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Anyone else find it stressful to teach or do homework with their kids?
They constantly twitch, look to play, look at the wall or generally act like it the hardest thing in the world without even reading the questions.
Any tips to help them?
Anyone else find it stressful to teach or do homework with their kids?
They constantly twitch, look to play, look at the wall or generally act like it the hardest thing in the world without even reading the questions.
Any tips to help them?

The obvious caveat is that 'all kids are different' but a stressed parent is not a great teacher and a stressed child is not a great learner. Could you change your approach or maybe shake things up in a way that removes that stress factor?
Fair point on either party being stressed.
I have begun breaking it down into smaller sessions.
Having breaks after each subject.
Having a doodle pad rather than doodling all over question books.
Anyone else find it stressful to teach or do homework with their kids?
They constantly twitch, look to play, look at the wall or generally act like it the hardest thing in the world without even reading the questions.
Any tips to help them?
LOL sorry but this is me right now at work. Best of luck, I am impossible to manage
I have the same problem, my 10yo boy is almost impossible to get to do homework, then its minimum effort and little learning. My 7yo girl will sit and try until she either figures it out or knows she needs help - unfortunately I know its down to me as in school both are doing well (effort wise not necissarily performance since Covid) and when my Mum comes up once a week she has no trouble getting them to do all they have, with no complaints........
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I'm feeling old. My niece is into cosplay and she's very talented, making her own costumes. To assist her with her latest creation I gave her some related comics I had and she immediately said, "Oh, these are from the classic series!" :D
I'm feeling old. My niece is into cosplay and she's very talented, making her own costumes. To assist her with her latest creation I gave her some related comics I had and she immediately said, "Oh, these are from the classic series!" :D

See also:

15 YO: Dad, can I borrow your North Face fleece?

Me: I don't know where it is but yes.

15 YO: Oh, I took it already and *mumbling noises*

Me: Have you lost it already?

15 YO: *mumbling noises intensify*

Me: I bought that in 2015.

15 YO: Oh no, vintage

Me: What, no it isn't! The seventies are vintage! 2015 is ... last weekend!

15 YO: I have destroyed history.
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Our boy is nearly 2 and a half. When he was 6 months or so one eyelid was drooping very slightly lower than the other. Not entirely surprising as I have the exact same. The health visitor suggested booking a doctors appointment so we did. He was then referred to the optical unit or whatever it’s called in the hospital for belt and braces but no concerns. He went in at about 14 months months, again no concerns but they wanted to see him again when he’s 2. He finally went in this morning and he was there for well over an hour. Again, no concerns but they put drops in his eyes for an eye test. He was quite ratty by this point, and we could tell he was bored and not really responding like his normal self. After the test they said he needs glasses for 8 weeks. Now I know as a parent it’s easy to say this, but we’ve had absolutely no concerns at all about his sight, the nursery haven’t raised anything either, we wouldn't have even thought about having a test done for him if it weren't for the slightly droopy eyelid. He is clumsy, but what boy his age isn't? We don't really want him to wear glasses if he doesn't need them, but if they do help and correct his vision then of course we do want that. Curious if anyone else has been through similar?
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Our boy is nearly 2 and a half. When he was 6 months or so one eyelid was drooping very slightly lower than the other. Not entirely surprising as I have the exact same. The health visitor suggested booking a doctors appointment so we did. He was then referred to the optical unit or whatever it’s called in the hospital for belt and braces but no concerns. He went in at about 14 months months, again no concerns but they wanted to see him again when he’s 2. He finally went in this morning and he was there for well over an hour. Again, no concerns but they put drops in his eyes for an eye test. He was quite ratty by this point, and we could tell he was bored and not really responding like his normal self. After the test they said he needs glasses for 8 weeks. Now I know as a parent it’s easy to say this, but we’ve had absolutely no concerns at all about his sight, the nursery haven’t raised anything either, we wouldn't have even thought about having a test done for him if it weren't for the slightly droopy eyelid. He is clumsy, but what boy his age isn't? We don't really want him to wear glasses if he doesn't need them, but if they do help and correct his vision then of course we do want that. Curious if anyone else has been through similar?

Children are clumsy, but those with eye sight problems are much clumsier than their peers. If medical professionals are suggesting he needs glasses, there's nothing to lose in trying it. You'll be able to tell quite quickly if it's improved his vision and balance.
Children are clumsy, but those with eye sight problems are much clumsier than their peers. If medical professionals are suggesting he needs glasses, there's nothing to lose in trying it. You'll be able to tell quite quickly if it's improved his vision and balance.
Our issue is the medical professional appeared to have never interacted with a child of his age or had any compassion about the time he'd been in the hospital. Some of the tests were well above his level, and would have been more suited to a 5 year old. As mentioned, he was ratty and bored before the tests. We're going to get a second opinion and get him done privately.
When do children stop being permanently ill when it comes to nursery? I reckon we are currently ******* about £1500/month up the wall between nursery fees and lost earnings for myself due to one or both of the boys being ill and me having to spend time off work to take care of them. Thats ridiculous considering they are only in nursery 2 days a week.

People don't tell you this about having kids. My partner is working 0.8 of her normal hours so there goes 20% of her income. We're paying £125 for a nanny one day and then £170 a day for the other 2 days my partner is at work. Overall I reckon we are about £30k down/wasted purely due to childcare related loss/wastage/reduced work.
Sounds like a nursery issue...I think my kid was off like 2 times in the entire time due to illness. If yours are off all the time than your Nursery might want to reflect on its protocols/hygiene levels.
It'll sound counter-intuitive but the less days they're in nursery, the more likely they are to be sick.

Age also plays a factor, as they get older and the immune system improves they do just get better at dealing with being sick.
Sounds like a nursery issue...I think my kid was off like 2 times in the entire time due to illness. If yours are off all the time than your Nursery might want to reflect on its protocols/hygiene levels.

I think its probably a mixture of things. There are two of them so there is often one of them that is unwell. Up to a point, its up to parents not to send their kids in when they are unwell. The Nursery can't handle everything. We don't send ours in if they are unwell but we have had to go and collect one of them probably at least 10 times in the month they have been there (so 20 days roughly, 2 boys = 40 days worth). I don't really blame the nursery particularly but its just mad.
Since our little one started nursery in Feb I can't remember the last time either her, my wife, me or a combo of all three of us haven't had some sort of snotty lurgy.
There's no a lot you can do when the crawl/toddle around sticking everything and anything in their gobs all the time :o other than tie them to a chair :cry:
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