OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Haha I relish the idea of moving to bigger sizes!

Although I'm sure you'll need tailor made things when you get to Morba's size along with Benny and FF.

Either that or an XL with enough leg room would just fall off you without a very tight belt.

My legs are just pushing over 27" now, but yes I do need tailore made things, with a big chest and slim waist it does make it difficult, however I can't afford tailor made stuff so for trousers for example I buy 38" waist, and have them tailored in around the waist so that my legs fit. Shirts I buy off the peg by neck size (18") and just put some "pinches" in to make it a bit more tailored as otherwise I'm packing half a tent into my trousers. I have a big glute and big arms too which makes it tough for tight fitting stuff. I still only buy L or XL as I don't like REALLY baggy stuff, but I don't like uber tight stuff either.
Nice one Tommy. I nearly fell off my chair with the initial impression of those pictures. Very nice gains and better posing blown clean off the scale by the camera work, impressive. What are your stats before/ after mate?
2nd pic is a big closer to the camera, so it does make you look bigger. :P
even so, by looking at the proportions you can see that there's a lot of extra meat everywhere, great job and a fantastic gain in such a short time.
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Yes the second pic is a bit closer to the camera, thats seen by the size of my head! (that hasn't grown... ;) :P)

I was 160~ @ time of pic, 182 at weigh in at gym today.

ATM am trying to set a smooth course for my bulk to 210 or so, but i'm messing about at the moment with different routines, i get better gains t 6-8 rep range, so am sorting out my routine to accomodate that

really wanna get hard to work on traps/rear delts/tri's, they'll pop out eventually

have only been doing deadlifts for 3 weeks, so next 4 months the lower back should pop out :D
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182-210? jesus m8 thats ambitious, but fair play great gains so far. Dont forget that at 210 you will look nigh on pro-standard for your height but i cant wait to see the result if you keep going like you are!
Be gentle I'm very self conscious about stretch marks lol.









Arnie curls with 45s.

Look I'm smiling again:D.

Some one arm BORs with 60s.
Looking almighty there Tank! I wouldnt worry about your stretch marks, I have them too, although mine are around my waist from years of weight loss/weight gain. I have them from when I was 13, Im now 27, most have gone white now. and you can hardly see them.

Im a similar build to you, certainly nowhere near as strong and silverback like though. I wish I could get more definition. Ive been doing 3x8 on most exercises for a year now, thinking of holding off on the weight increases and going to 3x10. Reckon that will help? Other than that, I still do need to lose some body fat as well.

On a completely different subject, Ive put myself out of action for a few days and hurt my groin after going in cold on a squat. Im an idiot. Only being doing deads and squats for 2 weeks and am still fine tuning my form :D
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Tank those are some awesome pics. Surely you should play rugby or something "there's six men clinging on to him, but they just can't bring him down!!"

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