OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Sorry to hear of the workout from hell Piggy. The gym looks a hundred times more attractive!

Went for a run before breakfast today but I think I was underdressed - it was frickin' freezing Mr. Bigglesworth! Nevertheless, I am unperturbed and have started making a list of meals and exercise that I've done (I'll upload a rather splendid spreadsheet in a couple of days :D). Looking at the calories consumed I'm amazed at how easy it is to overeat what with the hidden calories everywhere. Had a baked potato with a can of tuna yesterday (550kcal - it was a large potato!), but also coated it with a teaspoon of olive oil (40kcal) and mixed a tablespoon of light mayo into the tuna (50kcal). That's almost 100 calories I nearly didn't spot. When I think of the little things I snack on it's no wonder the fat just sits there despite my best efforts in the gym.

Keep it up everyone!
Im dissapointed with myself today. My little sister has been nagging to make chocalate brownies for ages, so i helped her last night and ended up eating 3 after tonights dinner, washed down with coke. On times i can be very week willed, and tonight was one of them.
a treat is no problem, a healthy lifestyle includes having the occasional snack. It's not about continually denying yourself anything. 3 Brownies and some coke will be nothing to you if you have a good week now.
DanH84 said:
3 Brownies and some coke will be nothing to you if you have a good week now.

Exactly - most diets fail after someone judges themselves to have made a mistake and can't forgive themselves for it, in this case scoffing three brownies :p. Don't compensate by eating nothing the next day or giving up entirely, just continue with the healthy eating. :)
BerraSM said:
Im dissapointed with myself today. My little sister has been nagging to make chocalate brownies for ages, so i helped her last night and ended up eating 3 after tonights dinner, washed down with coke. On times i can be very week willed, and tonight was one of them.
Don't stress about it :) As others have said, you're allowed a treat. I made Mousaka for the family last night, and some little chocolates with melty gooey filling. They were stunning, but oh so fatty! I'm not too worried because I was good all last week and went to the gym 4 times, and plan the same for this week, pending thigh repair :D
Anyone that thinks they can diet without treats is mad TBH but many people succumb to the occasional chocolate attack and think they’ve failed somehow and give up.

Sad really :(
I'm going to be brave and try BODY PUMP probably next Monday ! :D

Desmo's sister is a fitness instructor and was disgusted at my experience yesterday ... she said the lady who took the class was rubbish at teaching so it made me feel better .. she also said combat is hard to pick up but I should find pump much easier to follow

She teaches Pump at a different gym on a Monday night so I'm going to go along to one of her classes and she is going to look after me :) .. She also says the leisure centre is really clicky and it's much friendlier where she goes

I'm going to give it another bash !!

Will post some before pics in a few mins
Ok, thanks people, you have put my mind at rest. I suppose i shouldnt feel to bad as its the first time i have had something like that in a week, also, its good to hear that other do it too :D
Am eating a chocolate lolly right now, which is after i had 2 chocolate limes :D

Won't have any more for a few days :D

Got a can of tuna to eat too :D
This is about how I look now , maybe slightly heavier than back then ( was taken in August 05 )


Doesn't look tooooo bad but when you compare it to how I was in March 05 ..


Makes me want to cry :(
I'm worried I'm loosing weight too fast, I haven't changed my meals, just cut out snacks, most puddings, all alcohol

When I got weighed the first week of january before starting this I was somewhere between 21st, and 21st 4lb (hard to get a consistant reading from the scales), now I'm reading about 19st 2lb ... its odd, I haven't done anything too dramatic, but I'm loosing weight pretty fast.

My goal is to get down to 15st (at least at first, if I need it I might go lower), and I'm 6'4"
Piggymon said:
Desmo's sister is a fitness instructor and was disgusted at my experience yesterday ... she said the lady who took the class was rubbish at teaching...
A good mate of mine is the personal trainer at my local leisure centre and had much the same to say about your experience. He does the body pump/combat classes from time to time and said that a lot of the women taking the class are self-conscious, especially about doing the less than natural movements for the first time so he tries to make sure everyone is comfortable.

Give it another go, you might end up liking it and will certainly benefit :) .
I have been dieting and exercising for the last couple of years with relative sucess, my trigger was the fact that i was heading towards 14st (height 5ft6), fortunately that trigger also was a blessing in disguise as i discovered i also had high blood pressure not good when you are 24, i managed to get down to 12 st quickly which drove my blood pressure right down.Problem was i couldnt move from 12st at all.

Then at the beginning of last year i decided to try again after hitting 13st, i did the atkins diet (which is actually quite healthy imo) and trained down the gym 3-4 times a week, in 3 and a half months i went from 13st to 10 and a half.What the atkins diet helped me to do was to control my sweet tooth (i really really do have a bad sweet tooth), my diet was actually pretty sensible, brekkie was normally some egg variation, lunch was a nice salad comprising some meat/fish bits, and dinner was normally a proper cooked meal rather than takeaway/readymeal type crap.

Unfortunately i got complacent last summer, what with work and a generally mad schedule i couldnt get down the gym,and i went to my bad takeaway days! so i ended up putting a stone back on.

Basically i have been through it all, my advice to you all is to use a diet to first of all give you control and then the ability to change you diet for good, also without exercise, you are facing a real uphill battle, there really is no excuse, even if you can join a gym, use the roads,your stairs whatever.Also dont overstretch yourself, you may injure yourself and use that as an excuse to quit.

Set yourself realistic targets, and when you achieve them, treat yourself, its hard work but bloody hell you feel good when you achieve them all, mind you i was a bit peeved when i had to buy a totally new wardrobe!

Anyway im on the bandwagon again, so here goes:

Current weight: 74.4 kg
Height: 5ft7
Target weight: 65 kg
Method: Atkins lite,3*gym sessions, and one thai boxing session)
Total weight loss since 1/1/06 :3kgs

Im hoping to get slimmed right down this year, i just want to look good naked!
Piggy - Pump is great, and SO much easier to follow than Combat. Same sort of self-concious godesses attend, but ignore them. Word of advice - take it easy on the weights until you get your form right, to avoid injury. Once you can do everything correctly, you can start building up the weights.
Well its my first weigh in tomoro morning... Ill let you all know how it goes!

Been walking today and went ice skating and did badminton during the week, hoping for a good result :)
This isnt something i would normally do, but seeing as other have done it, then i cant see why i shouldnt.

Here is two pictures of me, from the front and side.


I havent held my stomach in for the photos, which i normally end up doing around people. Its hanging out as you can see. That and the 2nd chin i have is what i want to get rid of, then start building up my muscles.
I suppose I should chip in with my bit in this thread.

I'm currently just over 14 stone, not too bad seeing as I'm 6'2 but I have a fairly small build and could do with losing a stone or so.

I lost a load of weight after I left uni and went from 15.5 stone to 11.5 stone at my lightest. Needless to say I started a bulking plan from this point and got to 13 stone without much fat put on.
Then mid/late last year I stopped working out so much but I had got into the habit of eating 3,500 calories per day :o
Put on around a stone of flab and that's what I'm going to lose.

Plan of action is to cut down my portion sizes (I currently eat a 1,000+ calorie meal each evening) and have 5 smaller meals each day.
Combine this with a 3 day split weight training plan and cycling/running for my cardio.

Goal is to be under 13 stone by 1st April (16 lbs in 11 weeks seems like a do-able target)
I know what its like with all the gym bunny/body beautifuls, inevitably I used to get them at my old work gym, but recently we moved offices and changed branches and there is an obvious difference in the type of person that goes.

(Plus the fact that I now no longer go to the same gym as Huddy :D - phew!)

One thing I don't understand is how girls with long hair can exercise without tieing their hair up?!

Like LK and Piggymon say, you go to the gym to burn calories - it is certainly not a catwalk! They obviously are not working hard and sweating enough...

I always leave the gym red faced!

I'd like to lose about a stone, weighed myself in Boots the other week and it said 11 stone (I'm 5'6 so according to the BMI I'm just in 'OK') but it said my target weight should be 9st 12!

Rubbish thing, I'm trying not to base it on weight but how I look, unfortunately I love my food, so its going to be difficult in that respect :)

I have a fitness assessment tomoro with a PT, he introduced me to the wonders of interval training last week - am not really looking forward to tomorrow!

I hate the gym, but I love my food and unfortunately it has to be done! Thank the world for mp3 players otherwise the task would be much harder.

Good luck everyone!

BB x

PS Piggy - My boyf works in Braintree, anytime you are around on a sat (when your not at the gym of course!) and I am too we should hook up?! I usually go down with him to peruse Freeport ;)
BrightonBelle said:
One thing I don't understand is how girls with long hair can exercise without tieing their hair up?!
I can't understand that either. I grip every stray strand out of the way, because hair in my face really annoys me when I'm trying to exercise.
I started changing my eating habits about 5-6months ago... Started off slowly, switching food, and then slowly phasing things out.
During that time (mainly in the past couple of months), I've
- Lost over 2 stone.
- BMI has gone from obese to overweight.
- dropped 3 jean sizes.

My plan is to lose about the same again. But I don't think my Jean sizes will drop that much again.

Note: for the most part I didn't do any extra exercise (wasn't really doing anything before), so most of it can be attributed to diet.

Also the good thing for me is, I now see the way I eat as the norm for me (which I think was really helped by slowly changing my diet instead of doing it overnight).
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