OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Still no muscles, but the body composition has changed somewhat after almost 10 weeks.


If you look closely you can see small deadlift scabs under each knee, they hurt!
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Coming on good mate :) How far are you wanting to go with the weight loss? Judging from those pics I would start to worry in another 3 months about what I was losing.

2008-present..todays pic

2006 weighed about 24 stone, and now I'm about 15...Ive been meaning to upload some pictures for a while now, and found the 06 (terrible fashion jeez) one when i was cleaning out my drawers...sorry for the crappy iphone pics...But you can see the progress :p Quite embarassing that i was once that big, but a lot happier now in everything.

A few weeks ago i started back at the gym and slowly moving on to the weights now...Which im really enjoying :), ill try keep it updated.

Thats a huge change, I have a friend who did a similar thing but he ended up with loads of baggy skin but you seem to have none
Coming on good mate :) How far are you wanting to go with the weight loss? Judging from those pics I would start to worry in another 3 months about what I was losing.

Thanks dun, I am intending to carry on shedding fat until there is some definition around my abs. At that point I will start upping the calories. When you say that you would start to worry about what I was losing, you mean that I could be in danger of shedding too much muscle instead of bodyfat? Or that I will just look too skinny?
Yes Robbie, after a certain point you'll start loosing more muscle than fat.

Maybe just loose a little more, and then get the diet and training sorted.
There is one way to do things if you are a bodybuilder, do it the wrong way and it will be like a concentration camp diet. It is much easier to bulk up, then cut at a later date. Cutting first and then trying to bulk at low BF levels is a noob mistake. I don't think you need to cut yet, get used to eating 5 or 6 times a day, this is the way to do it, bulking or cutting. Diet /= starvation.
No starvation involved, I'm never hungry and I already eat 5 small meals a day with a large dinner post workout. I'm just on a slight calorie deficit which, in combination with the weights I suppose, has led to me losing some fat. Most of the stuff I eat, I just can't imagine eating much more of it than I already am. After half a tin of tuna I'm absolutely sick of it. I love things like cheese and ham sandwiches but am barely eating anything like that these days.

Could I go for a 'dirty-ish' bulk and add things like whole milk, cheese, breaded chicken, etc. back to my diet?
Ew no.

I'm gianing with just low fat milk, and added brown rice.

I add slightly more each week.

Got some great advice to pre-cook my rice for the next few days, and it's genius. I just dish up eat and add my meat and veg.
Got some great advice to pre-cook my rice for the next few days, and it's genius. I just dish up eat and add my meat and veg.

Hmmm. How long would pre-cooked brown rice last for? How do you store it too? If it keeps for ages then I'll cook heaps at a time. Just a pain to dirty up pans etc.
Hmmm. How long would pre-cooked brown rice last for? How do you store it too? If it keeps for ages then I'll cook heaps at a time. Just a pain to dirty up pans etc.

I make half a kg in a big pot. Then I scoop into a big dish to cool, cover in tin foil.

I have rice with most of my meals so it last a good 2-3 days.

Have yet to have it go off on me.

Also i use normal rice, not that easy cook stuff so I rise with cold, water, then boil for 30 mins before it's ready. Then strain and rise with cool water. All done.
I re heat it all the time, and I do have it with other meals. I can't eat 500g of rice with meat and veg :p

Also tuppaware would be far better, but I don't have any.

Like I said it lasts me about 2-3 days. Probably longer, but I eat a lot.
3 days max for rice imo. Cook it, cool it asap (rinse) and get it in a sealed container in the fridge. When you want a bit wack it in the microwave for a few mins, job done.
Storing and reheating
There are a few things to remember when you are storing and reheating cooked rice and grains. This is because the spores of some food poisoning bugs can survive cooking.

If cooked rice or grains are left standing at room temperature, the spores can germinate. The bacteria multiply and produce toxins that can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Reheating food won't get rid of the toxins.

Therefore, it's best to serve rice and grains when they've just been cooked. If this isn't possible, cool them within an hour after cooking and keep them refrigerated until reheating or using in a cold dish.

You should throw away any rice and grains that have been left at room temperature overnight.

Don't keep cooked rice and grains for longer than two days and don't reheat them more than once. Check the 'use by' date and storage instructions on the label for any cold rice or grain salads that you buy.


But I do eat them 3 days after. You can go longer as PAz says, but with something soo cheap why bother?
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