OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I doubt I'd want to stay "big" for ever, but just as a challenge to myself.

Anyway, I'm going to break 600kg by the summer. Next target is 650kg :D
I doubt I'd want to stay "big" for ever, but just as a challenge to myself.

Anyway, I'm going to break 600kg by the summer. Next target is 650kg :D

I like it!

Always aim high!

I'm bound to break 500KG soon. Hopefully over Easter if I can get 10KG on my bench but don't think I'll see all of it within the next few weeks seeing as my chest presses are actually down compared to when I got my last PB. However by the time I turn 21 in May it's deffinatley achievable.
scares women away!

I'm not as big as you lot but you can tell I'm an avid gym goer, and almost every girl I know preferred me skinny. My pull rate has also dropped substantially!

In fact I once caught a bit of take me out (dating programme on TV), and when one guy uttered the words "I like to keep fit and try to eat the right things" almost everyone turned their lights off!

Obviously not gonna stop me going but conclusion: girls hate fitties? :eek:
Not in my experience. ;) most of the girls I know are rather keen and more often than not draw a look or two. :p then again I look and give them a smile first but I'm an outrageous flirt and confident so more likely to be that than purely physique! ;)
almost every girl I know preferred me skinny.

This whole skinny/skinny legs+jeans thing is just a fashion phase/fad, and just like all the fads before it, it will change. It only really concerns the younger part of the population anyway. Girls go for boys and all the aesthetics that implies, and women go for men with everything that that implies.
I swear to god, if most of us tried wearing skinny jeans, we'd have no family jewels left, let alone any skin or hair on our upper legs.

I can't stand skinny clothing, I hate it when it scratches and rubs off me. Specially since it takes off the hair.

But with that said, 50% of my female friends like a well built guy, the others like skinny/chubby'ish.

I agree with that Freefaller said though. :D
It is laughable, I used to be really skinny (More so than now) and it done me no favours :o (Maybe I missed the fad? Or was too early for it :p ?)

My current girlfriend knew I had just started training when we met, and she didn't get put off :)...She might if I got 'big'...but who knows...I'm currently not looking out to be huge.
I tried skinny jeans for a laugh, couldn't get it past my knee. :/ Even struggled to an extent getting it past my calf. What a waste of space they are.

A lot of people see "big" guys and think, meathead, with little life etc... A lot of uneducated people think abz=cool too. So a lot of skinny blokes will have a "6 pack" yet flick so much as a finger on them and they'll fold in two.

However, in my experience and from what I've seen around London and pretty much most continents around the world, is that everyone is different and different people like different people and there's no definition for what works and doesn't work for the other party.

Ultimately you've got to be happy in yourself. If you're not you'll never exude the confidence to make other people happy in you and ultimately interested in you. It's an inner strength more so than an outer visible strength that makes you appealing to others.

Don't fret - do what makes you happy. Don't use your life or goals as a mitigation for other things - as it's not linked at all.
Too true :)

I'd hope my lady respects me for who I am if I started getting more muscley / defined etc

Anyway, we shall see...Starting work next week at Wickes which is early morning till lunch time...So I can go home and train in the afternoon theoretically :)
True FF. Good couple of posts. I've made the mistake of picking up skinnies before if you can get into them they make your quads look awesome!

I went out last night (met JohnnyL actually :p) and ended up getting into a bit of a scrap, well almost. I live with 3 girls and treat them like they're my sisters we're all very close. A friend of a guy one of them was seeing has spread that she had 'given him something' out of jealousy as she was no longer interested in him. It'd really upset her and she decided to go and talk it out with him. I stood and watched and then as soon as she started crying and I saw his facial expressions become nasty etc I shot over and basically told him to keep his gob shut. I wasn't physically threating nor was I trying to intimdate him (he was about 6ft 2 and built like a rake). I recieved the:

'I don't even know you! you're lucky...'
'Lucky What?'
*Puts his forehead against mine in a 'I'm going to nut you manner'* only to not spot the bouncer stood directly behind me :p

I made a swift exit inside to wait for the girls when he comes through the door with his friends shortly followed by the other 2 girls I live with both giving him peices of their minds. A few other lads I know had spotted me waiting and so I briefly filled them in and by this point I just wanted to put him on his backside infront of everyone. I caught him smirking at me and then before I knew it he'd offered me out and I swiftly accepted and was following him outside at a rate of knots only for a bouncer to grab him and throw him out and then try to eject me too. Cue some white lies about how I didn't want to fight him and the bouncer replied:

'Of course you don't not with those right mate?' in a sarcastic manner refering to my arms!

It was all rather childish! I don't go looking for trouble but usually manage to end up finding it! Needless to say I did actually have quite a good night after all that!

Think my test levels should probaly drop for their own benefit!

Looking great Benny :cool:

Cheers bud.
True FF. Good couple of posts. I've made the mistake of picking up skinnies before if you can get into them they make your quads look awesome!

I went out last night (met JohnnyL actually :p) and ended up getting into a bit of a scrap, well almost. I live with 3 girls and treat them like they're my sisters we're all very close. A friend of a guy one of them was seeing has spread that she had 'given him something' out of jealousy as she was no longer interested in him. It'd really upset her and she decided to go and talk it out with him. I stood and watched and then as soon as she started crying and I saw his facial expressions become nasty etc I shot over and basically told him to keep his gob shut. I wasn't physically threating nor was I trying to intimdate him (he was about 6ft 2 and built like a rake). I recieved the:

'I don't even know you! you're lucky...'
'Lucky What?'
*Puts his forehead against mine in a 'I'm going to nut you manner'* only to not spot the bouncer stood directly behind me :p

I made a swift exit inside to wait for the girls when he comes through the door with his friends shortly followed by the other 2 girls I live with both giving him peices of their minds. A few other lads I know had spotted me waiting and so I briefly filled them in and by this point I just wanted to put him on his backside infront of everyone. I caught him smirking at me and then before I knew it he'd offered me out and I swiftly accepted and was following him outside at a rate of knots only for a bouncer to grab him and throw him out and then try to eject me too. Cue some white lies about how I didn't want to fight him and the bouncer replied:

'Of course you don't not with those right mate?' in a sarcastic manner refering to my arms!

It was all rather childish! I don't go looking for trouble but usually manage to end up finding it! Needless to say I did actually have quite a good night after all that!

Think my test levels should probaly drop for their own benefit!

Cheers bud.

Heh, oh lordy :p

I found when I started up training that I acted slightely differently, almost to a point I had more confidence.

Quite amusing actually...I do hate the way people associate you to being a beefcake when you have muscles and goto the gym though...not everyone is out to fight :o
Looking very solid Benny, great pics and excellent progress.

I stood and watched and then as soon as she started crying and I saw his facial expressions become nasty etc I shot over and basically told him to keep his gob shut.

Should have kept out of it at this point. She was probably being an annoying bint. I'm not surprised his facial expressions became aggravated, having a whining female in his face, especially if she has given him a STD (do you know for a fact she didn't?). Still, I can understand the protective instinct thing, and at least you got your arms complemented (albeit by a guy) :p.
Looking very solid Benny, great pics and excellent progress.

Cheers mate

Should have kept out of it at this point. She was probably being an annoying bint. I'm not surprised his facial expressions became aggravated, having a whining female in his face, especially if she has given him a STD (do you know for a fact she didn't?). Still, I can understand the protective instinct thing, and at least you got your arms complemented (albeit by a guy) :p.

Yeah, technically it's not my business but I then have to hear them all bang on about it for days after.

I don't know if she did give him anything but she's off to the clinic anyway to prove him wrong. I think he had his symptons muddled up or wrong ones or something.

Though really unless you've been tested and do have something and the other party involved has also been tested and found to also be positive for said infection/disease you should really keep your mouth shut otherwise you can just run around screaming that everyone has the herp and get away with it! :p
I don't tend to get aggro from people - more often than not I pacify the situation with a joke and a bit of banter - I don't seem to draw negative attention to myself. I'm also can't afford to have a problem with the police as the business I work in I can't afford anything like that either. Furthermore, I'd be scared about really hurting someone, so I just back down and let people get on with it. Saying that, if a friend or a member of my family were being aggressed in front of me I wouldn't think twice about stepping in. *touch wood* this has never happened, and the only times I've had to step in to say something, people just walk away calling me names - that I can live with. :) I've only "snapped" once in my life, a long time ago, and I vowed never to do it again. A friend once called me, as strong as an ox but as dangerous as a teddy :o
Yeah, I too am usually quite good at diffusing situations with a bit of logic, politness and persuasive tone I've stopped a fair few kick offs. I don't know what I'm capable of nor do I wish to find out. A criminal record especially for something like GBH/ABH/ Aggrivated Assault really is a spanner in the works for life.
nice proportions you got there Benny, looks like the cut has gone very well. :)

glad you got out of the situation without any complications, nobody wants a criminal record.
Yeah I'm just not bothered about the aesthetics, I'm after raw power, and strength. Sure I get muscle definition and size, that's always helpful, if anything to cushion blows on the rugby pitch, and it's just more comfortable than being a bag of bones! :D

Agreed about hardcore gyms being a good motivator though definitely the wise move to be made. I just challenge myself, I don't care if other people are stronger or leaner than me. As long as I keep bettering myself and I challenge myself that's all I care about. Which is why I'm not bothered about competing on going on stage, I'm not after being better than others, as long as I get better personally.

It's nice to see you have a passion for sculpting yourself into the way you want to be. I agree that it's much more interesting and exciting than I don't know, horse racing or football for me. Some people are mad about football, and become obsessed about it - to me this is no different, you're turning your hobby into a work of art - and at your age to have that commitment is laudable - I don't mean to sound condescending but at your age I had NO commitment to anything (sports, work, women etc... :D).

Ultimately as you alluded to it's about the enjoyment, the endorphins and hormone releases you get from lifting, but also the results you get. I see my strength improving, my size become more impressive, and my general health and lifestyle be way ahead of most of the people around me. You see your shape improve, your definition and striations/separations become more pronounced. In fact you're clearly more of a bodybuilder than I am - I'm a weight lifter. :)

My training focuses on hypertrophy, but also on power/strength development, ultimately you can never really have one without the other - however the ratios of how each one is affected can vary greatly! :)

You're doing well, keep it up. If ever we stroll down Venice/Muscle Beach in LA, you can bring all the girls for the aesthetics, and I can be the brute that protects you from their jealous boyfriends ;)

Seemed to have missed this post yesterday, sorry about that mate. I agree with everything you have said to be honest, and thanks :)
Oh and I'll hold you to that next time I'm in LA (lol...)
I tried skinny jeans for a laugh, couldn't get it past my knee. :/ Even struggled to an extent getting it past my calf. What a waste of space they are.

A lot of people see "big" guys and think, meathead, with little life etc... A lot of uneducated people think abz=cool too. So a lot of skinny blokes will have a "6 pack" yet flick so much as a finger on them and they'll fold in two.

However, in my experience and from what I've seen around London and pretty much most continents around the world, is that everyone is different and different people like different people and there's no definition for what works and doesn't work for the other party.

Ultimately you've got to be happy in yourself. If you're not you'll never exude the confidence to make other people happy in you and ultimately interested in you. It's an inner strength more so than an outer visible strength that makes you appealing to others.

Don't fret - do what makes you happy. Don't use your life or goals as a mitigation for other things - as it's not linked at all.

i find theres a split between the girls i know (well women now technically as we are all 20+ lol) some comment on the weight loss and others say i didnt need to loose any weight. Very few of my female friends comment on the muscle =p (depressingly that seems to be the guys who comment on 'rippedness' throws a homoerotic light onto the whole business haha!)
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