Our daughter was born at 7pm on August 31st last year so she's pretty likely to be the youngest in her year...!Hi all, I don't yet have kids but my wife and I considering trying soon - dumb question but is there a good time of year to have children e.g. To avoid kid being the youngest in school year (i understand that's August 31st in England?) or to gain advantages with childcare?
I would continue working full time, and wife 30 hours with both having flexible jobs, so would need paid for childcare.
I appreciate this is looking like a very practical assesment of the issue, and timing conceiving might not work!
I think others have said it but you can't really plan it, sometimes these things take longer than expected and other times they don't. We weren't really expecting to get pregnant so quickly when we decided to have a kid, we just felt that we wanted to have a baby so stopped playing it safe. We have friends who have tried for 6+ months before getting pregnant, it's different for everyone.