The above picture doesn't look to satisfying. But what is realistically going to happen if you leave this suspected problem? It'll only get a louder (if it does at all). If it does, then proceed to strip down, but I wouldn't go blazing in with a strip down if it's just light tapping, a lot of bmw's do this especially at cold.
Gibbo do you have the results for the day?
If that's got sparkle bits in the oil a week on, I certainly would not want to carry on using it!
As Traffic Warden says, plenty of BMW's make a racket from cold, my 530 certainly isn't silent when listened to close up, but it's not dropping swarf though....
No problem fella, yea it is a bit manic during the day I'm afraid.
Appreciated the hello and hand shake.
Gibbo, the teltale signs are usually better viewed in the bottom of the sump but as seen in the filter already, it doesn't bode well.
Lets hope we caught it early.
I got them all, if someone would be happy to post them all up would be great as I am a little pre-occupied with pulling an M3 to bits.....
Whoever wants to do it, drop me your email as a reply and I shall email you the graphs.
Gibbo I have message you with the pas ride video link just for ref
The drive to the pub was at totally sensible speeds and nobody revved beyond 3krpm, fact.