OcUK Dadsnet thread

You are not alone :) My 5 year old is like this as well. Loud is the worst as well, always shouting doesn't have a clue what normal talking is to be fair. It's harder when he is not at school due to illness or self isolation as it is at the moment. We find school and routine calms him down a lot.
Anyone had their child's Nativity play this year? We attended our daughters last night. While I'm more than happy to be there and her know we was there for support, we couldn't see most of it due to the volume of people and it being in the main hall, children mostly on the floor and only a small section has a stage where you might see something. This would have been our first chance to see her in a play as last year it was recorded. Unless you're lucky enough to get a seat on the front row or just behind, chances are you won't see much.

It was an evening performance so we first had to drop her off at her classroom, then go line up. Some parents blatantly skipping the queue though and just going to stand with people they know near the front. While it's good for the kids, seems pointless allowing so many parents to go watch.
We had an almost normal Xmas play with a few sensible additions. Limited tickets per family, 2 shows to keep numbers manageable, chairs in pairs, spaced out as best as possible.

The queue skipping/seat saving is pretty standard, people are muppets. Our first nativity was 2 years ago, parents were asked to come and help get their kids dressed before the show. Noticed a load of parents dropping their kids at the door and thought how sad, they must not be able to come to the show. Went round to the church and they're all sat on the front row with all the grandparents. Always the same people everytime since.
Reagrding that bug, all our house has it, me, wife and twin boys. Nasty as F. Like the flu and the squirts all wrapped into one nasty package :(
Anyone else finding they're getting annoyed at the kids more often? Mine are 7 and 5 and my Mrs bought them some cheap lighsabers yesterday. One of them broke one of them already (not sure which as can't get a clear story) but and the mrs seem to be telling them off a lot more atm.
Anyone else finding they're getting annoyed at the kids more often? Mine are 7 and 5 and my Mrs bought them some cheap lighsabers yesterday. One of them broke one of them already (not sure which as can't get a clear story) but and the mrs seem to be telling them off a lot more atm.

They are at the age now where they will be trying to establish / find their boundaries :) The key is consistency and always being on the same page as your partner.

Also, follow through with threats - but as a counter proposal, never threaten something you're not prepared to follow through with (for example don't threaten to "cancel Christmas") because they are smart enough to see through hollow threats.
Anyone else finding they're getting annoyed at the kids more often? Mine are 7 and 5 and my Mrs bought them some cheap lighsabers yesterday. One of them broke one of them already (not sure which as can't get a clear story) but and the mrs seem to be telling them off a lot more atm.
My missus also seems to be shouting at the kids a lot more too. My 8 year old is pretty good 90% of the time but my 4 year old is pretty much uncontrollable. Always shouting, running about or simply not listening to you or doing as he is told.

Parenting and keeping the wife happy seems to be a full time job atm. She even sarcastically told me that "it must be nice to have a day off" tomorrow as I'm done with work now (self employed) and the kids are at their nans. I've barely had any time off this last 2 years and also been building her a studio in the back garden for the last several weekends. She also has Mondays and Fridays off work but choses to work a second job doing her hobby making blinds and curtains.

I couldn't hold my tongue as you can imagine which started a row and ended with her back tracking and saying she didn't mean it like that. I literally think my head might explode one day (or my heart). I couldn't do anymore.
My missus also seems to be shouting at the kids a lot more too. My 8 year old is pretty good 90% of the time but my 4 year old is pretty much uncontrollable. Always shouting, running about or simply not listening to you or doing as he is told.

Parenting and keeping the wife happy seems to be a full time job atm. She even sarcastically told me that "it must be nice to have a day off" tomorrow as I'm done with work now (self employed) and the kids are at their nans. I've barely had any time off this last 2 years and also been building her a studio in the back garden for the last several weekends. She also has Mondays and Fridays off work but choses to work a second job doing her hobby making blinds and curtains.

I couldn't hold my tongue as you can imagine which started a row and ended with her back tracking and saying she didn't mean it like that. I literally think my head might explode one day (or my heart). I couldn't do anymore.
Oh I constantly get that. I was off today with the kids and she gave me stick about the kids leaving a mess in the play room and it's so urgent that it needed to be tidied up as soon as she got in, then started telling me it's never like that when she's if and I'm at work:rolleyes:.
The new Tamiya TD4 Super Avante buggy

She's only 5 months old though, so I guess I'll have to build it and run for at least 5 years or so at least... :D

Its deffo for him *glances at wife*
Hahahaha you're both shady as **** :cry: R/C wise I've got my 4yo an rc digger and my 2yo an rc Paw Patrol police car... I'm now finding out I'm doing it completely wrong!:cry:

Ps5...oh wait the mrs has already worked out that's for me:p. Got them a tablet each and a load of other stuff.
Oooh educational tablet or the normal kind? How old are they? (The kids, not the tablet lol)
I'm privileged enough to be given 4 weeks paternity leave. We don't have to take it all in one however it must be in week long increments. My initial feeling was to take it all at the same time but then again I might be fed up of a new born after a few weeks and want to go back to work. :D
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