OcUK Dadsnet thread

Our 9 month old gets sky news all day lol.

Video / Computer Games? Ours played from age 4.5 - starting with Peter and the Wolf (ibm) and v.basic arithmetic prog with reward mazes and selectable animations. The ultimate ChuChu - girls platform shooter - and from then on a blizzard of Nintendo DS and free Gamemaker games till about 10 y.o.

There wasn't much game playing after that due to being in school orchestras and choirs, as well as piano, flute and violin lessons.
Our 9 month old gets sky news all day lol.
At least they'll know whats going on in the world. Would be quite funny if they're first word is brexit:D. We chill out with a bit of tv on a night, my kids have had a play on lego games and my son (3 next month) is happy just to shoot stuff, but my daughter (5)will move the character around and control them (semi)properly. I've also got her hooked on sonic mania lol. I've got the snes mini on order for them for a christmas treat.
At least they'll know whats going on in the world. Would be quite funny if they're first word is brexit:D. We chill out with a bit of tv on a night, my kids have had a play on lego games and my son (3 next month) is happy just to shoot stuff, but my daughter (5)will move the character around and control them (semi)properly. I've also got her hooked on sonic mania lol. I've got the snes mini on order for them for a christmas treat.
The Mrs works from home so the TV is usually on. We're just not putting rubbish cartoons on for him and he soon loses interest in the boring news :D

As for actual kids TV, when we want to put something on for him it's these vids... You guys with older kids though, it must be a quandary, knowing what is best to expose them too though.

We've found these vids have definitely helped with his development a little.
As a single pappy-joe with custody, I had to wield the whip and be kind. For major approach I settled on playing 'sergeant major'. For education, I ensured they learnt the trivium (logic, math, music) plus engineering. Computer games and monopoly provided sanity, and scholarships the rest.
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Overstayed, and Aspergers was disclosed. Someone (another expat) told me he found more interesting posts about brexit on this forum than he saw elsewhere. Thats all I expected to see, wrongly. I saw you have a community here, much as I saw existed and had participated in for many years, in the days before facebook. But my visit, I am aware, may be off-topic, to you.

In here, in this thread, I am an older father in his 50's. Most of you are deeper in the everyday fray. I can't contribute much for that reason (the nappy days etc being long gone), hence reminisced, but not entirely irrelevant. I therefore butt out, taking the hint, on relevance grounds.
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Overstayed, and Aspergers was disclosed. Someone (another expat) told me he found more interesting posts about brexit on this forum than he saw elsewhere. Thats all I expected to see, wrongly. I saw you have a community here, much as I saw existed and had participated in for many years, in the days before facebook. But my visit, I am aware, may be off-topic, to you.
Well welcome aboard. The brexit thread offers much hilarity, enjoy!
Thanks. I added another para to my post above. I'll read but not post more in this thread, other's posts are much more practical than mine, more on point. I discuss brexit with my kids - we cant believe reports on oz tv that there's talk of breaking up the uk too. My daughters are considering a visit.
Anyone have any experience with colic/winding issues? Not sure if he has it but our 3 week old, in the evening, gets very uncomfortable. Kicking, red faced and quite upset. Not usual hunger/tired cry.
Anyone have any experience with colic/winding issues? Not sure if he has it but our 3 week old, in the evening, gets very uncomfortable. Kicking, red faced and quite upset. Not usual hunger/tired cry.

We used Infacol with both our kids :) Seemed to work quite well. You need to give it a few days to work though, dont expect results overnight!
We used Infacol with both our kids :) Seemed to work quite well. You need to give it a few days to work though, dont expect results overnight!

That's the stuff sorry the name escaped me. I dont want to give him anything if he doesn't need it but surely it's worth a try, no harm if it's not the issue. I think we used it with our first for a bit too. How long did you then use it for? I guess until it stops
Anyone have any experience with colic/winding issues? Not sure if he has it but our 3 week old, in the evening, gets very uncomfortable. Kicking, red faced and quite upset. Not usual hunger/tired cry.
Breast fed? If all the default meds don't work (your pharmacy will tell you the exact one for the symptoms) then Mummys diet plays a big part. See if giving up dairy for a week helps.

To cope with the baby, keep their necks clean and dry, lots of fresh Muslims (looooool) and slightly raise their head at night by putting a thinly folded towel under the mattress. Do your standard SIDS check of course.

Edit: if they're so doing a little gurggly growl then that's a sign of reflux, told your midwife lady or whatever person it is now?
That's the stuff sorry the name escaped me. I dont want to give him anything if he doesn't need it but surely it's worth a try, no harm if it's not the issue. I think we used it with our first for a bit too. How long did you then use it for? I guess until it stops

We used it for at least 6 months on every bottle feed, perhaps we could have stopped sooner but we didn't want to risk it :D

You're right, there should be no harm in trying it. On top of that, try doing baby massage in the evening too to try and help move any trapped wind in his tummy (we found the bicycle movements helped a lot).

Actually, this Youtube video covers exactly what we did for both of ours:


We found the exercise @ 1:10min and 1:20min to be the most effective but go through the whole range of exercises
Final round of jabs today, so Riley is now sprawled on the sofa in a makeshift tent watching Peppa pig with a fever feeling sorry for herself. Mum has conveniently buggered off to visit a friend while I handle poorly bean

Has anyone had to endure their baby refusing to feed themselves? Our youngest is 14 months now and has never put a toy in their mouth let alone food. Finger food, he will just look at it, pick it up and hand it to us to feed him or throw it on the floor. It's pretty bizarre but normal according to health visitors. It's pretty frustrating when time is limited!

He does at least pick up his bottle and drink that.
Has anyone had to endure their baby refusing to feed themselves? Our youngest is 14 months now and has never put a toy in their mouth let alone food. Finger food, he will just look at it, pick it up and hand it to us to feed him or throw it on the floor. It's pretty bizarre but normal according to health visitors. It's pretty frustrating when time is limited!

He does at least pick up his bottle and drink that.

Never had that issue with either of mine - in fact I had the opposite problem that they refused to be spoon fed. Surely a bowl of raspberries would be gobbled up?
Anyone have any experience with colic/winding issues? Not sure if he has it but our 3 week old, in the evening, gets very uncomfortable. Kicking, red faced and quite upset. Not usual hunger/tired cry.

Is he on formula or breastmilk?

If formula is he passing regularly?
If on formula, are you giving him a bit of sterilized water between meals to help him pass?
Never had that issue with either of mine - in fact I had the opposite problem that they refused to be spoon fed. Surely a bowl of raspberries would be gobbled up?

My first two were never an issue neither. This one just is mega lazy. The minute I open some kind of chocolate he gets so excited, I put the chocolate in front of him to pick up and put in his mouth, no chance!

Same with raspberries, he loves them but would rather squash them and throw them away than feed them himself!
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