OcUK Dadsnet thread

I'm much less concerned about myself - I don't mind not sleeping the whole weekend - it's more that it's the complete opposite of everything we've done so far. Don't mind jumping in at the deep end, just want to make sure the kid is OK.
First time solo is always hard; my boy was hard enough and we get on really well. His little sister on the other hand was totally attached to her mum so that was interesting.

It's something you're going to have to do sooner or later. Don't worry about your son, kids are extraordinarily resilient and a night away from mum will be stressful for him at the time but he'll forget about it pretty much immediately.

Try to enjoy the one-on-one time as much as you can and if he gets upset don't let it go to your head. Just soothe and distract and be as zen as you can!

EDIT: and just to echo the previous advice; pushchair or car seat are always a winner!
I'm much less concerned about myself - I don't mind not sleeping the whole weekend - it's more that it's the complete opposite of everything we've done so far. Don't mind jumping in at the deep end, just want to make sure the kid is OK.

It will be good for all of you for those very reasons, even if it is a bit difficult.
or put him in the car seat and go for a drive until he falls asleep
I have really happy memories of doing this with mine.
Don't drive/no car - but the pushchair will be fine. Got a mate to help out during the day. My wife might in fact come back in the small hours of the morning, as the day out for her is more important than sleeping over. She just wants a break, although I've told her I'd almost prefer her to stay away for 24 hours.

Thanks for the advice, all!
Don't drive/no car - but the pushchair will be fine. Got a mate to help out during the day. My wife might in fact come back in the small hours of the morning, as the day out for her is more important than sleeping over. She just wants a break, although I've told her I'd almost prefer her to stay away for 24 hours.

Thanks for the advice, all!

Ah, thats a shame, the night drives were the best!

Honestly, do what you feel, but think about sticking with you will be okay, its good for everyone in the long run for her not to be there sometimes.
For those with newborns, I really recommend an app called wonder weeks, wifey has had this with both our babies and it really helped us identify when they were going through clingy periods, developmental changes etc. It keeps you one step ahead of the baby :)
Off to our first NCT class in the next couple of days, interested to see if anyone has any advice or tips to get the most out of it?
Soo my 2 year old has just beaten me up with a flying headbutt. Que a split lip :D

Can wait to explain at work how a 2 foot tall toddler beat up a 6 foot 4, 220lb adult.

Expect the abuse tomorrow to be hilarious
Your lucky, everytime my son hits me, normally by accident) it is square in the nuts, the last time he had a bit more momentum and I almost had to kneel on the floor. I probably looked very strange clutching my balls in angony while we were waiting for my wife's mum and dad near the beach while on holiday lol. I did also get a split lip from him twirling his shoes around so he got a smack and a telling off for that.
Proud uncle moment: my nephew got straight As in his exams.

Terrified uncle moment: he's just turned 17; he will be wanting to learn to drive.
Well, i have news! Everyone else in our respective families knows and i guess I'll make it official here. My wife is 6 weeks pregnant with our first child together!

It's such an odd feeling. Like nothing really changed because it's so early, almost as if it's not real. The wife doesn't really feel any different apart from feeling a little warmer in general. We're enjoying the news for now, the first scan is in 12 weeks and i guess it'll hit the both of us when we see the ultrasound.
Off to our first NCT class in the next couple of days, interested to see if anyone has any advice or tips to get the most out of it?

We've just finished the 5 sessions, really enjoyed them tbh and learned a lot. Was great for the wife to meet local mums who are all expecting at the same time so kind of creates that support network... The free tea and biscuits were a bonus.
Potentially have my 4.5 months old son on my own for 30 hours this weekend. My wife hasn't had a night off from him (or more than 3 hours sleep at a time) since he was born, and she's been building up to this hen do with a few of her friends who've also got young kids.

He's breastfed and loves it. We've been trying to get him on to bottle breast milk and also formula too, and whilst he's suspicious of it he only really lets my wife feed him. Kicks off if anyone else does. Goes absolutely mental in the night if he wakes up and the boob is there waiting for him (or his mum bottle feeding him).

Our plan was to take him to my parents and the three of us look after him for the weekend, but one of my parents is unwell and that plan is now out the window. I'm thinking about looking after him solo over the weekend, but my wife is really quite anxious about it. She's not looked after him for the night whilst alone in the flat - there's always been someone else there - so for the first time one of us is flying solo she is nervous about it being me!

There needs to come a time where I can look after him on his own.

Is she going to Paris??

There is a thread on mumsnet..... Looks like your wife....

Your lucky, everytime my son hits me, normally by accident) it is square in the nuts, the last time he had a bit more momentum and I almost had to kneel on the floor. I probably looked very strange clutching my balls in angony while we were waiting for my wife's mum and dad near the beach while on holiday lol. I did also get a split lip from him twirling his shoes around so he got a smack and a telling off for that.
You smacked him for hitting you by mistake? Nice
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