Bigger traps and thicker pecs, bigger lats too (can't really tell from the front) needed. Nice level of bodyfat thought.
Not gay at all mate. I have my version of that which I ultimately aim to achieve. When people start confusing Christian Thibaudeau for me I'll have done it
Edit: Tbh Tom I'd get bulking. You've not got a great deal of mass there and you don't want to loose any of it whilst you try and burn fat Get eating sunshine. Bask in the food glory that is a bulk and all the mass that comes with it!
Not gay at all mate. I have my version of that which I ultimately aim to achieve. When people start confusing Christian Thibaudeau for me I'll have done it
Edit: Tbh Tom I'd get bulking. You've not got a great deal of mass there and you don't want to loose any of it whilst you try and burn fat Get eating sunshine. Bask in the food glory that is a bulk and all the mass that comes with it!