OcUK & Cutters Rolling Road Day 19 @ Powerstation (Tewksbury) - Saturday April 25th 2015!!

LSD is still breaking in, apologies for the clunking and chatter that will undoubtedly be present! :D

It should be a lot more broken in by then, as I've already done 200miles on it (I did the full figure of 8 and oil change break in don't worry).
Lease car? Otherwise I wouldn't want to red line a brand new car. Unless it's a Ferrari or whatever that's already had its engine run-in at the factory.

No, not a lease car. I'll probably have put a few more miles on it by then, and I doubt one quick run up to the red line with a warm engine after a few hundred miles will do much harm.

Sadly not a Ferrari, but an M135i.
I'll bring krispy kremes! :D

That's worth 10bhp
Has everyone got a proper gearbox this time or are my toys going to have to come out of the pram when the damn thing won't stay in the gear I want :D :D
Need a obligatory roads closed pizza boy find another way home.

Road is no longer closed, they have finished digging up the bridge so that's open again. We just have four way traffic lights to contend with at the final mini roundabout into our trading estate.
Nothing too dramatic for a Saturday morning. Most of Northway will still be in bed :D
I wasn't being serious of course! There's no need to put yourself into bother over it :)
Has everyone got a proper gearbox this time or are my toys going to have to come out of the pram when the damn thing won't stay in the gear I want :D :D

Mine's got the ZF 8 speed auto box...I think it can be forced to hold a gear by sticking it in sport mode and manually shifting.
That's OK. :)
I think people would appreciate the effort / something to eat though :D
Unless you are prepared to walk 10 mins offsite round to the BP/M&S or Starbucks, there isn't really anything else available and it's going to be a longer day than normal as well.
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