Not as much a 'Dad' question but more a question I feel more comfortable with anonymity talking about with you guys.
My partner and I are hitting the 7 year mark next year. My best friend got engaged today and I'm beyond made up for her but now realise it leaves me and my partner as the only ones not engaged/married and it'll only be so long until it's my turn.
I can't imagine life with anyone else but her and I love the life we've built together yada yada yada but for some reason I am petrified of asking 'the question'. Not through fear of her saying no, not through fear of commitment but for something super trivial and stupid. I am scared of a day where all the focus is on us and I have to do a big speech. It's not in my make up. I know a wedding can be as big or as small as you wish but we both have fairly big families and a massive group of friends.
How did you find your big days and how did you go about asking? I already have thought about the asking part but I need to get the cajones. Though I think realistically I have another year. Maybe