OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

How tall are you then? I only weigh 83kg now at 5ft 8in.
If my mrs still loved me i'd get her to take a pic so i can embrassass myself into training hard again.
If my mrs still loved me i'd get her to take a pic so i can embrassass myself into training hard again.


There are other ways that pics can be taken. No excuses, get it done and up here! At least that way all your guff can be taken out of here and moved to the gym rats' thread :p.
You're still doing it... lmao
I take all my own pictures mate, just prop it up on something :)
Just started to goin to the gym on the weights. gym membership sooo expensive. im aboiut 12st 5 n 5ft 11. blasian all the way

davetrace1 - no homo but you've obviously done some working out before? Your pecs for example are already fairly well defined and you seem to have quite a thick neck / traps area.
davetrace1 - no homo but you've obviously done some working out before? Your pecs for example are already fairly well defined and you seem to have quite a thick neck / traps area.
ye thats ok, ive been going to the gym for about 2 weeks summin like that, but ive got a bench press at home i occasionally use but its only 40k from argos lol, i play football 11 a side twice a week so i get fit n stronger from that. i eat like a mother farger as well
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davetrace1 - no homo but you've obviously done some working out before? Your pecs for example are already fairly well defined and you seem to have quite a thick neck / traps area.

I've told you about "no homo" robbie... haha

davetrace- I had to look up what "blasian" was just now. Strange mix for bodybuilding as (massive generalisation in coming) blacks normally have an easier ride than asians. Lucky if you haven't trained much before you seem to have more of a naturally athletic physique.
What are your short to medium term goals?
ye man blasian half black half asian. goals are mainly too put on more mass but without it sacrificing my speed and fitness in football. any tips on that? thanks
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ye man blasian half black half asian. goals are mainly too put on more mass but without it sacrificing my speed and fitness in football. any tips on that? thanks
Read the sticky mate. But you can condense it down to : Eat more clean food, sleep well, and train hard. Don't worry about sacrificing speed or fitness, they will be fine, otherwise you will be stuck in the "I don't want to get too big" crowd who never gain anything.

Is that you Broadband? :D

Was he a Blasian? lol...
Got some pics up after about 3 months without any, definetly gained a bit (a lot :O) of fat from all this alcoholism and poorer diet :p. Up to around 13.5 stone, although I havent been weighing myself often either.

I think over this space of time my chest has lost a lot of size (due to injury and thus not training it), shoulders gained a lot of size as have my biceps/tri's. back thickness also seems to be improving.



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ok. I'll go, more for my reference really. 11.7 stone, 5' 9. 18/11/09. In the past week ive changed my diet and cut out milk and break. Started eating more tuna, eggs and less chocolate and crap. Aim is to stay around the same weight but lose more love handle mass and change man **** into more pecks! a bit of cardio, weights, situps and pressups each night...



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Haven't posted pics in a while, nothing ever changes much with the amount I eat but I thought I'd post some before my match on Thursday for posterity. Even some leg shots for the first time... however they are pretty pathetic compared to some of the tree trunks some people here have :D

Sorry for the crappy camera:



Godamn legs...
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