OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics


Not the best pic but you get the idea, I've dropped 8-9lbs In the last 7 weeks :D Still a way to go though.
One more thing I will say to backup my thoughts that you're lucky genetically. You say you dropped to 11st nearly 2 years ago, and you've made it back up to 16st now - 5st in less than 2 years is genetic gift if ever i heard one. Embrace it dude. :)

Yah it was roughly 11st, tbh I'll prob start a blog soon with pics and what not, may be getting sponsored soon ;). But we'll see what happens.

if I'll be honest last year I got up to 16.5 stone but I was holding more fat/water so was pretty crappy looking lol no definition really. This year boom im at 16 st yeah but pretty damn solid and lean so deffo made progress.

Did quads on monday busted it big time was literally dieing and my throats still sore from the screaming haha. Did bis/triceps tonite. It was meant to be hamstrings and biceps but legs were a bit achy so wanted to get it properly done so will do shoulders/hams on thursday, have tomoz off. Hard training as always, arms were ridiculous tonight so pumped love it.
Yah it was roughly 11st, tbh I'll prob start a blog soon with pics and what not, may be getting sponsored soon ;). But we'll see what happens.

if I'll be honest last year I got up to 16.5 stone but I was holding more fat/water so was pretty crappy looking lol no definition really. This year boom im at 16 st yeah but pretty damn solid and lean so deffo made progress.

Did quads on monday busted it big time was literally dieing and my throats still sore from the screaming haha. Did bis/triceps tonite. It was meant to be hamstrings and biceps but legs were a bit achy so wanted to get it properly done so will do shoulders/hams on thursday, have tomoz off. Hard training as always, arms were ridiculous tonight so pumped love it.

I hate hate hate training arms :( Hence why I hardly ever do them! :D
I hate hate hate training arms :( Hence why I hardly ever do them! :D

Yah I go thru stages tbh, nothings the same every workout changes up slightly best way to keep the body guessing. I ran a 5 day split before but after 8-10 weeks I hit a plateuo so changed up to 2 on 1 off and every week is different but still same intensity. If it's not pain and im not screaming it's not hard enough :D
Good work buddy. How you feeling?

Feeling loads better thank you, going to give this cut another 4 weeks maybe 8 then start upping my cals slowly over a few weeks to see If I can add some mass on over winter.

Finally I training constantly which makes me feel better anyway.:D
Good - and it seems to be working too. :) Keep it up - if you want to drop me a note I shall be away on holiday so won't be able to reply.

Yes I may need some help with the bulking In the next few weeks so I might fire a few questions your way then. Thanks for the help and support :D
Trained hamstring + shoulders today. Bashed it out hard and heavy but good form ofc. Hamstrings were blitzed by the end, and finished it off with some quad work on the leg press. Did legs on monday but good to keep them nice n fresh lol. Planning to do back tomorrow, but heavy day! rack pulls, pull downs, dead lifts, heavy rows.
Trained hamstring + shoulders today. Bashed it out hard and heavy but good form ofc. Hamstrings were blitzed by the end, and finished it off with some quad work on the leg press. Did legs on monday but good to keep them nice n fresh lol. Planning to do back tomorrow, but heavy day! rack pulls, pull downs, dead lifts, heavy rows.

How do you just train your hamstrings?!

Seems an odd combo for me. Personally I don't have enough time on a leg day to do anything else.
DB's for rows 40>45>50>58.
I don't do heavy all the time though I alternate, I lift heavy enough to work the muscle effectivly. Prority is to work THAT muscle, not 5 other muscles and all the tendons.

No I don't work legs with shoulders. I just finished off with some quads, felt like it. But I always change split about, but generally speaking 2 on 1 off. Quads and calves/Chest and tris/Back/Shoulders/Hamstrings and bis, sometimes swap things about, usually always change exercise.

Hamstrings is generally leg curl, but I focus a lot on stretching the hams out, gives a lot better ROM and you can work the ham much more efficiently imo. Just usually leg curl, some sldl and use the leg press but angle the feet in such a way so it will target the hamstring, point feet higher then usual, really good leg press in gym as well, hard to explain what I mean tbh. And im a bodybuilder end of the day, I don't train purely for strength or power, this is added bonus, I'd say im pretty strong though but I don't know you TANK or what you lift but someone mentioned a comment up above, fair play good lift if that is so! :)
Tank you're a monster :o
I've upped my cals/reduced my cardio for a good while now so put on ~.5 stone in 2.5 months, back thickness is definetly increasing and heres a before and after:


Gained a fair amount of fat too, but really wanting to pack on some size and obviously the lighting difference doesn't play any favours.
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