OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
Does it hurt when you do it? I think I must pull the ligaments or something as well because its not trivial (not saying yours was by any means) like I can't move my arm for days style :\
As for the lateral raises are you doing them much more controlled/ lighter weight with your arms fully out stretched? That's how I have started doing them the last few weeks, alternating between standing seating and one arm but all the same style.
25 Sep 2006
Does it hurt when you do it? I think I must pull the ligaments or something as well because its not trivial (not saying yours was by any means) like I can't move my arm for days style :\

Nah it's not painful but I can feel my shoulder about to 'pop' and light there's a pocket of air right in the socket. It's not exactly comfortable but not painful. A minor subluxation if I kept going it probaly would have discloated. Shoulder mobility is still good so I don't think mine is too serious.
As for the lateral raises are you doing them much more controlled/ lighter weight with your arms fully out stretched? That's how I have started doing them the last few weeks, alternating between standing seating and one arm but all the same style.

I've always used a controlled tempo and suitable weight (ever since GVT) usually between 8-12KG. Originally I did them how you described really reaching out with a slight bend in the elbows and pointing my thumbs down toward the peak of the rep.

I found imbalances in shoulder strength & size occured no matter how much I tried to address my form using this technique.

I now have my arm almost out in front of me, similar to a front raise but wide enough so I can feel the lateral delt firing (literally with my opposite hand on my shoulder) I find that good for working the portion of the head nearer to the tricep. If I bend my arm completely to 90 degrees whilst keeping my upper arm in the same position as before I can feel it working the portion nearer to the traps. Shoulder blades kept down & slightly back and also leaning slightly foward too. It feels like a 'shoulder flye' really, if that makes sense?

I understand you can't work either end of the deltoids seperately as the muscle contracts as a whole but I feel a greater intensity & activation using these methods.

All 3 methods work but just seem to deliver different results. I immediatley noticed a bigger pump today when I finally nailed it so hoping they'll catch up soon!
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
240lb? Not lean, not natural or both. You can get fat or supplement at any age :p

I've achieved 220lbs fairly lean and fairly strong, no reason why I can't do it naturally at 240lbs - had I started 6 years ago (i.e. double the time I've been training) I'd have been closer to it than I would in 3 years time I reckon.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Cheers :)

Forearms will be getting some improvement whether it be size, strength or both!

Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Approx ~85KG
Chest: Approx~ 45.5"
Waist: 33"
Arms: 15.75"
Thighs: 24.5"

Down a little on the arms and thighs but look better for it I've thought.

Just reviewed where I'm at - and you're not far behind me at all. Good work dude, crikey in 10 years time you'll look beastly! And I'll have the test levels of a glow worm :(
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
All big lifts were off the table with my shoulder so I totally re evaluated the way i trained. I've never liked deadlifting from the floor yet love rack pulls from just below the knee, so I switched to solely them a few months ago. Flat benching- an ego lift IMO. Dumbells, hammer strength machine loving as well, and if I use the bar decline with occasional incline. All much much better feel for me personally. Squat on the other hand I just can't do which is a shame. The last time I back squatted I hadn't attempted it for months due to my shoulder, I got upto my old PB easily but I could tell I had stretched my shoulder a little bit, 3 days later it subluxed again...
I'll go check out your dead vid after that ramble :p

It's very much dependent what you're after. You're clearly more interested in an aesthetically minded approach to training - furthermore with your injuries it's stripped out your chances of big strength lifts too which is a shame. Real shame you can't squat either - it's still undeniably the ultimate leg exercise. I have to say I agree with flat bench not being quite as effective for development, however it's still undoubtedly the primary chest work out if done properly - not necessarily an ego lift - but that's down to your psychology and what sort of person you are.

Hypertrophy specific training is achievable with all equipment, it's how you lift it, not how much weight you've got on there (though clearly weight is important too! ;)).

Would be interesting hear more about your training routine though, It's great to see you've adapted yourself around your injuries and abilities - that's dedication. :cool:



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
I've achieved 220lbs fairly lean and fairly strong, no reason why I can't do it naturally at 240lbs - had I started 6 years ago (i.e. double the time I've been training) I'd have been closer to it than I would in 3 years time I reckon.

Apart from no one else has managed it :p I'm not saying its impossible, I've got every faith in you, but it is unlikely you will be the first in the world to be lean at 240lb naturally. I honestly hope you can do it though:)



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
It's very much dependent what you're after. You're clearly more interested in an aesthetically minded approach to training - furthermore with your injuries it's stripped out your chances of big strength lifts too which is a shame. Real shame you can't squat either - it's still undeniably the ultimate leg exercise. I have to say I agree with flat bench not being quite as effective for development, however it's still undoubtedly the primary chest work out if done properly - not necessarily an ego lift - but that's down to your psychology and what sort of person you are.

Hypertrophy specific training is achievable with all equipment, it's how you lift it, not how much weight you've got on there (though clearly weight is important too! ;)).

Would be interesting hear more about your training routine though, It's great to see you've adapted yourself around your injuries and abilities - that's dedication. :cool:

Yea squatting I miss and am actively trying to get enough flexibility/ mobility to be able to start again, the other two I don't miss. For me as you know its all about the hypertrophy (apart from the enjoyment of actually lifting obviously). I don't care if some kid has a bigger bench or squat or dead if when we stand next to each other I look better from a bodybuilding point of view, so that's what all my training is focused towards.
I think another aspect of it is where you train. I always wanted to be big but training at home/ posh gyms you are very sheltered. Since I joined a pretty hardcore gym everything is just focused on getting big or strong (or both obviously) but people pretty much want to be the best at one of those. I'll never be as strong as some super obese 5'4 roided to the hilt strength athlete, not that its easier but in my mind it takes less effort to tug something with all your might for 5 seconds than it does to craft a masterpiece over a lifetime.
Anything you want to ask go ahead mate and I'll answer it if possible :)



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
I want my 25.5" thighs back :(

Do you though? One thing which isn't fun to have big day to day is thighs IMO. Yes they look good when you get them out compared to the bicep boys but damn me if I have to shuffle my bits around 400 times a day to stop them getting crushed its been a good day. Jeans, driving, even now just sitting here its uncomfortable on the old family jewels :p
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Do you though? One thing which isn't fun to have big day to day is thighs IMO. Yes they look good when you get them out compared to the bicep boys but damn me if I have to shuffle my bits around 400 times a day to stop them getting crushed its been a good day. Jeans, driving, even now just sitting here its uncomfortable on the old family jewels :p

This is true. I've been recommended by my doctor to use vaseline to stop chaffing >_>
25 Sep 2006
Do you though? One thing which isn't fun to have big day to day is thighs IMO. Yes they look good when you get them out compared to the bicep boys but damn me if I have to shuffle my bits around 400 times a day to stop them getting crushed its been a good day. Jeans, driving, even now just sitting here its uncomfortable on the old family jewels :p

True, sitting on your junk isn't fun.

I think I just want to develop my quads a bit more. Ultimatley I'm not unhappy with my legs just a psychological thing that I know they're not as big as they should be :p

Arms have filled back out nicely since the bulk and am generally really happy with how I'm looking at the moment which is quite rare for most of us I'm sure.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Apart from no one else has managed it :p I'm not saying its impossible, I've got every faith in you, but it is unlikely you will be the first in the world to be lean at 240lb naturally. I honestly hope you can do it though:)

I reckon I can stay at my current BF and whack on some more lean mass. You underestimate human potential greatly my young padawan. ;) There are plenty of naturals around 230lbs+ off season - which is about as lean as I ever care to get if not leaner. I'm never going to go much leaner than 15-16% as it's just not me, and I'm not planning on competing. As long as I stay between 15-18% I'll be happy, and 240lbs at that %age for my height 1m85 (ish) is achievable.

I want my 25.5" thighs back :(

They'll get there, mine are just over 27.5" now! :D



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
I just like to be realistic. I didn't say you can't get to that weight, just not 'lean'. Obviously we can all interpret that word differently. Could you give me some natty bodybuilders who are 240lbs in the off season so I can have a look at their bodyfat, as I'm assuming it will be pretty high.
27.5" thighs though... where do you put the meat and veg? :D:p
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Yea squatting I miss and am actively trying to get enough flexibility/ mobility to be able to start again, the other two I don't miss. For me as you know its all about the hypertrophy (apart from the enjoyment of actually lifting obviously). I don't care if some kid has a bigger bench or squat or dead if when we stand next to each other I look better from a bodybuilding point of view, so that's what all my training is focused towards.
I think another aspect of it is where you train. I always wanted to be big but training at home/ posh gyms you are very sheltered. Since I joined a pretty hardcore gym everything is just focused on getting big or strong (or both obviously) but people pretty much want to be the best at one of those. I'll never be as strong as some super obese 5'4 roided to the hilt strength athlete, not that its easier but in my mind it takes less effort to tug something with all your might for 5 seconds than it does to craft a masterpiece over a lifetime.
Anything you want to ask go ahead mate and I'll answer it if possible :)

Yeah I'm just not bothered about the aesthetics, I'm after raw power, and strength. Sure I get muscle definition and size, that's always helpful, if anything to cushion blows on the rugby pitch, and it's just more comfortable than being a bag of bones! :D

Agreed about hardcore gyms being a good motivator though definitely the wise move to be made. I just challenge myself, I don't care if other people are stronger or leaner than me. As long as I keep bettering myself and I challenge myself that's all I care about. Which is why I'm not bothered about competing on going on stage, I'm not after being better than others, as long as I get better personally.

It's nice to see you have a passion for sculpting yourself into the way you want to be. I agree that it's much more interesting and exciting than I don't know, horse racing or football for me. Some people are mad about football, and become obsessed about it - to me this is no different, you're turning your hobby into a work of art - and at your age to have that commitment is laudable - I don't mean to sound condescending but at your age I had NO commitment to anything (sports, work, women etc... :D).

Ultimately as you alluded to it's about the enjoyment, the endorphins and hormone releases you get from lifting, but also the results you get. I see my strength improving, my size become more impressive, and my general health and lifestyle be way ahead of most of the people around me. You see your shape improve, your definition and striations/separations become more pronounced. In fact you're clearly more of a bodybuilder than I am - I'm a weight lifter. :)

My training focuses on hypertrophy, but also on power/strength development, ultimately you can never really have one without the other - however the ratios of how each one is affected can vary greatly! :)

You're doing well, keep it up. If ever we stroll down Venice/Muscle Beach in LA, you can bring all the girls for the aesthetics, and I can be the brute that protects you from their jealous boyfriends ;)
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
You're 2" taller :p

Cut for 2 months then re-measure them ;)

Dropped to 26.5" :(

I just like to be realistic. I didn't say you can't get to that weight, just not 'lean'. Obviously we can all interpret that word differently. Could you give me some natty bodybuilders who are 240lbs in the off season so I can have a look at their bodyfat, as I'm assuming it will be pretty high.
27.5" thighs though... where do you put the meat and veg? :D:p

Skip la Cour and Ron Rich are two off the top of my head - but I know there are many many many more out there. :)

It gets tight!! I have bald patches on my inner thigh - no lie!



5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
Skip has apparently admitted to using prohormones before the federation banned them and by looking at some pics on google images I highly doubt he is what you would class as natural currently :p Can't say I've heard of Ron.
I have the bald patches too :p
25 Sep 2006
Bald patches here also!

And on the top of my thighs from stuff in my pockets or where my bar/hands rest at the top of a deadlift rep. Suprised I have any skin left after todays challenge!
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Ditto all of it has been worn away! :D

Shame about skip, however he achieve 90% of his mass before using PHs and even then it was to help him cut and harden. PHs have all the virilizing properties but really hardly anabolic or androgenic enough IMO - however that's fair enough. There are many of other examples out there though. To be at the level of "leaness" I want, 240lbs is achievable. :)
25 Sep 2006
200lbs lean will suit me nicely :)

Probaly look a bit excessive at my height. I don't really want to actually get much larger, just nail my proportioning (something that's very important to me- sort my shoulders out) and then maintain around 12-13% bf.

When I'm in the gym I love looking like a beef cake. When I'm out on the town I don't really enjoy it as you tend to stand out for the wrong reasons. Usually makes people think twice before lipping off but also scares women away!

Probaly the choice of clothing but if you've got it flaunt it!
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