My other half has hyperemesis, so pregnancy is hell - we weren't even sure if we could manage the second, and unfortunately she had to have a termination a few years ago as the doctors were concerned about possible organ failure (hence an 8 year age gap between ours). I don't think it's something either of us could go through again, so we're definitely done now (snip snip
3 weeks is still very much in that "oh **** WTAF am I doing with this strange creature who I need to keep alive?!" and purely running on adrenaline and hormones stage, particularly with your first. I remember the second day after we took our oldest home just breaking down in tears thinking how the hell am I supposed to live up to this responsibility! (not having slept for 72 hours probably didn't help
He's still alive, turned 11 this year, and isn't roaming the streets in some feral gang, so obviously must be doing something right.
It does get easier. Until they can crawl. Then it gets harder again, since you can't just put them down and expect them to still be in the same place when you turn around 2 seconds later
After around 3-4 it does gradually get easier though, as you can start actually communicating and doing things with them rather than having to just guess what's bothering them. I guess until they become teenagers, which I'm definitely not looking forward to!!
Can absolutely sympathise with the tiredness though, it's currently Easter holidays, our childminder has been off for the week, and mum is working nights, so I've basically been soloing them for the week. Doesn't help that the youngest decided to wake up at midnight last night just as I was going to sleep, and stayed awake till 3am and only went back to sleep when I popped him in the bed with me (so I got woken up being kicked in the back every 5 minutes
Was planning to chill and play a game for a couple of hours tonight after putting them to bed, but haven't been unable to muster up the energy and have just been sat here watching nonsense on Youtube...
Our youngest turned 3 on Tuesday... well - he had his 3rd birthday - he's not actually supposed to be 3 until 17th July! Born at 26 weeks, 850 grams, he's a proper little miracle (absolute heartfelt thanks to the NICU team at Heartlands)! To go from that to where he is now is just crazy - took him and his bro out for a walk yesterday, he walked pretty much the whole 3 miles cross country, up and down hills in the mud and rain.
No I'm not a giant, yes, I do have normal sized hands!