OcUK Forums - Upgrade imminent! :p

Without warning nuke the entire db, upgrade to 4.x and start from scratch.

Sit back and bask in the nerdrage :cool:
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Without warning nuke the entire db, upgrade to 4.x and start from scratch.

Sit back and bask in the nerdrage :cool:

"Where are my 16,453 posts!!!111!!!eleventy!111!!"

A nuke would be good I think. People could also grab names they wanted that weren't available before due to being taken by inactive members. It might also make new people feel a bit less apprehensive about any perceived "cliques".
What are the risks with security again? To be honest, this forums is good for me, it's always fast. When i had a crud internet connection before, these forums were only thing that worked. Superslow internet but i still had Overclockers....trusty trusty!

I vote keep it - it's retro, some things have just gotta be kept retro! Unless of course, y'know...we all die of a virus if we don't upgrade. :o
Its done, behind the times and for a techy/nerd forum is missing so many features that could make it even better

Luckily content makes up for it but things have to change, go try using the bbc site from 7 years ago and note your dissapoint, btw it wasn't "broke" either but now its just better

Retro is just another word for has been or old
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Its done, behind the times and for a techy/nerd forum is missing so many features that could make it even better

Luckily content makes up for it but things have to change, go try using the bbc site from 7 years ago and note your dissapoint

Retro is just another word for has been or old

What is missing?
I upgraded my forum from 3.7 to 4.0 a while back and it was straight forward. You can turn off the CMS and Blog parts and just have the forum on it's own. You can also rename a tab and point it at the store.

Version 4 already comes with a mobile style that can selected manually or fixed as default in the user control panel. Tapatalk can also be easily added.
I know nothing about this topic so I'll assume bigger number means better and go for option C, but keep the avatars!
I've also upgraded two VB forums from 3.x to 4 and didn't encounter any major problems. I think the benefits of v4 is that it regularly gets security fixes whereas I am not sure 3.x does any more.
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