Piggy - I feel your pain. We're doing a thing at work, where we weigh in every week. I was going ok with a 4lb loss (loads less than everyone else) until today... when I managed to put 2lbs back on. This has happened in the last day, because I weighed myself on Friday and marked it on my chart, and I was at a 4lbs loss. I had to go to the toilets and calm down because I was really upset and about to cry. Feeling really demotivated and awful at the moment, but I'm not giving up.. no way!
It can't be my exercise routine, as I'm going to the gym at least 3 times a week and doing a minimum of 50 mins cardio on the cross trainer and the running machine. I'm also doing some free weights and started back at body pump this week.
It must be my food, even though I've cut out all the rubbish and decreased my bread/carb intake:
bowl of cornflakes & ss milk.
orange juice.
low fat organic/vegan pesto cous cous with a spoonful of pine nuts & 5 greek olives,
Snacks through the day
2 clementines & an apple.
I went to college tonight, and didn't get home until 9pm, so I just had a bowl of Shreddies. I'd normally have a proper meal before 7pm though.
What am I doing wrong?
It's really quite upsetting. I had a meal with rice on Sunday and have been told that this might account for the 2lb gain, but I really am at a loss now. I know you shouldn't get so demotivated early on, and I do feel lots better etc., but I've been trying so bloody hard, and seem to have got nowhere. My colleague snacks on diet stuff (snack a jacks) etc. all day and has lost nearly a stone. I only snack on fruit or raw veg, and I'm basically still where I started.
Rant over. I feel crap