, see what route it comes up with.
Has everyone got a proper gearbox this time or are my toys going to have to come out of the pram when the damn thing won't stay in the gear I want :D :D

It'll stay in the gear you put it in if you don't press the kickdown switch on the end of the throttle. Though it will shift up right before the redline and it is limited to 155 plus whatever the developer wanted to add that day.

Lease car? Otherwise I wouldn't want to red line a brand new car. Unless it's a Ferrari or whatever that's already had its engine run-in at the factory.

New stuff is fine as long as you don't do it cold.</no_source_at_all>
well i got 100miles flat and since I drive flat 70mph that will take 2 hours or more lol
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Coming from the north. Can meet at the services if you high roller whips arent embarrassed to roll with me.
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