meh No real great progress made, having a few 'issues' at the mo.
I was eating quite a lot of pasta and it wasnt making me feel so great, felt I was proberly gaining to much fat around the stomach area! Plus I feel its too carb heavy hard to balance out well! (taking into considerating what else I was eating during the day)
I was also having two shakes a day for my breaks at work but I dont want to rely too much on these and would rather have proper food instead! The last week or so I have tried this but I have a 5min break in which I need to be completely finished eating and on my way back to work (I will get killed if im late). Slight chance I may be able to add a few mins to my breaks to allow me to eat properly.
What do people think of this, this is what I had today.
Brekfast - Oats with whey shake
Lunch - Beef stew
1st work break - Whole meal roll with 1 can of tuna handfuls of mixed nuts
Work lunch - Large chicken salad few handfuls of mixed nuts
2nd work break - Same as first
Ill munch a banana on my way to the gym and PWO ill have a whey shake.
Bearing in mind im on lates this week so im training at around 1240am
Also my lunch at home is different all the time tomorrow will be a full on rost