OcUK Dadsnet thread

So my lad has just been diagnosed with ADHD and placed on meds. Anyone else have a child with this? Can you offer any advice?
Nothing of note to add just now but I will follow your post and situation as we may have that too with ours. I will post with more detail wen I have time. I have just got in from work and have the school run in the morning-or in 7 hours time. yay!!
Well I think my daughter has officially entered the terrible twos, today she has been nothing short of a complete bitch.

Started off with not wanting any of her breakfast but instead stealing mine, yelling at everyone then pulling/throwing all her toys out of the box. She then decided to drink bubble liquid from the machine whilst my missus was emptying the bins, which of course made her throw up all her breakfast over my missus.

Next we took her to a living museum ( st fagans) thought she would like exploring and the animals. Nope screamed at us the entire time and when walking walked the opposite way. Then she screamed at us for a dummy( where trying to wean her off) until my missus gave in..

Then on the way home she refused to have a nap.

And on the drive launched her self out of her seat as soon as she was unbuckled. Crashed to the floor, grazed her knee and bit her tongue. Que new trip to a.e. and 3 stitches....

Welcome to day one of seven off, if this track record carries on one of us will be dead by the end of the week

Flog them on ebay. Sure the comission stings a bit but you can go back to serenity in a few days.

Also bitch seems a bit strong for a 2 year old
We managed to get both of ours to give up their dummies in one night. We spoke to them about all the other babies who needed them and how the dummy fairy comes at night and takes them away for the other babies. You couldn't see them for dust as they searched the place for extra dummies :-)
We managed to get both of ours to give up their dummies in one night. We spoke to them about all the other babies who needed them and how the dummy fairy comes at night and takes them away for the other babies. You couldn't see them for dust as they searched the place for extra dummies :)

Remembering this one for when the time comes, genius!
Nothing of note to add just now but I will follow your post and situation as we may have that too with ours. I will post with more detail wen I have time. I have just got in from work and have the school run in the morning-or in 7 hours time. yay!!

I'm sorry to hear you're maybe going through similar, honestly though I'm sort of relieved he has a diagnosis. It means he can start getting the help he needs and although I only see them at the weekends at the moment it means I can start absorbing as much information about ADHD as possible.

That said I've discovered a great you tube channel called "how to adhd" after stumbling across her TEDx talk, it's full of great info and strategies that work for her and others that may really help with things!
Is it wrong that whenever me or the Mrs got sicked up on we just laughed? It's just one of those things. A but like when it's all nice and calm and then one of the kids is all for no reason with no warning.

if you don't laugh, you'd cry, laughing is a coping mechanism lol :D
Do any of you follow the FB pages "man vs baby" and "man Behaving Dadly"?

Makes for hilarious reading now one can relate.
Their daily status posts make for some funny reading too.
I didn't actually find the books all that good if im honest. I read the first one before ours was born and thought oh my god this is going to be hard work and it's just not, so reading the second book and i just know he will be exaggerating everything.
We managed to get both of ours to give up their dummies in one night. We spoke to them about all the other babies who needed them and how the dummy fairy comes at night and takes them away for the other babies. You couldn't see them for dust as they searched the place for extra dummies :)

This is pretty much word for word what we told our boy. It worked for sure.
Not posted for a while but I though I'd give a quick 13 week update. It's been a up and down past month or so. The week after our Reassurance scan and telling our families the good news my girlfriend called me when I was in bed to say she was bleeding quite badly, she called 101 and they were asking questions, how dark is the blood, how much, any clots or pain and to wait for an ambulance to arrive. Bearing in mind she's in Nottingham and I live in Sheffield, I drove down at silly speeds to get there. The ambulance arrived at around 11:30pm and they did a few tests on her before taking her to Hospital and I followed in the car.

Once there she had her bloods taken, blood pressure and then was take up to the Early Pregnancy Unit, by around 2:30am two nurses started to physically examine her and then they said the last thing to do was a scan to finally make sure baby was ok. But this could only be done the next morning, they were not concerned by the tests, examination or bleeding so were happy for us to go home and come back that morning.

By this point I had been up nearly 22 hours but given the shock and worry I wouldn't really sleep. We went back at 10am for the scan and thankfully our little baby was there happy as Larry as if nothing had happened. The person who did the scan had a look to see if she could see any reason for bleeding but with no luck. I must admit I was expecting the worst though I was trying my hardest not to show this and was keeping positive for myself but mainly for my girlfriend, I did nearly choke-up when I saw the screen.

Every nurse we spoke to were brilliant and told us the same thing, they can't explain why some women bleed throughout pregnancy, they've seen women bleed lots and the baby is fine and some women have just spotting and have unfortunately lost their baby, it's just one of those things. We were advised by the nurses and midwife that if she bleeds again to call the midwife or go direct to the EPU if we're really concerned and they'll do a scan for us.

Fast forward, we've just been for our "12 week" scan yesterday but yesterday morning I had an email off my girlfriend while I was at work saying that she was spotting so she called the midwife who again, asked how much, colour, any pain etc... she wasn't worried and advised us to go to our scan as normal that afternoon. We went to the scan worried but not half as much as when she went via the ambulance, the baby is fine, 13 weeks and 1 day old and we're due on 6th November. Baby was awkward during the scan not in the right position but they eventually got what they needed. We're going back for our 20 week scan on 21st June.

So all in all a quite stressful past month but I'm just happy both mum and baby are fine. I just hope the bleeding/spotting stops but have a feeling it'll be on and off throughout, if it happens again we'll just go for another scan to reassure us both. The baby is only 13 weeks old and is already a handful :D
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