I initially never wanted kids, as I was unsure I could deal with the toddler phase, having witnessed it with my niece and nephew, while my wife said she didn’t want kids because nearly everyone else she knew who went through a pregnancy had horrendous morning sickness, like the whole term, and she said she couldn’t go through that. But, a year after we married “things changed for her”, and she wanted a kid. At times I do wonder whether that was a plan all along, agree to anything, seal the deal then just row back on it down the line, but I suppose as a bloke I’ll never understand the impulse women have that drives them to want kids.
So, after contemplating walking away over the issue, a friend of mine who had never wanted kids himself, with the first arriving by accident and the second by design, talked me round, as in his words that phase I’ve dreaded so much soon passes, and they’re in school before you know it.
However, my daughter has global speech and language and a social skills delay, and displays all the hallmark behaviours of being on the Autistic spectrum. We’re waiting still waiting for an appointment with the specialists who can give us an Autism diagnosis that’ll get us access to the help she’ll need. We’ve already had to wait a year just to see a paediatrician for a referral to just then go on another at least year long waiting list, meanwhile I’m paying £75 each for weekly speech therapy sessions to try and get her some help.
In the meantime, she’s 3 now, but still doesn’t talk. She knows words, songs etc, she has a wide vocabulary, can count, add subtract to a certain extent, she’s undoubtedly intelligent, but when it comes to communicating wants or needs, if she’s hungry, tired, wants something, she just reverts to this shrill ear piercing scream when she feels she can’t get her point across, which is really quickly, and it’s honestly just nerve shredding. It feels at times she’s just an unexploded bomb waiting to go off.
It feels as if there’s no prospect of it ever getting better. My wife and I had the first proper argument of our 5 year marriage the other day because she wants another kid, and I just flat out told her no for the first time over something that’s in my power to give her. The overwhelming probability is that any subsequent kids we have after this one will also be Autistic. I can’t go through this again.
Sorry to read this. Can't be easy. Nothing wrong with admitting regrets. I'm sure more have similar feelings but it's kept quiet.
I hope things get better for you. My step siblings have 2 kids, one has severe autism type symptoms and other mile. It looks hard. Very hard.
I really hope you can trust that your wife didn't "trap" you. But again. I can understand the feelings. I'd think the same if my gf changed her mind.
If another kid isn't what you want. (and again, especially with risk Of autism, I understand).
One of you will have to change your mind, and hopefully not be bitter about it.
Kids are(obviously) one of the binary choices you have in a relationship.
I hope you find a path, what ever it is. Posts like yours should be more talked about. Because partners should not convince/persuade etc each other to change thier minds on something so important, life changing and commited as having kids.
Its impossible to understand impulse to have kids if you don't have it. My gf had it over dog. I knew when she talked about it, it was going to happen. Ie.. Dog or break up. She did have second thoughts when we got him and he was returnable to the rescue. But it was me that said "he's not going back".
In reality, we probably shouldn't have had a dog. She can't cope basically. But there was no way I could tell her not to get him.
She's even admitted that I was probably right. But that instinct, it seems like when someone gets that in their head... Theres no going back.
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