Main things / priorities for me at the moment is fresh meat, or frozen breaded if i don't have time. Fresh veg, either steamed or roasted, mashed potato (Not Sweet - Goes straight through for some reason!) Good breakfast cereal low in sugar followed by toast or scrambled eggs. Trying to get them eating as healthy as possible. Have been told that diet is the key to happy kids so working with that right now.
Any expectant dad's here?
Ours is due in around 6 weeks. Starting to do baby shopping now.... What do your lists look like?
8 weeks away for me. Getting most things ready just now but getting more nervous by the day.
handiest thing that we bought was the perfect prep machine, that thing was a god send. Seems to hold its value as well, we bought for 60 and sold it on last week for 40, will happily just buy again come the next one![]()
Don't flatter yourself on the size of your house. Just use your ears. More junk to spend your money on that you don't need.
Need some advice, if any possible! lol
My daughter is 21months tomorrow, she's always been an iffy sleeper tbh. But last few months we've been able to put her to bed round 7-7:30 at night. We put her in her cot when she's sleepy and just walk out. She then sleeps through till round 6-7am.
Now we are into week 3, and this lovely sleep pattern has gone haywire! She going down later now, round 7:30-8 (not a problem) but we can no longer leave her to drift off in cot, we have to stay by her side till she nods off otherwise she creates holy hell! And this sleeping through until the morning has gone as well. She now wakes 2:30-3am every morning and is taking easily at mos 3 hours to go back to sleep. We've tried things to get her back off, food/warm milk, letting her sleep in our bed and nothing seems to help her drift off fairly quick etc.
So im looking for advice, does anyone have anything we could try, as now the lack of sleep for both of us is really getting to us.
Sounds exactly like ours...she just turned 2.5 and think we have found the solution...a new big girl bed!
We transitioned little one into a cot bed around a similar age but was still not sleeping through and in the end just gave up and let her sleep in with us. Been looking around for beds and in the end purchased a silent night kids divan.
Think we have had the bed for around 2 weeks now, the results: 100% success of drifting off and sleeping all the way through till around 4.30am before I go get her. Last night she slept all the way through till 5.45am this morning.
Maybe worth a try? With bed guards she should be ok?
Mrs Tosno, got a positive pregnancy test this weekend, I hope the 2nd will be a girl, but you know being so Alpha, it will probably be another boy.
On the bright side, if you kept clothes and toys then if it is another boy then you won't need to buy too much.
We kept all of our first sons clothes and toys (he's only 2 so hardly kept them for long) and so when our second son came along then he already had pretty much everything he needed.
Don't worry, my two girls did the same, albeit with their bums in the air, and they had no issues and still sleep the same to this dayWe're debating when to put ours in her own room, as she is now 6 months (gonna be trying solid food soon). Our main concern is that she has started rolling onto her belly and hasn't yet got the strength to roll back over. So she just sticks her face down into the blanket.
I've fallen out with family who continuously force feed our kids sugar and crap. If I leave them with them I find out they've been basically forced to drink fizzy drinks, eat sweets or food that's just basically sugar and carbohydrates and then packed off with even more sweets as they leave.
I'm seen as the ogre when I complain.
Don't whatever you do associate sugar with reward.
Don't worry, my two girls did the same, albeit with their bums in the air, and they had no issues and still sleep the same to this day![]()
Don't worry, my two girls did the same, albeit with their bums in the air, and they had no issues and still sleep the same to this day![]()
Haha, alright that's good to hear. Ours isn't a fan of lying on her stomach yet. She just gets that way before she remembers that fact.