OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Anyone have a vid they could link of what they would call BB Rows done correctly? Seen all sorts of variation on correct form, tis annoying.
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Definitely can see more definition going on, lats are coming a long nicely.

woopsy just realised I labelled them wrong aha should be the other way round. But yes lats do look bigger in the older picture :o. In reality though tshirts are a lot tighter right now :p
Worked legs on monday pretty hard, then shoulders today with triceps, gonna do back tomorrow heavy day of rack pulls, bent over row & some variation of pulldowns. Tinkering the diet atm, carbs seem to be sufficient atm plenty of energy flowing for workouts thats what I base it on and ofc growth, putting protein up to 400g per day, training hard as possible, literally drenched in sweat and destroyed each session. So protein higher for more recovery and growth. Will cut the carbs ever so slightly maybe 380g. Fat around 120g. 9 meals per day. Don't seem to be gaining much fat atm, getting even more thicker. Main concentration is to bring up the slightly lagging behind muscle groups which are lats mainly. But also Want to bring upper chest up a bit more!
Gotta do it though if your on 400g of protein! Seems a bit much for me but if you think it's working then I envy you having the time to eat that often/that much! I stick with 4 x 50g when I can and I constantly feel full!
Gotta do it though if your on 400g of protein! Seems a bit much for me but if you think it's working then I envy you having the time to eat that often/that much! I stick with 4 x 50g when I can and I constantly feel full!

I've got about 3 shakes in there lol. But I try not to take shakes only when I need to, in morning when I first wake to get protein in fast, after workout to get nutrients in, and before bed with some sort of casein.

It is somewhat time consuming but it wouldn't matter to much even if I was busy as hell. Simply cook night before a massive pot of brown pasta, divide into 4 tupper wear, cook 4 packs of 180g chicken breast (each roughly 50g protein) cut into bits and stick in with pasta, boom done n dusted lol. I don't mind eating cold so just take it out when a refeed is due and munch. Im at college next week so this is the plan for the 3 months.

It is a lot of food though, but I add nandos sauces to the chicken for flavouring and a tomato and chilli sauce to the pasta.
It is a lot of food though, but I add nandos sauces to the chicken for flavouring and a tomato and chilli sauce to the pasta.

lol I do the same thing. Nandos Piri Piri sauce is awesome for flavouring chicken so it can be eaten on its own. Best on the BBQ though but sadly that takes a lot longer :( :(
Doing a cut right now. Done 0 cardio and instead just focuesed 100% on diet. I have a pretty active job so that takes care of burning calories.

I would like to get to around 150lbs and be around 3-4% BF then do a clean bulk.


In 2008 I was getting ready for the army and did up to 2-3 hours of cardio a day. I got defeered till mid 2011 for medical reasons but plan on re-applying then. Just trying to stay in shape untill then. (pics are from my webcam on my laptop)

2010 on the left and 2008 on the right.

Some more pics of my cut



could you invest in some decent lighting or a decent camera with a flash?

everything is grainy and dark, and maybe a colour camera too ;)

Used my web camera which only goes to 640 res. I have a 8mega pixel camera somewhere but the webcam was easier to use for just now. I have my ceiling lights pointing doing at me in those web camera pics. Not sure how to take pics with good lighting.
Used my web camera which only goes to 640 res. I have a 8mega pixel camera somewhere but the webcam was easier to use for just now. I have my ceiling lights pointing doing at me in those web camera pics. Not sure how to take pics with good lighting.

Take them during the day with the curtains open. :)
Used my web camera which only goes to 640 res. I have a 8mega pixel camera somewhere but the webcam was easier to use for just now. I have my ceiling lights pointing doing at me in those web camera pics. Not sure how to take pics with good lighting.

Looking ripped mate. Downhill lighting creating shadows is the best, but you need it to be brighter in general.
Looking nice and lean.

Deffinatley get some day shots as they're much more accurate. We all look awesome when we're stood under out bathroom light ;)

Shows how insane pro BB'ers are to look that massive/lean with about 10 spotlights on them!
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