OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

So, three months and a bit since I started weight lifting, I'm sure some will remember how lean and skinny I was when I was boxing, how am I progressing?

Legs are completely rubbish still despite being a lot stronger, there was a pretty major problem with my squat form though which I only in my last session realised and rectified, I'm hoping for more progress from them now.
nice progress you got there, still quite lean, nice solid back and chest.

I suppose you are a tall fella, arms are looking a bit behind but so are mine despite bashing them for the past year with a separate arm day. :D

nevertheless, solid gains so you're definately doing something right! ;)
update, deadlift has gone from 40kg to 85 now :) however bench has not increased at all :( seem to have a major issue, DB pec fly is the only thing that aches my chest the next day. i dont think i'm doing it wrong tho ...
Insulin resistance is typically showed by fat stored on the obliques, cortisol, area in front and below the belly button, insulin and cortisol are directly linked to fat storage. Cortisol specifically towards visceral fat more than insulin. Oestrogen imbalances are often found around the thighs or the back of the arms and the chest on men.

It's often why women struggle to shift fat as they often tend to have an oestrogen imbalance (on women it's typically, thighs, bum, back of arms).

So you can give a quick glance over someone and have a rough idea - it's not accurate at all.

So fat around the chest and stomach could be symptomatic of a lack of testosterone and elevated insulin. Since both are important fat control hormones.

Ummm....I think I may have this issue I just can't seem to shift the fat from my lower stomach (around and below the belly button) :mad:, got any advice? :(
Not sure if I'm correct, but poor insulin sensitivity is due to having too much carbs in your diet? Therefore each time your body releases insulin it needs more and more to do the same thing. I've got a rough idea but i've not looked into too much depth on it. I think one way might be going low-carb but im not 100%, im sure FreeFaller will give some concrete info.
Ummm....I think I may have this issue I just can't seem to shift the fat from my lower stomach (around and below the belly button) :mad:, got any advice? :(

Haha join the club, I've that little bit there as well.

My solution to that is the Cosgrovian Complex, and other HIIT.

While cutting out sugars, even some fruits like bananas.
Haha join the club, I've that little bit there as well.

My solution to that is the Cosgrovian Complex, and other HIIT.

While cutting out sugars, even some fruits like bananas.

Sucks doesn’t it. :(

May try cutting out a bit of fruit as I do eat a lot of apples and Bananas.
Sucks doesn’t it. :(

May try cutting out a bit of fruit as I do eat a lot of apples and Bananas.

I usually have an apple per day or something, although if you're after the nutrients fruit gives you, just get some daily vitamin tablets or something.
see my post (page before) re: carbs. :)

Funny you should say that as over the last month or so I have been cutting down on carbs, I cut out Bread around a year ago but have now started to cut back on Potatoes and other things.

Got any advice on what to avoid?
I love my diet with loads of stuff to much to cut like crazy.

i train like a powerlifter and I eat like one as well.

If I don't have my pizza and icecream on the weekends I'd go insane :P
I also like my ON Serious Mass weightgain shake at 11 and after workouts.

Everymorning I usually wake up, and have 500ml of water and an apple or banana instantly.

I'd say if I cut out most of that and replace breads and rice, along with doing more Cardio I'd be very lean. But I'm making great strength gains at the moment and I'll add or cut certain things depending on my recovery state or preperation for heavy lifts like Personal Records.
Funny you should say that as over the last month or so I have been cutting down on carbs, I cut out Bread around a year ago but have now started to cut back on Potatoes and other things.

Got any advice on what to avoid?

Generally simple carbs. Go for complex carbs such as whole wheat bread, brown pasta etc. I think this is the reasoning for people suggesting complex over simple carbs due to it taking longer to enter the bloodstream therefore the Insulin can be a lot slower where as if you have something like a chocolate bar its like WOAH and has to give a big shot of insulin.

Basically I think you've got to change completley to complex carbs - you may have also heard of GI, thats based on how quick the 'sugar' from carbs enter your system. Fruit has simple carbs, so its not as good - there are 'low carb' fruit options such as strawberries, berries which offer less sugar per 100g compared to say a bananna.

Your aim should be to spike Insulin as least as possible (to increase its sensitivity) - everything does spike it (carbs/fat/protein) but carbs are the main culprit and spike it the most.

Insulin is the fat storage hormone, so by keeping spiking to a minimum it keeps fat storage to a minimum, iirc.

I'm currently 're-training' my insulin sensitivity by being on <30g of carbs a day. I had a insulin test the other week and got told it was excellent, but I've still got quite a bit of fat to shift due to it being poor before after years of eating 'bad' carbs.

Not suggesting you to go on low-carb, but just aim for everything complex carbohydrate and you should notice a gradual difference. Not sure 100% but this is why Diabetes (type 1 or 2 can't remember) requires the insulin injection, due to many years of a poor diet the body simply can't get enough insulin out to be effective to regulate the sugar in the bloodstream, and needs the external source (needle) to inject more.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong :)
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Only a guess because of:


Insulin resistance is typically showed by fat stored on the obliques, cortisol, area in front and below the belly button, insulin and cortisol are directly linked to fat storage. Cortisol specifically towards visceral fat more than insulin. Oestrogen imbalances are often found around the thighs or the back of the arms and the chest on men.

It's often why women struggle to shift fat as they often tend to have an oestrogen imbalance (on women it's typically, thighs, bum, back of arms).

So you can give a quick glance over someone and have a rough idea - it's not accurate at all.

So fat around the chest and stomach could be symptomatic of a lack of testosterone and elevated insulin. Since both are important fat control hormones.

Cheers ff.

This is very interesting as I reckon it applies to me the majority of my fat is around the chest area and around my waist, arms and legs have very little. Gonna need to do abit of research as it could also be the cause of my acne. I think I read somewhere that insulin resistance can be a common cause of acne, so putting the two together it could be a likely problem :(
Was 70kgs about 5 months ago, then weighed around 74kgs after I took some time off doing nowt, I'm anywhere from 78 to 81kgs now depending on when I weigh.

Nice weight :cool:

Heavier with a good solid diet should = bigger & stronger :cool:

Weighed my heaviest this morning, though I did carb up last night 92.6KG. Should begin to drop as I loose water.
Nice shape Daryl. What are your lifts like and current stats? Seems you have good insulin sensitivity too - lucky chap! Welcome to the thread! I'm on a constant bulk! :D


My lifts are nothing spectacular to be honest, but i have been somewhat restricted over the past year due to medical issues. Which i'm hoping are finally going to be shorted after a very unpleasent day at the hospital yesterday.

Anyway my current PB:

Squat - 140kg totally raw, not belt or wraps. I do stuggle to go deep due to ankle flexablity i think. causes me to lean farward a little making the lift a lot harder. I have actually leg pressed over 300kg. Not sure how that compares to squating.
Dead - 210kg with straps, as i suffer with sweaty hands and chalk is not allowed at my current gym.
bench - 115kg

My back is probably a strong point though, i can bent over row 100kg for 5x5 not sure what 1rm would be.

Due to not being able to bench recently started doing Hang cleans instead current pb is 85kg x 5.

Seated overhead press - 40kg DB or 80kg smith x5
Haha join the club, I've that little bit there as well.

My solution to that is the Cosgrovian Complex, and other HIIT.

While cutting out sugars, even some fruits like bananas.

I pretty much cut sugar from my diet totally for about the last year. I used to just have it post workout in a shake.

I've dropped all supplements now in favour of whole foods, so recently started eating a few pieces of fruit to replace the malto/dext that would have been in my shakes.
I pretty much cut sugar from my diet totally for about the last year. I used to just have it post workout in a shake.

I've dropped all supplements now in favour of whole foods, so recently started eating a few pieces of fruit to replace the malto/dext that would have been in my shakes.

Good attitude and way to be - clearly not having all those supps have still helped you develop a good physique! Shock horror, who would have guessed! ;)

Good lifts too - shame about the chalk though. I'd say I'm like you, my back is my strong point. :) Good to see you like to keep things raw as well. :)
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