OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Last two weeks i have been doing a lot of tricep/bicep and shoulder work, the change has been enourmous for me on my 11th week now of a solid diet and gym 3 times a week, i cant believe the change, has helped taking weekly pictures lol

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Avert your gays all!

Here we go guys, some more 'no homo' Robbie G shots! 7 weeks on diet and exercise. Serious observations appreciated, banter welcome also (like I have a choice :p).


Mainly been deadlifting, squatting, and bench pressing, with some leg extensions, rows, overhead presses, calf raises, flyes, etc. Diet wise I'm on a five or six small protein-based meals per day type of regime. I'm on a calorie deficit at the moment as I wanted to reduce my belly fat quickly, so not expecting miracles in the muscle department. Minimal cardio so far.

What do you think of my tactics - diet on calorie deficit and weights - at this stage?

Pace of change - reasonable or unimpressive?

I obviously need to build some muscle but want to ditch some of the flab first. Strength is increasing steadily. If I'm doing something wrong I'd like to know it please guys. I'm aiming for a healthy looking lean and athletic physique rather than man-mountain.
Start eating more soon imo, you seem to have lost a good chunk off your midsection (sucking it in? :p). Good progress so far, its early days to say anything that needs changing yet. Work on your posing/ posture would be my advice. Improve your look 100% without lifting a single weight :)
Was doing 5x5 stronglifts for 4 months as a starting point managed to increase my strength a lot - squat for 95kg and benching 75kg were my highest across the exercises both over my body weight so was quite chuffed!

However I didn't notice much of a change in my physique to be honest, I was doing Hiit every other day but lack of sleep forced me into a bad cycle of eating towards the end and I couldn't get past 95kg on the squat. I've now been on a break for about 3 weeks, my guts back it's really quite annoying. Anyway, I wondered if there was a 5x5 stronglifts equivalent program for body building as apposed to strength training or is it better to do that first?
Was doing 5x5 stronglifts for 4 months as a starting point managed to increase my strength a lot - squat for 95kg and benching 75kg were my highest across the exercises both over my body weight so was quite chuffed!

However I didn't notice much of a change in my physique to be honest, I was doing Hiit every other day but lack of sleep forced me into a bad cycle of eating towards the end and I couldn't get past 95kg on the squat. I've now been on a break for about 3 weeks, my guts back it's really quite annoying. Anyway, I wondered if there was a 5x5 stronglifts equivalent program for body building as apposed to strength training or is it better to do that first?

If you've not been putting on mass it's most likely due to lack of calories than the specific program you were following.
if mass is your goal then volume is the key. 5x5 is great for strength but you can get better results mass wise with more volume.
that + what Volcs said.
Guy's normally the further on the day I go I guess due to eating more etc my stomach becomes less flat and comes out more at the bottom - it looks like fat but I think it's my gut - any exercises I can do to keep my stomach more flat?
It's pretty obvious Leviathon that were overtraining. You need to find a balance between cardio and mass building. You simply can't expect to keep progressing if your not giving your body a chance to recover.

IMO you should stick to 5x5 and cut out the HIIT EOD. Get plenty of good food and sleep and you should be able to put a nice good solid foundation of mass on.

I would still recommend you do cardio but not so much it interferes with your recovery as it was before.
If you've not been putting on mass it's most likely due to lack of calories than the specific program you were following.

This. 5x5 is a solid routine for mass and strength for the majority of people.

If you are not gaining its likely to come down to diet and rest.
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