OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Excellent news on the bench, especially for a double. You will probably find that you will start adding quite a bit to your bench now, 100kg seems to be a mental block for a lot of people

Me after cutting from 13 stone to 12 stone in 2.5 weeks iam 5'8" btw, half of that was water loss after stopping taking creat mono i think. Waist down 2 inches to 33 inches and chest down 1 inch to 41 inches.
How much more cutting should i do? Not lost any strength though still lifting the same amount.

Me now at 11st 5 lbs. minus hair:D
6 weeks of cutting 23lbs lost.
Waist now 31" chest 38" from 35" and 42".
Question is how much more should i loose?
Will i see my abs soon?
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Whilst boxing/running/eating like a 6 year old girl

now, after eating like a man and lifting some weights

Biggest suprise to me is how much my natural posture has changed I think, strange how it does that. I get called a bummer when I unconsciously bend over to pick something up like I'm doing a SLDL haha.

Any estimate on my current bodyfat %? I'm probably not gonna get much lower than that to be honest, I strictly adhere to my diet 5 days a week but then it goes to pot over the weekend. ;)

Ordered some Sida Cordifolia blend to try and shift a bit more weight, I'm starting army basic in March so I'm probably best being lighter than I currently am at 94kg and 6ft1
Me now at 11st 5 lbs. minus hair:D
6 weeks of cutting 23lbs lost.
Waist now 31" chest 38" from 35" and 42".
Question is how much more should i loose?
Will i see my abs soon?

I would say keep going (cutting) definately. You are looking way better in my opinion but I wouldn't like to say how much more you should lose. Congratulations by the way that is impressive in 6 weeks. Have you found it difficult?
I have found it quite easy really, stopped eating sugar(in coffee etc) more fruit, small sandwich for lunch, healthy tea chicken with rice or jacket spud etc. And plenty of exercise cycling to work and 30mins cross trainer a night + 30mins weights. Losing a steady 2lbs a week now.
Following on from this thread here I've took a picture of how I am at the moment (basically at the start of my proper training). As said in the thread my goal isn't to become massive, more to become more defined and a tad bigger I suppose. I only weigh 9st10 at the moment, at a height of just under 6ft.

Sorry for the quality, my camera on my phone is naff and something over the lense makes me look like I have a line of semen runnung down my belly button :p


That was just over a month ago, this is now:


It's weird, looking at the first pic I actually think I look better there, recent picture looks like i've put weight on, when infact I havn't, still 9st 10lb, even though i've been eating loads more than I used to, and cut down on exercise.
Eat evan more mate! Just eat eat eat! I have to else i never put any wight on, just seem to have lots of wind atm :O
Apologies for the rotated view, I had a bit of trouble with the camera person...

Here is 3x 100kg Powercleans, In my previous set I had done 1 warm up followed by 4 powercleans which were supposed to be recorded but the wrong button was pushed ;)


I felt good so I thought I'd go and try 110kg... and well, it went up nicely :) New personal best for me.


Sorry I couldn't show you the 4-5rep one, I was knackered by the time I got the 3x100kg!!!
Cheers chaps, happy with that considering it was the last set. I had done 5 previous so how I managed another 3 I have no idea! :D

Yeah it really does help for DLs, want to break my 210 PB by the new year. Will of course post pics.

Feeling monstrerously strong at the moment, and have packed on a good lean 4lbs over the past 2 months, which although it doesn't sound a lot actually is quite significant for me :)

1) My neck now has a crick due to turning to watch your female friends pathetic attempt at filming.
2) While you lady may of thought it was very 'woo hoo' I did not, you clearly did that too easily so need to add more weight, only when your legs start to do the splits is when you've got the right amount :D

Good work :)
Made that look far too easy! effortless! Guna have to give these a try in the near future. Congrats on your progress.:cool:

I'll have some interesting results for the powerlifting thread totals tomorrow ;)
Oh god I'll be posting up a few pictures later of my huge grass snakes, how come everyone covers up there face?
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Apologies for the rotated view, I had a bit of trouble with the camera person...

Here is 3x 100kg Powercleans, In my previous set I had done 1 warm up followed by 4 powercleans which were supposed to be recorded but the wrong button was pushed ;)


I felt good so I thought I'd go and try 110kg... and well, it went up nicely :) New personal best for me.


Sorry I couldn't show you the 4-5rep one, I was knackered by the time I got the 3x100kg!!!
Very good form:cool:, I have never really thought about it before until I watched those video's. When I do standing military press occasionall, I do power cleans to get it up on to my shoulders where as my friend takes it off of the rack, different strokes for different fokes I guess.
Thanks again guys :)

Tank, yeah I do HC2PP or standing press that way it's more fun doing an extra bit of exercise! It's funny seeing people's reactions when you load up the bar with 100kg and people say, oh so you're doing deadlifts? No actually, powercleans. :eek: lol!
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