OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

I'll join the bandwagon too! It might give me some motivation! i always have the idea to lose abit of weight and tone up! but i never have the will power!
Here is me at about 9 stone in 2003:

Me at my heaviest in 2004 11 stone, Looking back now I realise how much weight I had put on *cringes at belly and double chin*:

And here is a reasonbly recent (november 05) pic of me at just over 10 stone, I managed to rid a stone before (tummy virus helped with that though!):

I am ok with how i am now I suppose, but at one point I got 9'11,and for once in my life people noticed that I had lost weight, and said I looked good, I weight about 10'4 atm after all of the christmas weight, and I really wouldlove to be 9'7, I am more concerned about hwo i look than the numbers on the scale, but it would be good if my jeans werent so tight on me!! I would also like ot be a comfortable size ten. Before my boyfriend went away I started putting it on again mainly down to our diet of takeaways, and i said whilst he was away that I would lose half a stone....although as of yet I have only managed to put on a few pounds!!

I have just bought a dance machine for ps2 which I hope is going to help, as it reall works up a sweat!!

Good Luck everyone!!!!! We need MR MOTIVATOR!
BrightonBelle said:
PS Piggy - My boyf works in Braintree, anytime you are around on a sat (when your not at the gym of course!) and I am too we should hook up?! I usually go down with him to peruse Freeport ;)

Sounds like a plan ! :D

Let me know when you're down .. Email in sig :)
I had a complete lifestyle change in August 2002 (from memory). One day I woke up and decided not to eat rubbish. At the time I weighed over 22stone (max the weights went up to). I went crazy on a low cal, extremely low fat diet (not low carb) and went down to 12'4 at my lightest. The speed I did this was probably dangerous but it worked for me. Since I've been to my lowest, I started doing weights and due to laziness/relationships I have since gone back in to the low 13s but am now losing it again.

It's all good stuff, just need to balance your intake with your metabolism. It's hard for a week but then you tend to get used to it, especially when your stomach shrinks and your sugar "addiction" subsides. Keep on with it.
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Good luck Holly !! ... I hate looking back at " skinny" pics , always makes me want to cry when I look at what I'm like now :(

I'm trying now to use them as motivation to get there again .. I WILL DO IT !
Piggymon said:
Good luck Holly !! ... I hate looking back at " skinny" pics , always makes me want to cry when I look at what I'm like now :(

I'm trying now to use them as motivation to get there again .. I WILL DO IT !

:) yes we will!!
guess what i just put my shape for the sun work out on!!!! lol in about half an hour i will be a sweaty wreck but the women on it irrratates me highly as does the music!!
LOL ! :D

I'm going to post my Monday Weigh - in results tomorrow morning .. if everyone else would like to join in that might be good as well .. kinda like an online weightwatchers :D
I just took a 'before' picture. Does anyone know how to turn off Fat Sack of Crap mode on a Minolta Dimage, because I think it's stuck on that.

Gym at 7.30 tomorrow morning... :)

Edit: Oh, and my Sunday morning weigh-in was 66.8kg. I'll be doing one weekly.
Piggymon said:
I'm going to post my Monday Weigh - in results tomorrow morning .. if everyone else would like to join in that might be good as well .. kinda like an online weightwatchers :D

Same here, but think Ill just post my total gain/loss, darent post my actual weight :o :D
Piggymon said:
LOL ! :D

I'm going to post my Monday Weigh - in results tomorrow morning .. if everyone else would like to join in that might be good as well .. kinda like an online weightwatchers :D
Im in!! Although Since I started today, the weight loss may not be significant!! 2 days ago I was 10,4! We should make it that we dont look at the scales at all untill monday morning weigh in, I think that is a weight watchers rule!
Adam_151 said:
I'm worried I'm loosing weight too fast, I haven't changed my meals, just cut out snacks, most puddings, all alcohol

When I got weighed the first week of january before starting this I was somewhere between 21st, and 21st 4lb (hard to get a consistant reading from the scales), now I'm reading about 19st 2lb ... its odd, I haven't done anything too dramatic, but I'm loosing weight pretty fast.

My goal is to get down to 15st (at least at first, if I need it I might go lower), and I'm 6'4"

Nothing to worry about. You likely lost a lot of water weight which will make your weight loss appear greater than it actually is.
Thought I'd do a small montage....

Images on the left were taken in the summer of 2002 after I'd lost a bit of weight ready for a holiday and spending the summer with mates.

Photos on the right are from during 2005. During the 3 years I've put on around 3 stone through a combination of poor diet and hardly any excercise. My target therefore is at least to get rid of those 3 stone again. This time however it needs to be through a sustainable change and not something I subconsciously reject at the first sign of falter!

I'll weigh in tomorrow Piggymon, although a little pointless seeing as I did two days ago (at 277lbs), doubt there'll be much change, but Mondays are a better day to do it on every week than Saturdays for me so may as well.


I think you'll agree the extra 3 stone are very noticable even in just my face.

I've knocked up an excel spreadsheet to keep track of my target weight every week and my actual weight. Based on losing 2lbs per week if I stay on track I hope to get down to 233lbs by 24/06/2006 (the day before I go on holiday!) - this should be me vaguely back to how things were on the left of the photo.

Other milestones...

Now.... 19st 11

4th Mar ..... 19st

22nd Apr .... 18st

10th Jun .... 17st

We'll see how this goes as it's a pretty big target in itself. In the longer term I'd like to see myself < 15stone.
I've also just started a diet/healthy eating/weight loss mission (funny how january has this effect on people!) and am aiming to lose about 2lbs a week. I'm using a low GI plan that seems to be really good.

It's similar to weight watchers in that it's based on a daily allowance of points, but it takes into account the GI value of the food (that is, the speed at which your body can break it down) as well as fat and calorie content. The longer it takes to break down the better as you'll feel fuller for longer, keep a stable blood sugar level (great for diabetics) and consequently not snack so much.

The diet focusses on balanced meals and incorporates 3 daily snacks as well as 3 main meals so feels really healthy. I've only been on it a week but I'm getting really into it and will be interested to see what my scales say in the morning!
Serafijn said:
I've also just started a diet/healthy eating/weight loss mission (funny how january has this effect on people!) and am aiming to lose about 2lbs a week. I'm using a low GI plan that seems to be really good.

It's similar to weight watchers in that it's based on a daily allowance of points, but it takes into account the GI value of the food (that is, the speed at which your body can break it down) as well as fat and calorie content. The longer it takes to break down the better as you'll feel fuller for longer, keep a stable blood sugar level (great for diabetics) and consequently not snack so much.

The diet focusses on balanced meals and incorporates 3 daily snacks as well as 3 main meals so feels really healthy. I've only been on it a week but I'm getting really into it and will be interested to see what my scales say in the morning!
I did a GI diet last year and it was amazing! Trousers were hanging off me after a week and a half woo woo!
So hard to do that stuff here in uni though because I'm so busy with everything else! Plus, my boyfriend takes me out for meals way too often (=over indulgence) and I get a habit of wanting KFC after we've got wasted in the union :( Boo hoo!
I'll join this diet thing. I'm going to start by cutting crap out of my diet at first. I'll go back to GI when I've a chance to sort out daily meal plan :)
Good luck everyone xxx
wow well i did half an hour of my shape up for the sun dvd, muted the womens voice lol and was sweating after about 5 minutes!! It gave me a bad headache though so il leave that for tonight, half an hour is enough to burn some calories off!! Got me a pint of water though!
I have also been drinknig a lot of green tea in the past month, its really good for you and is meant to help boost metalbolism
with regards to green tea, I can't be bothered to do any research to back up this claim but i seem to remember reading somewhere that in addition to other health benefits if taken in moderate amounts it can help raise your base metabolic rate by something like 4%.
wow i'd love to be as thin as all you girls! My weight is a problem and unfortunately i lack the motivation to do anything about it. I have a 9 month old son and although i didn't put any weight on when i was pregnant with him, i didn't loose any after he was born. I was all motivated that as my baby grew i would keep my weight steady and once born i'd see a drop in weight to spur me on, that never happened and my confidence plummeted to an all time low, what with everythign else that happens after a baby! I need to loose 4 stone but find it difficult to exercise, due to financial circumstances i can't afford a gym membership. Food wise we eat really healthily planning meals for the week and home cooking them all so we know it's all good stuff (also a lot cheaper).

My first aim is to start cutting down the portions sizes and to try and eat only when i become hungry.
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