Great parenting!
I don't think judging him is necessary.
Great parenting!
Is she going to Paris??
There is a thread on mumsnet..... Looks like your wife...."Hamleys+demo+lady+left+DD6+in+tears+-+AIBU?"
Did you not fancy just leaving him in the crib until he fell asleep. The wife constantly cuddled ours to fall asleep so much so that he wouldn't fall asleep without that routine.Ha! Not us fortunately.
The day on Saturday went well. A mate came round and then we went out to a bar/restaurant near me - it's massive and almost always empty, so was a good place for the kid to sleep for a few hours. Then when we got home and I tried to get him into bed, all hell broke loose. Non-stop screaming and hyperventilating, thrashing around. He normally goes down for 7pm-7.30pm, but I didn't manage to get him to sleep until almost 9pm and he refused to sleep in his crib/sleepyhead. I had to cradle him for 3 hours!
My wife ended up coming home a few hours early, which really upset her but I think she had a good day off for the most part. He's a baby and they're difficult to control.
The worst part was that I had a work thing on Thursday afternoon, I told my wife I'd be home between 7pm and 9pm. But I completely lost the plot, got the most drunk I've been in years and was very ill overnight and Friday... obviously this set quite a negative tone as we progressed into my solo day on Saturday.
Did you not fancy just leaving him in the crib until he fell asleep. The wife constantly cuddled ours to fall asleep so much so that he wouldn't fall asleep without that routine.
3 or 4v nights of just leaving him on his own max 10 minutes crying andv day 5 he got it and now this to bed awake and falls asleep on his own.
I know some don't like leaving them crying totally understandable.
I don't think judging him is necessary.
Congrats broWell, i have news! Everyone else in our respective families knows and i guess I'll make it official here. My wife is 6 weeks pregnant with our first child together!
It's such an odd feeling. Like nothing really changed because it's so early, almost as if it's not real. The wife doesn't really feel any different apart from feeling a little warmer in general. We're enjoying the news for now, the first scan is in 12 weeks and i guess it'll hit the both of us when we see the ultrasound.
Not judging but there are plenty of ways to work towards this without the crying, everyone is different on this one but only do it if you are both 100% for it.Did you not fancy just leaving him in the crib until he fell asleep. The wife constantly cuddled ours to fall asleep so much so that he wouldn't fall asleep without that routine.
3 or 4v nights of just leaving him on his own max 10 minutes crying andv day 5 he got it and now this to bed awake and falls asleep on his own.
I know some don't like leaving them crying totally understandable.
You say that from a bias point of view, as you also stated previously that you hit your child.
"When George does something he's not supposed to he gets a smack on his hand. Seems to work so far as he gets older we will most likely change to taking things away from him as punishment."
IMO, encourages incorrect behavior. What is to stop them thinking its OK to hit another child at nursery/school if they do something they do not like?
Regarding controlled crying... whatever works, but I found the pick-up put down method really worked. Managed to re-program my son within a couple of weeks, no crying, no distress, just lots of effort and consistency on mine and my wife's part.
Your still judging. You think it teaches incorrect behaviour. I don't.
He's good as gold with other children we also teach him to share which he does. If another child takes a toy George just reaches out and asks for it.
It's funny actually if I hold my hand out towards him and he has hold of something he passes it. That includes his dummy.
He will then almost immediately ask for it back.
Yes, finding the balance is key and adapting it to your situation. In those half sleep times I'd go back into the room ans "sshhh"/pat a couple times so he knew I was still around, then repeat "close your eyes and go to sleep" and leave the room. Go Would do that a million times but consistency was the keyI initially tried the pick up out down way, but found that he was often half asleep at the point and so picking him up woke him up fully.
Your still judging. You think it teaches incorrect behaviour. I don't.
You say that from a bias point of view, as you also stated previously that you hit your child.
"When George does something he's not supposed to he gets a smack on his hand. Seems to work so far as he gets older we will most likely change to taking things away from him as punishment."
IMO, encourages incorrect behavior. What is to stop them thinking its OK to hit another child at nursery/school if they do something they do not like?
This is something I'm still confused by. The no smacking/physical punishment is a pretty new concept in reality and the effect it has on children is unproven. I was smacked as a child, I managed to grow up without hitting kids at school, or having issues later in life. I don't condone beatings, but a light smack to indicate that something is unacceptable (when reasoning/taking liberties away) is not working - leads to a much better disciplined child IMO.
This is something I'm still confused by. The no smacking/physical punishment is a pretty new concept in reality and the effect it has on children is unproven. I was smacked as a child, I managed to grow up without hitting kids at school, or having issues later in life. I don't condone beatings, but a light smack to indicate that something is unacceptable (when reasoning/taking liberties away) is not working - leads to a much better disciplined child IMO.
This is something I'm still confused by. The no smacking/physical punishment is a pretty new concept in reality and the effect it has on children is unproven. I was smacked as a child, I managed to grow up without hitting kids at school, or having issues later in life. I don't condone beatings, but a light smack to indicate that something is unacceptable (when reasoning/taking liberties away) is not working - leads to a much better disciplined child IMO.
Well, i have news! Everyone else in our respective families knows and i guess I'll make it official here. My wife is 6 weeks pregnant with our first child together!
It's such an odd feeling. Like nothing really changed because it's so early, almost as if it's not real. The wife doesn't really feel any different apart from feeling a little warmer in general. We're enjoying the news for now, the first scan is in 12 weeks and i guess it'll hit the both of us when we see the ultrasound.
We've just finished the 5 sessions, really enjoyed them tbh and learned a lot. Was great for the wife to meet local mums who are all expecting at the same time so kind of creates that support network... The free tea and biscuits were a bonus.