May I draw your attention to this bit?Lostkat said:<snip> and I do feel lots better etc.
Have you got a microwave? If so, the OatsoSimple and the other one whose name I can't remember sachets are worth a look. If you've got bowl + milk + microwave you're laughing.Gilly said:Whats the best cereal to eat?
I want something simple for in the office so porridge/oats is out.
She's gorgeous!Treefrog said:May I draw your attention to this bit?
Focus on the positive - your weight's down overall and you feel lots better.
Don't let the one little negative get you down, everyone has hiccups along the way.
I thought you looked very attractive at the camping meet btw - I just thought I'd wait till I was a safe distance before telling you
Treefrog said:May I draw your attention to this bit?
Focus on the positive - your weight's down overall and you feel lots better.
Don't let the one little negative get you down, everyone has hiccups along the way.
I thought you looked very attractive at the camping meet btw - I just thought I'd wait till I was a safe distance before telling you
Jenjey said:She's gorgeous!
As Treefrog says, don't get down over this sweetie, you're working hard for this and you know it'll pay off. Unless you've put on a tremendous amount of weight since camping I think you're silly to be so concerned about losing weight anyway - you've got a lovely figure! Healthy eating I've no problem with, keep it up (I'm trying!!!), but don't be too bothered about what the scales say.
What Roberta has said sounds like a very good idea. I'd much prefer to feel my jeans hanging loosely on me than see I've lost 2 pounds on the scales!
Gilly said:I've decided to go on a health bingeI'm cutting down on the beers (except on OcUK meets ofc) and have just finished a salad. And that is VERY unusual for me..
Piggymon said:Kate , I know exactly how you are feeling
I just don't seem to be able to drop any weight at all since I hit 8st 7/8lbs ! .. It's just not going ANYWHERE .. it's fluctuating a little bit but I've yet to drop below 8st 7lbs
Desmo is eating the same as me ( but bigger portions and also some fattier things ) I'm doing more cardio , I'm walking a mile a day going back and fore to work yet he's dropping a lb every day more or less
No. No you won'tPiggymon said:otherwise I give up :/
Damn right!Balddog said:Oh I see...
So if i wear pink and shave my legs then IM gay...but you eating a salad is fine?
Piggymon said:I can only hope I will start to see some drops once it's out otherwise I give up :/