OcUK DDoS attack - £10,000 reward

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Theres a long thread about this on their forums heh... funny didn't realise how many people use OCuk til this happened - posts springing up at loads of forums I frequent.
I was about to buy some hardware today from OCUK but the web site was down (and still is). Hope this gets resolved soon.

Kinda disappointed as I was hoping to get a graphics card for tomorrow delivery - this is the only day I can be at home to recieve it :(
Could it maybe all of us? Trojan loaded onto the ocuk servers, downloads onto our computers when we access the site, so essentially we become the botnet?
Good luck finding out but I don't see how anyone's in the public is going to help without access to your servers/hosting. In which case they should be on the case.
Perfectly safe, all that is happening is a lot of people are trying to access our site at the same time bringing it down.

Yes. Security has not been compromised. However, server uptime has so if you have problems call us on one of these numbers.

Sales - UK 0870 443 0880
Sales - International +44 870 443 0880
Support - UK 0871 222 8528
Support - International +44 871 222 8528
Systems Support - UK 0871 222 8529
Systems Support - International +44 871 222 8529

Thanks. :)

One more thing.

Do you want this broadcast around the net? A few friends are willing to post it on blogs. Hell, it might be worth creating a Facebook account dediated to finding the tit. :)
whoa that's serious,

perhaps it's a bad move to offer £10k as it could open the floodgate for hackers/attackers to hold your server for random, but far far more than £10k

that's why UK government wont negotiate with any terrorists
Ahh so thats why the main webpage wont load,have reset my reutor four times thinking my internet was down :p

Seriously,hope this gets sorted ASAP. <3
Pretty hard to investigate without more information, and if it is a competitor they probably paid someone with a botnet.
These things are normally controlled by IRC, if it were my site I would scan the zombie computers for vulnerabilities, see if I couldn't get the virus and run it in a sandbox / decompile the binary to see where it connects too.

Hope you catch the offenders!
Say again? :confused:

Someone hinted at a competitor (post removed) on whos forum is a thread with people asking if ocuk was down. Theres also threads on o2, adslguide/thinkbroadband and a few other forums where people are asking why they can't get to the site.
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