OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Right guys, think its time I posted some pictures up now I've finally got a good diet going and feel like I'm on track for some progress. Huge apologies for the abysmal photography and posing, and the rather dirty mirror lol :o. But hopefully they show some general body shape.




Shot at 2010-03-27


Body weight is just under 12stone, measured in at 6 ft 2" but that does seem fairly optimistic to me, should probably call it 6 ft 1.5". Relatively little muscle mass tbh, those of you who met me at strong man will most likely see little to no progress, I did make some good gains before xmas but went off the rails and lost it :(.

Short term goals at the minute are just to keep on track really and keep things rolling along, I'm not looking for super fast progress just want it to be consistent and would be nice for the weights to go up in the process. Doing lots of squatting and leg work at the minute too because my legs are by far my weakest aspect I think. Taking in a clean 2800 - 3000 kcals a day and plenty of water. Trying to keep things simple-ish too, on a 4 day split with plenty of rest. Cardio is non existent at the minute, but might throw some in although I don't think losing any fat would make me look better, just skinnier lol and I'm on a bulk diet so doubt it would do much anyway.

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*Puts his forehead against mine in a 'I'm going to nut you manner'*

**** me that makes me furious just reading that, I suffer from extreme anxiety (I am getting long term help for this) which gets me into stupid situations some times as I'm like a red rag to a bull with physical intimidation, in your situation Benny I would have sunk my teeth into his nose within seconds of his head touching mine!
Being touched in an agressive manner in a confrontational situation most likely in a public place by a stranger, is that clear enough for you?
That's as clear as daylight to me mate as it is stepping over/across the line. Some people are just utter asses.
Traps are hard to make look good during a lat spread. Similar to you I have quite thin traps but with a high peak.

A proper trap pose will bring them out :)
Trust me Benny in your rear lat spread pics a couple of pages back your traps were obvious and looked very thick standing off the back, I was comparing my picture to yours when I started to feel so despondent :p I'll just have to work harder and try and catch up :D
Ahh right having just had a look I see what you mean.

You might find it to do with posing too. Rolling shoulders foward gives a wider spread but less trap peak. Shoulders back gives more peak but less spread. Shoulders up etc etc.

For building peak narrow grip shrugs are supposed to be good.

Something I've just started trying is when you're sat on seated row to just 'shrug row' the weight. So just retract your scapula and then allow your shoulders to come foward then repeat. Also instead of doing DB shrugs just off vertical, lean foward so you'r at a 60/70 degree angle. So you get a bit of lift up as well as back though this can be quite taxing for core/lower back.

One Arm DB Bench Rows give a really good stretch through rhombs & traps if you reallllllly reach foward but keep your back & hip positioning good.

Try and get as big a range of motion as possible which will mean using a little less weight than normal.
To thicken your back there are 4 basic exercises you need:

Bent over rows
T-Bar rows
Pull ups

Nice additional exercises include: cable rows, DB single arm elbow out rows, pull downs
I do those main 4 don't worry :) However I much prefer T-bars to BORs, I hardly ever actually feel BORs in my lats when doing them, and I know I'm doing them properly, it's weird.
I do those main 4 don't worry :) However I much prefer T-bars to BORs, I hardly ever actually feel BORs in my lats when doing them, and I know I'm doing them properly, it's weird.

Oddly it's the opposite for me.

I usually start with Pullups, then Machine pullovers and Bend over rows.

After that I do my deadlifts, and then chinups.

I must say I find it odd how many people complain they can't do Pullups or chin ups because they're "too heavy".
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