It's all very easy if you've never had a troubled birth to say oh don't listen to the pros, and a woman's body knows best. That sort of thinking is for the lucky few, and those who have forgotten what child mortality rates were 100 years ago.
Yes the NHS might be quick to go nuclear, and in many cases it may be unnecessary, but it's a risk based decision. Yes it's often unnecessary, (lucky you @Wizzkidy), but the consequences of a breach birth going wrong can simply be death. As Fathers we each will deal with anywhere between 1 and a handful of births, and statistically sure you can overrule the pros and be fine most of the time. But when wards churn out dozens of babies a day, unless you want preventable deaths on your hands, you simply have to play it safe.
I am certainly in favour of people's rights to overrule doctors (except in extreme cases), but I don't like the assertion that the doctor's are too alarmist and jump to nuclear options too soon. I really doubt they want to deal with any more C-sections than they have to!
Yes the NHS might be quick to go nuclear, and in many cases it may be unnecessary, but it's a risk based decision. Yes it's often unnecessary, (lucky you @Wizzkidy), but the consequences of a breach birth going wrong can simply be death. As Fathers we each will deal with anywhere between 1 and a handful of births, and statistically sure you can overrule the pros and be fine most of the time. But when wards churn out dozens of babies a day, unless you want preventable deaths on your hands, you simply have to play it safe.
I am certainly in favour of people's rights to overrule doctors (except in extreme cases), but I don't like the assertion that the doctor's are too alarmist and jump to nuclear options too soon. I really doubt they want to deal with any more C-sections than they have to!