OcUK Dadsnet thread

6 Jan 2011
It can happen - bad luck, children's immune systems are still developing at nursery age and there can be a succession of illnesses in the group. I remember calling the little ones petri dishes!
Hopefully things will be good for a long while after you get over this bad patch
18 Apr 2006
Since our little one started nursery in Feb I can't remember the last time either her, my wife, me or a combo of all three of us haven't had some sort of snotty lurgy.
There's no a lot you can do when the crawl/toddle around sticking everything and anything in their gobs all the time :o other than tie them to a chair :cry:
Try feeding them anything with loads of raw garlic everyday and tins of baked beans. Certainly for breakfast.

It may not cure anything or even provide antibodies but it may the limit the amount of times that other children interact with them
18 Apr 2006
It can happen - bad luck, children's immune systems are still developing at nursery age and there can be a succession of illnesses in the group. I remember calling the little ones petri dishes!
Hopefully things will be good for a long while after you get over this bad patch
The succession of illnesses (apart from developing immune systems) is caused by inconsiderate parents dropping off kids with snot pouring out of their noses, or coughing with temperatures or with some sort of gastric issues akin to amoebic dysentery and expecting teachers to take of it. Of course they cough, splutter and sneeze over every surface and suck every available toy they missed.
11 Jun 2015
Just panicking out loud. Probably nothing but my partner has started panicking because her period is a week late. She always has these wacky periods that can be anywhere between 4-6 weeks so to my mind it's nothing unusal.

But to her, she is saying she feels similar to how she felt when pregnant with our first. The house has basically been ground zero for germs the last 3 or 4 weeks so I think she's late due to that and other bits of stress but she isn't convinced. Full disclosure; she thought it was the covid vaccine making her late last time - spoiler, it was not.

I'll be back in a few days to confirm if she was right to panic or not :o
9 Apr 2007
Wife was in tears the other day, she found out that George is purposely getting left out of private parties.
Couple of mums were talking about a party she over heard. Turns out George is the only one not invited, she mentioned it to a couple of other parents and turns out it's not the first time, the ones she talked to said they'd wondered why George wasn't at such and such party as everyone else was there.
Weirdly in class the girls party who it is is one of George's closest friends.
No idea why some are leaving him out.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Wife was in tears the other day, she found out that George is purposely getting left out of private parties.
Couple of mums were talking about a party she over heard. Turns out George is the only one not invited, she mentioned it to a couple of other parents and turns out it's not the first time, the ones she talked to said they'd wondered why George wasn't at such and such party as everyone else was there.
Weirdly in class the girls party who it is is one of George's closest friends.
No idea why some are leaving him out.

Its always easy to forget how ****** children can be and how exclusionary they are based on nothing more than perceived popularity. I guess its the same as an adult but you have far more agency just to do something else or find different friends. I always found it ridiculous at school how some people were deemed uncool and excluded. I never found anyone at school to be someone I couldn't hang out with.

I assume you haven't had any explanation. Parents can be super weird as well. Far too many people have no drama in their lives and use their children to manufacture some. Either that or their lack of/or break from a career has left them channelling their competitiveness and neurosis into their children.
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