OcUK Dadsnet thread

We're going through the no nappy nights at moment. For every 1 dry night there are 3 or 4 wet ones. It's taking time to get him through it. He's also getting up every 5 minutes at bed time saying he needs a wee when he clearly doesn't.
I would say hes not ready yet then. Or you could do what we do, i lift the boy at around 9pm every night and thats enough for him to sleep through without accidents. He goes to bed at 7pm and it 5 almost 6.
Our first daughter had Aspergers too, which runs in the family. Lucky for her, this made raising her well (ie. as an all-rounder) easy.

One remaining piece of business is to train her how to turn her Aspergers off for a few days, so she can fully experience how other people think quite clearly. We only discovered this by chance a few years ago - it provides a useful cognitive holiday.
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Yep. That was our reaction too. We thought the nurse was mad or an abuser. Traumatic - but only for the parents. Heh, that was over 20 years ago and I'm still not over it. But it worked. Looking at it from an engineering perspective, the control plane is in the specific sequence logic, not the concurrent side-effect emotion.
Yeah, no. I don't think that method will fly today. Unless you're in Russia, of course. (Baby Swinging)
We bought ours the VTEC kiddy camera. Like all kids toys, it got used for 2 days then totally forgotten about.

If you have an old mobile phone, let her use that instead. The pictures will be 100x better too

This. We used an old iPod which has a camera, they're very cheap plus she's happy with the music and just having something that looks like a phone even though it isn't.
mjt, yep I do wonder if they still practice it in Australia today. You can perhaps understand why they gave us no warning, marched us out of the room (away from baby) immediately and took a stern attitude that refused to acknowledge our protective concern. If we'd known in advance what was going to happen it never would have.
Sadly we don't have any old phones she can use but @andy_mk3 that makes me think about ipod Touch. Was the camera on these any good? I will ask my brother tomorrow on the off chance he kept his from years ago. Also what kind of price for what gen is considered decent?

@Minstadave @ci_newman I'm thinking it could be an great way for her to just take photos while we are out walking along the canal, or up seeing the horses. Can you put straps on these? And what about storage? What can you put in them?
After 6 months of sleepless nights of baby crying with our first daughter, we asked the local nursing service / new mothers clinic. They solved the problem in about 15 mins by smacking the baby in a particular way about 3 times each time, twice in the session. I did the second smacking under supervision.

Im not sure if it the method applies / can be done the same way for baby boys - it required 3 firm smacks on the nappy between the legs (a sort of shunting / elevator coming to a firm jolting stop 'push smack') - then walking away and listening to the baby's cries ( without doing anything anything for some minutes) for a particular pattern of crying.

We were scorned for letting things go on so long. Ah, we'd tried a lot of things till that point.
The technique wasn't in the 2 baby books we owned.
Heh, that was over 20 years ago and I'm still not over it. But it worked.
Ah! Bloody hell man that scared me thinking people still teach that! Teaching that method to the wrong parent and it's a path to abuse.
George has had diarrhea for about 5 days now, bum so sore it's bleeding.
Send some poo off for tests and some cream prescribed for now. Hope it doesn't go on much longer or he will be losing weight again.
Mertanium what they prescribed? Will fix that up in no time, then just stick with water and cotton wool instead of wipes and always put on nappy cream until it passes :)

Edit: just in case anyone didn't know always make sure it's dry properly before you put on the nappy cream :)
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Well time to post in this thread......

Expecting first child in January. I'm utterly useless with children, not a fan at all but i know the wife always wanted children. After a miscarriage last year (eptopic, lost 1 tube) touch wood all goes fine this time around.

She has got an Qashqai. Any recommendations for car seats/travel systems? Been looking at Joie stuff, dont seem too expensive and decent quality.

Any other advise/lists anyone can point me in the direction off would be great......i'm the grinch when it comes to children and really have not got a clue lol
Has anyone else's kids started doing PC work? My daughter starts year 1 next month, and they've sent a lexiacore login. She's pretty good at it, however my mouse is a tad big, has anyone got any recommendations on a smaller, child sized one? Cheers
Logitech M185
Small enough for my daughters hands, battery lasts for ever. Space for the usb dongle inside so it doesn't get separated from it when I'm using my gaming mouse.
Well time to post in this thread......

Expecting first child in January. I'm utterly useless with children, not a fan at all but i know the wife always wanted children. After a miscarriage last year (eptopic, lost 1 tube) touch wood all goes fine this time around.

She has got an Qashqai. Any recommendations for car seats/travel systems? Been looking at Joie stuff, dont seem too expensive and decent quality.

Any other advise/lists anyone can point me in the direction off would be great......i'm the grinch when it comes to children and really have not got a clue lol
Congrats/commiserations I guess haha.

Joie stuff is decent. We've got the full on Bugaboo Donkey whatever dual thingy for our 2, and then the Joie double randomly. Much easier, smaller, does the same job, can fold flat. You can buy any pram cocoon type accessory for any pram so you make your own as comfy as you want. Don't waste money on flash brands, trust me.

Kids just need love, that's all the advice you need. #cheesymofo
The other half is 33 weeks tomorrow and i'm now ****ing myself lol. In *probably* less than 2 months, we're going to have a tiny human to look after... feels very surreal.
In 4 months it'll feel like he was always there. Trust, chill. Enjoy these last couple months without a baby - go cinema, go dancing, go for a late evening meal out with a stop over in a city centre hotel for the night... because it'll be a looooonnnnggggg time before you can do it again haha :D

I didn't get that, my first surprised us all at 27 weeks - so book the cinema now ;)
Mertanium what they prescribed? Will fix that up in no time, then just stick with water and cotton wool instead of wipes and always put on nappy cream until it passes :)

Edit: just in case anyone didn't know always make sure it's dry properly before you put on the nappy cream :)

He's got some anti-fungal cream and a bottle to scoop a sample into to.
When did you guys introduce kids to videogames (if at all)? Mines 3 and a half. Recently I thought it would be fun to see if he could understand a basic game like Mario on my old GBA. It was good fun watching him laugh every time he made him jump etc.

Let him play for 5 mins here and there recently and hes become a bit hooked so have stopped doing it now as I feel it may be too soon? He was good to start with, just 5 minutes then we have to turn it off we would say until the last time he said no, and ran off with it lol. So I turned it off, he let out a big sigh and threw it down on the sofa :/ so yeah, nipping that in the bud for now
When did you guys introduce kids to videogames (if at all)? Mines 3 and a half. Recently I thought it would be fun to see if he could understand a basic game like Mario on my old GBA. It was good fun watching him laugh every time he made him jump etc.

Let him play for 5 mins here and there recently and hes become a bit hooked so have stopped doing it now as I feel it may be too soon? He was good to start with, just 5 minutes then we have to turn it off we would say until the last time he said no, and ran off with it lol. So I turned it off, he let out a big sigh and threw it down on the sofa :/ so yeah, nipping that in the bud for now

Anything is fine, in moderation.

My 4 y/o and 7 y/o both play on our Nintendo Switch (Mariokart, Lego games etc). The eldest uses my xbox for Guitar Hero too.

As with anything electronic, TV, tablets etc, just moderate the time he has with it
Anything is fine in moderation yes, however use common sense as starting them too young on something which produces such a dopine hit (the same as TV etc.) and it could have a greater effect.

I have no expertise on this subject... here comes the necessary "but" ... HOWEVER, I personally think TV and video games are a waste of their time at this age and can only really stifle their development, I think they can learn more playing with mum and dad than plonked in front of the TV that's for sure. When they're older and enjoy problem solving etc then it might be a better time to introduce gaming - it might nurture at that point rather than hinder.

As always though, I've no idea what I'm on about and each to there own.

Anyways, my eldest turns 2 tomorrow so time for Dada Gorilla to sign off and figure it all out.
Anything is fine in moderation yes, however use common sense as starting them too young on something which produces such a dopine hit (the same as TV etc.) and it could have a greater effect.

I have no expertise on this subject... here comes the necessary "but" ... HOWEVER, I personally think TV and video games are a waste of their time at this age and can only really stifle their development, I think they can learn more playing with mum and dad than plonked in front of the TV that's for sure. When they're older and enjoy problem solving etc then it might be a better time to introduce gaming - it might nurture at that point rather than hinder.

As always though, I've no idea what I'm on about and each to there own.

Anyways, my eldest turns 2 tomorrow so time for Dada Gorilla to sign off and figure it all out.

I understand your way of thinking for sure, don't get me wrong I'm not too keen on too much exposure to this stuff just yet either but as others have said moderation is key like with anything I guess.

Was more about just seeing if he would "get it" yet and unfortunately he did :D

Happy birthday for your little one today ;)
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