OcUK Dadsnet thread

Not posted for a while but I though I'd give a quick 13 week update. It's been a up and down past month or so. The week after our Reassurance scan and telling our families the good news my girlfriend called me when I was in bed to say she was bleeding quite badly, she called 101 and they were asking questions, how dark is the blood, how much, any clots or pain and to wait for an ambulance to arrive. Bearing in mind she's in Nottingham and I live in Sheffield, I drove down at silly speeds to get there. The ambulance arrived at around 11:30pm and they did a few tests on her before taking her to Hospital and I followed in the car.

Once there she had her bloods taken, blood pressure and then was take up to the Early Pregnancy Unit, by around 2:30am two nurses started to physically examine her and then they said the last thing to do was a scan to finally make sure baby was ok. But this could only be done the next morning, they were not concerned by the tests, examination or bleeding so were happy for us to go home and come back that morning.

By this point I had been up nearly 22 hours but given the shock and worry I wouldn't really sleep. We went back at 10am for the scan and thankfully our little baby was there happy as Larry as if nothing had happened. The person who did the scan had a look to see if she could see any reason for bleeding but with no luck. I must admit I was expecting the worst though I was trying my hardest not to show this and was keeping positive for myself but mainly for my girlfriend, I did nearly choke-up when I saw the screen.

Every nurse we spoke to were brilliant and told us the same thing, they can't explain why some women bleed throughout pregnancy, they've seen women bleed lots and the baby is fine and some women have just spotting and have unfortunately lost their baby, it's just one of those things. We were advised by the nurses and midwife that if she bleeds again to call the midwife or go direct to the EPU if we're really concerned and they'll do a scan for us.

Fast forward, we've just been for our "12 week" scan yesterday but yesterday morning I had an email off my girlfriend while I was at work saying that she was spotting so she called the midwife who again, asked how much, colour, any pain etc... she wasn't worried and advised us to go to our scan as normal that afternoon. We went to the scan worried but not half as much as when she went via the ambulance, the baby is fine, 13 weeks and 1 day old and we're due on 6th November. Baby was awkward during the scan not in the right position but they eventually got what they needed. We're going back for our 20 week scan on 21st June.

So all in all a quite stressful past month but I'm just happy both mum and baby are fine. I just hope the bleeding/spotting stops but have a feeling it'll be on and off throughout, if it happens again we'll just go for another scan to reassure us both. The baby is only 13 weeks old and is already a handful :D
That feeling of vulnerability is there to stay I'm afraid. Wait until they start walking!

Glad to hear all is well, despite the panic stations moments. We had a few of those, the worst being when Riley's heart rate started plummeting during labour. You just hope like hell the staff know what they're doing and rely on them with every finger and toe crossed!
All these young kids stories are awesome.

I've just walked my daughter hinge from her first ever babysitting gig. She's £30 quid better off and I'm so proud of her. She's on cloud nine.

Having said that the memory of bringing her home in my arms from the midwife unit in Devizes seems like yesterday.

They grow up so fast. Cherish every moment guys. Hold them, love them, they grow up so so fast.
Anyone have an idea of where i can advertise the likes of cots / car seats / pushchair? I've got a load of stuff sitting in the garage that they've grown out of and don't really want to put it on ebay to be messed about!
Goerge did well today at the Chinese, prawn crackers, prawn toast, prawns and chicken on ginger and spring onion with rice. He eats absolutely anything but not a lot of it.
I've found lots of people dislike buying used stuff like that for some reason. I tried selling a base for a rear facing car seat and didn't get a whiff of interest.

The basic message about safety kit (like car seats) is to never buy second-hand because you don't know if it's already been in a car crash.

Things like cots and pushchairs should shift easy enough though.
Anyone have an idea of where i can advertise the likes of cots / car seats / pushchair? I've got a load of stuff sitting in the garage that they've grown out of and don't really want to put it on ebay to be messed about!
FB market seems the best place for these.
Car boot sale can be good if you just want a few £ and are not wanting too much back on it.
Btw anyone buying car seats make sure to check current or past recalls. Bought a new born car seat and the handle fell off down the stairs of the dentist. Checked that they did a recall but was told my specific unit with the exact same handle wasn't part of the recall btw that company is Britax.
My little one is 10 months on the 11th, she's getting big!

It's a right roller coaster ride, I'm slowly turning grey but love her to bits.

Keep wishing her life away wanting her to do this and that but everyone is right it goes by very quickly!.
My little one is 10 months on the 11th, she's getting big!

It's a right roller coaster ride, I'm slowly turning grey but love her to bits.

Keep wishing her life away wanting her to do this and that but everyone is right it goes by very quickly!.
Yeah you'll get there before you know it. I remember looking forwards to being able to talk to my daughter and have her understand, or even talk back. Now she talks back alright. Yesterday I was winding her up by being silly and she said "don't start with me, daddy". She's only 3 and she's already getting sassy
Yeah you'll get there before you know it. I remember looking forwards to being able to talk to my daughter and have her understand, or even talk back. Now she talks back alright. Yesterday I was winding her up by being silly and she said "don't start with me, daddy". She's only 3 and she's already getting sassy

They start so early, mines 16 months and her mother has already got her convinced daddy needs to change the nappies :/
They start so early, mines 16 months and her mother has already got her convinced daddy needs to change the nappies :/

Haha, yeah lots of that happened in our house: "Riley, go ask mummy if she can change your nappy"

"no daddy I want you to do it"

Last weekend when it was raining she looked out the window and said
"daddy it's really raining, jesus christ"

and I had to tell her off and explain why she can't say that without laughing. She just said "mummy says it" and when I told her we should tell mummy off too she whispers "okay daddy, not say jesus christ or ******* sake". Just wanted to get that last one in there on a technicality. Bloody sponges they are
My favourite word used to be ********, until one day my then 3 years old lad got croup and I had to take him into hospital. They gave him some medicine which is a stimulant.

Que my lad running around the place shouting ********, ********, ******** at the top of his lungs. Received some rather funny looks for sure....
My favourite word used to be ********, until one day my then 3 years old lad got croup and I had to take him into hospital. They gave him some medicine which is a stimulant.

Que my lad running around the place shouting ********, ********, ******** at the top of his lungs. Received some rather funny looks for sure....

Yep, it's hilarious, but at the same time it does really make you realise how much they listen. Everything you say to or around them gets absorbed by those little brains. Tells you a lot about yourself watching them play with their friends doesn't it! I've managed to curb my language around her pretty easily, but my wife is a... Passionate... Woman who struggles to reign it in when she's fired up. The one I'll cut her slack on is driving. I had a car cut me up the other day with Riley in the back and caught myself shouting "******* hell!" so I can't take the high road there. God help me if she spouts that out at nursery and teaches all her little buddies.
Yep, it's hilarious, but at the same time it does really make you realise how much they listen. Everything you say to or around them gets absorbed by those little brains. Tells you a lot about yourself watching them play with their friends doesn't it! I've managed to curb my language around her pretty easily, but my wife is a... Passionate... Woman who struggles to reign it in when she's fired up. The one I'll cut her slack on is driving. I had a car cut me up the other day with Riley in the back and caught myself shouting "******* hell!" so I can't take the high road there. God help me if she spouts that out at nursery and teaches all her little buddies.
Drivings the worst for me, I've had to moderate myself to just calling everyone morons, with the occasion bell end if they do something stupid. I've told the kids to just treat everyone as an idiot in the road and they won't go far wrong. I also did tell my my daughter who asked why some cyclists have a number on them (for the tour de yorkshire), I told her that's how many points they're worth if you knock them off:p.
Just got back from taking my 5 year old daughter and 2.5 year old son to Legoland. She loved it but he just ddidnt want to go on anything. I was tempted to get him on the cars but I don't think he has the coordination, he is however 3 in September and I measured him last week and he's 95cm so he's quite big so he might have snuck in it.
So how did you guys encourage your children to walk. Our 16 month old is showing all the signs of being able to walk, she was climbing stairs at 8 months like a monkey, she can stand on her own for 10 minutes when distracted. However she will not walk without someone assisting her, sometimes I think she's just lazy like me, and other times I think she's stumbled one too many times and is still nervous?
Just had our twenty week scan and found out that im gonna be having a little son in september :) .

My daughter is a little sad that she wont be getting a little sister that she can dress up but she got over it very quickly and i think she will just be happy to have a sibling to play with.

Will be a big change for us as my daughter will be 6 in december and weve been living a very comfortable life, new house new car and obviously a routine etc etc so turning it all upside down again is a little daunting but exciting at the same time.

Anyway thought id sorta announce it here to a load of strangers and get a little off my chest at the same time :)
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