Funny you should say that as over the last month or so I have been cutting down on carbs, I cut out Bread around a year ago but have now started to cut back on Potatoes and other things.
Got any advice on what to avoid?
Generally simple carbs. Go for complex carbs such as whole wheat bread, brown pasta etc. I think this is the reasoning for people suggesting complex over simple carbs due to it taking longer to enter the bloodstream therefore the Insulin can be a lot slower where as if you have something like a chocolate bar its like WOAH and has to give a big shot of insulin.
Basically I think you've got to change completley to complex carbs - you may have also heard of GI, thats based on how quick the 'sugar' from carbs enter your system. Fruit has simple carbs, so its not as good - there are 'low carb' fruit options such as strawberries, berries which offer less sugar per 100g compared to say a bananna.
Your aim should be to spike Insulin as least as possible (to increase its sensitivity) - everything does spike it (carbs/fat/protein) but carbs are the main culprit and spike it the most.
Insulin is the fat storage hormone, so by keeping spiking to a minimum it keeps fat storage to a minimum, iirc.
I'm currently 're-training' my insulin sensitivity by being on <30g of carbs a day. I had a insulin test the other week and got told it was excellent, but I've still got quite a bit of fat to shift due to it being poor before after years of eating 'bad' carbs.
Not suggesting you to go on low-carb, but just aim for everything complex carbohydrate and you should notice a gradual difference. Not sure 100% but this is why Diabetes (type 1 or 2 can't remember) requires the insulin injection, due to many years of a poor diet the body simply can't get enough insulin out to be effective to regulate the sugar in the bloodstream, and needs the external source (needle) to inject more.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong