OcUK Dadsnet thread

I now have the babies hand foot and mouth while she is now fine.

I fully understand why she screamed anytime we tried to get her to eat or drink...
I had this a while back and it wiped me out for a few days. The Mother in law thought it was stress until I showed her the blisters that started forming on my hands and feet lol.

On a side note, one of our two and a half yar old twins is very vocal and speaking in full sentences, whereas the other one is noisy but not constructing sentences and says very simple words. His comprehension of instructions is excellent though and he has an obvious curiosity in how things work. Interesting to see the development difference even though we treat both the same.
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I had this a while back and it wiped me out for a few days. The Mother in law thought it was stress until I showed her the blisters that started forming on my hands and feet lol.

On a side note, one of our two and a half yar old twins is very vocal and speaking in full sentences, whereas the other one is noisy but not constructing sentences and says very simple words. His comprehension of instructions is excellent though and he has an obvious curiosity in how things work. Interesting to see the development difference even though we treat both the same.
Yeah my wife thought it was just being run down from the poor sleep while the little one had it until I showed her the massive ulcer covering one side of my tongue
Unless you are one of the lucky ones. In which case you have to tell everyone that you never had any issues and if you are feeling particularly spiteful you suggest that perhaps its something you did that they aren't that made the difference. Because, you know, you're a better parent than them :p
Only 2 years :p . I reckon my 2 have been ill less than a dozen times combined in 10 years:D.
I think sometimes it's just unlucky, my parents seem to be ill rather frequently but they are over the top with cleanliness so don't know if that's made it worse.
I saw a child eat a leaf off the floor while on holiday, while gross I'm sure it does boost the immune system. Out of interest those that have kids that are sick all the time do you do nursery a lot or not? I wondered if the contact at nursery also boosts the immune system as it's a bit of a Petrie dish compared to being at home.
Out of interest those that have kids that are sick all the time do you do nursery a lot or not? I wondered if the contact at nursery also boosts the immune system as it's a bit of a Petrie dish compared to being at home.

Yeah, our are at nursery 2 days a week, nanny one and my partner takes them to various groups on the other two and we are out and about on the weekends. I think its largely genetics and luck outside of the people that keep everything clinically clean. I am very rarely ill and my partner is much the same. Our boys have been under the weather a lot since starting nursery. The problem is, half the time they are just running a temperature and they send them home. They are fine or perhaps a bit under the weather but they are fine the next day. Thats still a missed day from nursery.

On an unrelated note, the thing I struggle with most with the boys is that things that were previously nice social events are now just tiring, stressful and nothing to look forward to. Had the family BBQ yesterday. We worked out there were 37 of us there with about 18 kids between 17 months and 13 years. Inevitably when you are somewhere with young children, one or more of them gets obsessed with your nippers and wants to stick to them like glue and treat them like a little baby. So now you are looking after your two and the other children who want to play with them while their parents bugger off to have a nice chat with someone else. You're trying to manage your kids emotions being yanked about, trying to explain to the other kids they can't do X with them because they are too little and you seem to end up looking after all the children.

You're knackered from looking after your two and then you end up being daycare for other people children. You don't get to eat until far later than everyone else because you are sorting out both of yours so I'm hungry, grumpy and tired. If you're really lucky, people have eaten most of the food and ignored the fact some people still haven't had a chance to eat. Everyone should have to look after young twins for a few months just to appreciate the faff it is.
Only 2 years :p . I reckon my 2 have been ill less than a dozen times combined in 10 years:D.
I think sometimes it's just unlucky, my parents seem to be ill rather frequently but they are over the top with cleanliness so don't know if that's made it worse.
I saw a child eat a leaf off the floor while on holiday, while gross I'm sure it does boost the immune system. Out of interest those that have kids that are sick all the time do you do nursery a lot or not? I wondered if the contact at nursery also boosts the immune system as it's a bit of a Petrie dish compared to being at home.
Our daughter is in nursery 4 days a week and we're also generally unfazed if she's out in the garden and ends up with a mouthful of grass/stones/anything that's not come out of the cat :D so in theory she should have the immune system of a very immune thing :o

Strangely a fair few of the people I've spoken to notice a marked difference between their own kids i.e. one was always ill when little whereas another rarely was, I think my wife actually said similar about my step daughter she was no where near as bad as my daughter but then there's been 14 years for her to forget since step daughter was a baby!
Guess who's going to be up all night morning washing sheets and duvets.

I learnt a trick very early on with our first (And only for now) is to "double up" his bedding. So we put a mattress protector on, then a sheet and then another mattress protector and another sheet. So it's layered.

When he used to wet the bed in the middle of the night; we'd just pull off the first two layers (one sheet and mattress protector) and put him back to bed and sort out the stuff later In the day / morning and go back to bed.
Anyone have kids just starting reception? What a massive come down so far - they are doing 6 2-hour slots over as many days. This girl was doing 40 hours/4-days at nursery. She is bored stiff no matter what we try and get her into. Wednesday they finally go fulltime, thank god for her benefit!
Reception seemed like a step down for us too as kids who've been to a decent nursery. They have to balance it with kids who've not been too though and it's a bit of a shock for them. Certainly in our village there was a big variation starting school.

Ours are into 4 & 1 now.
Reception seemed like a step down for us too as kids who've been to a decent nursery. They have to balance it with kids who've not been too though and it's a bit of a shock for them. Certainly in our village there was a big variation starting school.

Ours are into 4 & 1 now.
Friends of ours said exactly the same, their daughter was in nursery 5 days a week since she was 9/10 months old so went into reception/pre-school and was a little bored with the pace to start with. I totally understand its about balancing it for kids that have either never been to nursery or had very limited nursery time before going to school and they did say by around October half term / going into Christmas it was a lot better.

Our daughter is 2 so we've still got a way to go before I start to worry about this - although dropping her off at nursery today it was the first time I've felt like she's a bit too old/big for her room currently. It's only 2 age groups at her nursery (split into mini and main) - and they don't go into main until they're 2.25 so likely around November/December and I'm hoping it's a nice smooth transition.
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I learnt a trick very early on with our first (And only for now) is to "double up" his bedding. So we put a mattress protector on, then a sheet and then another mattress protector and another sheet. So it's layered.

When he used to wet the bed in the middle of the night; we'd just pull off the first two layers (one sheet and mattress protector) and put him back to bed and sort out the stuff later In the day / morning and go back to bed.
We did the same. No fun changing sheets at stupid o clock in the morning.
I learnt a trick very early on with our first (And only for now) is to "double up" his bedding. So we put a mattress protector on, then a sheet and then another mattress protector and another sheet. So it's layered.

When he used to wet the bed in the middle of the night; we'd just pull off the first two layers (one sheet and mattress protector) and put him back to bed and sort out the stuff later In the day / morning and go back to bed.
This is genius, why had the misses and I never considered this. Another reason why this thread is fantastic! Thank you sir.

Second is due next Friday, it’s a range of emotions - that feeling before Xmas you get as a kid, coupled with a sense of fear and dread knowing it’s going to be a tough few weeks.

2 under 2 whilst looking after the misses recovering from a c-sect, will certainly be a steep learning curve. Gulp, we’ll be taking each day as it comes.
This is genius, why had the misses and I never considered this. Another reason why this thread is fantastic! Thank you sir.

Second is due next Friday, it’s a range of emotions - that feeling before Xmas you get as a kid, coupled with a sense of fear and dread knowing it’s going to be a tough few weeks.

2 under 2 whilst looking after the misses recovering from a c-sect, will certainly be a steep learning curve. Gulp, we’ll be taking each day as it comes.

Good luck. My wife had a c-section too; first 6 weeks are just a blur now.

Our son has now been in his new day care for roughly 4 weeks or so - first two weeks were rough due to new things - moving countries and such. He hated drop off and so did I, as I hate seeing him cry when leaving.

But, he has settled now and sometimes I get a goodbye and sometimes Idon't - he is excited to see the teacher and runs into the daycare and up the stairs. It took two weeks and it was tough but I am glad he is settled.

The wife and I were planning on moving again next year to be closer to her work and find a cheaper rental. But now we are hesitant to do that. I don't want to move him from daycare again until he needs to go to school.
Our daughter is 2 so we've still got a way to go before I start to worry about this - although dropping her off at nursery today it was the first time I've felt like she's a bit too old/big for her room currently. It's only 2 age groups at her nursery (split into mini and main) - and they don't go into main until they're 2.25 so likely around November/December and I'm hoping it's a nice smooth transition.
I remember this feeling - it flew by pretty quick. It manifested often because her friends were often in the older end of the group, so she felt very little - then all of a sudden, she felt huge for that group.

School ramping up a bit now, she's there till lunch today.... seems pretty happy. Some reeet mommas I need to steer clear :cry::cool::D
My daughter went straight in full time at reception but she has been at nursery at the same place so think it just feels like a continuation for her, think they are easing into more challenging stuff slowly though as the pictures just look like she's at nursery still :D
What online family calendars do you guys use?
Outlook calendar has a poor user experience on a tablet/phone. (for example, if you click on an event, it switches view, requiring you to select the month view again from the menu).

Had a look at Cozi - which looks quite good although it really needs paid subscription to make it useful, but there is no trial option for the UK.
Family Wall has a free trial, but the calendar side feels a bit secondary against all the other features (most of which I probably won't use).

Needs to work on desktop, iOS and Android.
Ideally I'd like something that will include the start time of the event, in the month view. (Something that Outlook does, but not in the phone/tablet app!)
What online family calendars do you guys use?
Outlook calendar has a poor user experience on a tablet/phone. (for example, if you click on an event, it switches view, requiring you to select the month view again from the menu).

Had a look at Cozi - which looks quite good although it really needs paid subscription to make it useful, but there is no trial option for the UK.
Family Wall has a free trial, but the calendar side feels a bit secondary against all the other features (most of which I probably won't use).

Needs to work on desktop, iOS and Android.
Ideally I'd like something that will include the start time of the event, in the month view. (Something that Outlook does, but not in the phone/tablet app!)
Have used google calendar for a long time and never thought twice about it
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