OcUK Dadsnet thread

Just had our twenty week scan and found out that im gonna be having a little son in september :) .

My daughter is a little sad that she wont be getting a little sister that she can dress up but she got over it very quickly and i think she will just be happy to have a sibling to play with.

Will be a big change for us as my daughter will be 6 in december and weve been living a very comfortable life, new house new car and obviously a routine etc etc so turning it all upside down again is a little daunting but exciting at the same time.

Anyway thought id sorta announce it here to a load of strangers and get a little off my chest at the same time :)
Congrats dude! Clearly a glutton for punishment :P
So how did you guys encourage your children to walk. Our 16 month old is showing all the signs of being able to walk, she was climbing stairs at 8 months like a monkey, she can stand on her own for 10 minutes when distracted. However she will not walk without someone assisting her, sometimes I think she's just lazy like me, and other times I think she's stumbled one too many times and is still nervous?
I can't offer much help on this one. Ours didn't even crawl for ages, so when she started standing up it was just a case of sitting just out of reach so she'd take a step. If she does a bit of walking while assisted I'd have just continued with that until she decides she wants to go a different direction to you and walks off on her own
Just had our twenty week scan and found out that im gonna be having a little son in september :) .

My daughter is a little sad that she wont be getting a little sister that she can dress up but she got over it very quickly and i think she will just be happy to have a sibling to play with.

Will be a big change for us as my daughter will be 6 in december and weve been living a very comfortable life, new house new car and obviously a routine etc etc so turning it all upside down again is a little daunting but exciting at the same time.

Anyway thought id sorta announce it here to a load of strangers and get a little off my chest at the same time :)

Congrats, it's never fun being too comfortable anyways :D
Just got back from taking my 5 year old daughter and 2.5 year old son to Legoland. She loved it but he just ddidnt want to go on anything. I was tempted to get him on the cars but I don't think he has the coordination, he is however 3 in September and I measured him last week and he's 95cm so he's quite big so he might have snuck in it.

My son before he was 3 didnt go on anything or climb anything. Now he's getting better but still very cautious about everything. I'm hoping by 4 he does everything. I do think he has some iasues with his legs/knees. I had him on my shoulders yesterday for 10 minutes abd when he got off he collapsed and said his knees hurt. He doesn't run very well either and still falls over sometimes. Wife's going to try and get a referral from docs soon.
Not posted for a while ...
The similarities to your story myself & the wife are experiencing are striking, though I'd made it to north Derby for a game of football when my wife called to say she was bleeding badly cue me racing back to get to her..we also ended up in Notts EPU, had the tests, exam and finally scan which confirmed all ok thankfully - I also choked up at that point with the relief more than anything. We're due 3rd November - might well see you on the maternity ward!
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So how did you guys encourage your children to walk. Our 16 month old is showing all the signs of being able to walk, she was climbing stairs at 8 months like a monkey, she can stand on her own for 10 minutes when distracted. However she will not walk without someone assisting her, sometimes I think she's just lazy like me, and other times I think she's stumbled one too many times and is still nervous?
I can't offer much help on this one. Ours didn't even crawl for ages, so when she started standing up it was just a case of sitting just out of reach so she'd take a step. If she does a bit of walking while assisted I'd have just continued with that until she decides she wants to go a different direction to you and walks off on her own
Same ours is 16 months, cant crawl. Fingers crossed walking happens at some point though.
The similarities to your story myself & the wife are experiencing are striking, though I'd made it to north Derby for a game of football when my wife called to say she was bleeding badly cue me racing back to get to her..we also ended up in Notts EPU, had the tests, exam and finally scan which confirmed all ok thankfully - I also choked up at that point with the relief more than anything. We're due 3rd November - might well see you on the maternity ward!

Glad everything is ok with your little one, my girlfriend is already classed as a high risk pregnancy given her mum has liver problems, throw this into the mix and I just want to wrap her up in a bubble and make sure she's ok 24/7.

We're scheduled for our 20 week scan in June where we can find out the gender but we've already booked ourselves in at Meet Your Miracle when baby is 16 weeks to find out. Are you wanting to find out the gender or are you happy to wait? I'd like to wait but at the same time I really want to know. Plus, if we see some clothes we like we can buy them without the worry of them been a neutral colour.
Glad everything is ok with your little one, my girlfriend is already classed as a high risk pregnancy given her mum has liver problems, throw this into the mix and I just want to wrap her up in a bubble and make sure she's ok 24/7.

We're scheduled for our 20 week scan in June where we can find out the gender but we've already booked ourselves in at Meet Your Miracle when baby is 16 weeks to find out. Are you wanting to find out the gender or are you happy to wait? I'd like to wait but at the same time I really want to know. Plus, if we see some clothes we like we can buy them without the worry of them been a neutral colour.

Likewise, really glad all worked out ok for you guys, it really hit home how emotionally attached we already are to the bambino. We've also booked in for an early gender scan next week, we'll be about 16 weeks also, we couldn't wait to find out :D I think we'll try and hold off picking stuff up until a bit later on, though the mother in law is itching to start stockpiling anything she sees...
I get why people like the surprise, and we didn't do that so I can't compare the feeling of finding out early or not. I just know that finding out early was exciting and fun and I don't regret it one bit. We got fairly gender neutral clothes anyway because we didn't want our daughter to feel too pressured to be a girly girl unless that's what she wants to be. As it turns out, she hates dresses and we wish she'd wear them because she looks so bloody cute in them.

New topic: what's the most awkward moment you've had with your kid/s?

Mine was 2 days ago. My daughter was lying on her front on the sofa watching telly and sorta squirming about a bit in a way that looked pretty familiar. So I asked "watcha doin Riley?"

"touchin my peepee" *giggles* "it tickles"

*tries not to scar child for life*
"okay darling"
*leaves room awkwardly*

Tried explaining yesterday when she did it again that it's okay to do, but people usually do it in private. She was like "but I like it" so that didn't fly
That's hilarious!

A few years back I was taking my kids to the shops, a taxi pulled up and opened its doors to which my lad shouted at the top of his lungs "Wuh Woooooooo!!!! Sexy Lady!!!!"

I took a gander thinking my lad may be onto something but no! What got out of the taxi while technically female was in no way sexy.... *Shudders*

Or better yet, randomly at a family event...

My lad walks into the living room wearing nothing but his underpants breaks into that song "Sexy and I know it" and starts wiggling his bits. I didn't laugh but I thought I might die in side because I so desperately wanted to!
Haha, classic! I think the worst I've heard was from a colleague who was towelling her daughter off between her legs and when she stopped her daughter said "don't stop mummy that feels good" :eek:

It's funny how you realise how much of your core beliefs around sexuality are learnt rather than innate by watching your kids just be like "yeah it feels good so I'm just gonna do it.
Kids are mental haha but you're right its bizarre how free kids are.

It's the lessons we teach them that shape who they are.
We had friends over at the weekend, they brought her 6 year old daughter.

Through the evening, after she'd had a few drinks, the mum pitched up to their daughter: mum: "what words shouldn't we say?"
Daughter: "the F and S words".
Mum: "and what are they?"
D: "**** and ****"
M: "hahaha"
Me: :eek:

This resulted in the rest of the night the little girl saying "******* ****" and "oi you ******* idiot", etc. I felt pretty awkward, I wasn't sure what to say except "we don't like language like that here".

Strangely, after a few more bouts of foul language the mum expressed to her that she didn't want to hear those words from her mouth ever again.

Talk about mixed messages. Poor girl.
Dads with daughters, what are your experiences in public toileting, especially in the absence of a disabled/baby changing cubicle?

Have had a fee run-ins with angry mums/women saying I shouldn't be anywhere near the womens toilets, but instead should be taking my girls (now 4 and 6) to the mens. They expect me to walk my girls past a line of men standing in front of urinals, sometimes turning around prematurely before putting their maggots away, and then sitting them on a seat covered in ****. I am absolutely defiant that this is not acceptable and girls should go to girls toilets and me being near is an acceptable thing to do.


Dads with daughters, what are your experiences in public toileting, especially in the absence of a disabled/baby changing cubicle?

Have had a fee run-ins with angry mums/women saying I shouldn't be anywhere near the womens toilets, but instead should be taking my girls (now 4 and 6) to the mens. They expect me to walk my girls past a line of men standing in front of urinals, sometimes turning around prematurely before putting their maggots away, and then sitting them on a seat covered in ****. I am absolutely defiant that this is not acceptable and girls should go to girls toilets and me being near is an acceptable thing to do.


I take my 3yr old into the gents. I think at 6 I'd let her go into the ladies by herself and wait outside the door, but I'm not there yet so can't comment really.
I take my 3yr old into the gents. I think at 6 I'd let her go into the ladies by herself and wait outside the door, but I'm not there yet so can't comment really.
Thats what i do with my 5 year old daughter. No way shes going in the gents. Whats more tricky is if i need to go lol. Sod what other mums think.
Reminds me of my two.

At Nursery one morning...
  • Daughter: "My Mummy Hurts Me"
  • Me: Err...
  • Nursery (eventually): "How does Mummy hurt you?"
  • Daughter: "Sometimes she pulls my hair when she brushes it :-("
  • Daughter: "I played hide the sausage with daddy"
  • Me: ...
  • Nursery: ...
  • Daughter: "I hide the sausage under the pasta and then eat the pasta first"
On both occasions, I was expecting to get a knock on the door (if not just bundled in a police van!)
Reminds me of my two.
  • Daughter: "I played hide the sausage with daddy"
  • Me: ...
  • Nursery: ...
  • Daughter: "I hide the sausage under the pasta and then eat the pasta first"
On both occasions, I was expecting to get a knock on the door (if not just bundled in a police van!)

Reminds me of my two.

At Nursery one morning...
  • Daughter: "My Mummy Hurts Me"
  • Me: Err...
  • Nursery (eventually): "How does Mummy hurt you?"
  • Daughter: "Sometimes she pulls my hair when she brushes it :-("
  • Daughter: "I played hide the sausage with daddy"
  • Me: ...
  • Nursery: ...
  • Daughter: "I hide the sausage under the pasta and then eat the pasta first"
On both occasions, I was expecting to get a knock on the door (if not just bundled in a police van!)

I love the stuff small children come out with
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