OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Vaery bad on my part also, apologies everyone but thanks so much for the advice, hopefully I'll have some respectable pics to add at some point.
I'm afraid I'm going to disgrace most of you by posting my pic, but here goes. This is me at the beginning of my body building -

(Stupid image uploaders not working, pic coming soon.)

I need to sort out my eating as I eat all the wrong foods and really want to get into shape. I've started to get into a good routine of workout which is

Day 1: Arms and chest
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs and stomach
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Arms and Legs
Day 6: Rest

Is there any problems with doing this routine. I have no 'set' workout replans, and I don't know the technical names so I couldn't tell you what it is I do. I know it has been posted but I've missed a basic weeks workout plan so if someone could post it again for me it'll give me a nice guidline to follow.

I'm 6ft 1, and on average weigh 13st 5. This gives me a BMI of 24 and I would like to get this down a little bit, I'm not sure of my body fat %.
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Is there any problems with doing this routine.

Yeah. If you are wanting a split, go for Back, Legs (and maybe shoulders) & Chest on separate days. You can mix in smaller muscles such as Biceps with back (or chest) and Triceps with chest (or back) and then do some ab work with legs.
Head to bodybuilding.com for hundreds of types of workouts - all depending on what you want to achieve will affect your workout plan :)
Ok mate, thanks for the advice, I'll go have a search around and see what I can find that suits me best. :)

Edit: Pic -


I've not got much in the way of stomach muscles. And not an amazing amount of arm and chest muscle.
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meh No real great progress made, having a few 'issues' at the mo.

I was eating quite a lot of pasta and it wasnt making me feel so great, felt I was proberly gaining to much fat around the stomach area! Plus I feel its too carb heavy hard to balance out well! (taking into considerating what else I was eating during the day)

I was also having two shakes a day for my breaks at work but I dont want to rely too much on these and would rather have proper food instead! The last week or so I have tried this but I have a 5min break in which I need to be completely finished eating and on my way back to work (I will get killed if im late). Slight chance I may be able to add a few mins to my breaks to allow me to eat properly.

What do people think of this, this is what I had today.

Brekfast - Oats with whey shake
Lunch - Beef stew
1st work break - Whole meal roll with 1 can of tuna handfuls of mixed nuts
Work lunch - Large chicken salad few handfuls of mixed nuts
2nd work break - Same as first
Ill munch a banana on my way to the gym and PWO ill have a whey shake.

Bearing in mind im on lates this week so im training at around 1240am ;)

Also my lunch at home is different all the time tomorrow will be a full on rost :D
Following on from this thread here I've took a picture of how I am at the moment (basically at the start of my proper training). As said in the thread my goal isn't to become massive, more to become more defined and a tad bigger I suppose. I only weigh 9st10 at the moment, at a height of just under 6ft.

Sorry for the quality, my camera on my phone is naff and something over the lense makes me look like I have a line of semen runnung down my belly button :p

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I'm afraid I'm going to disgrace most of you by posting my pic, but here goes. This is me at the beginning of my body building -

(Stupid image uploaders not working, pic coming soon.)

I need to sort out my eating as I eat all the wrong foods and really want to get into shape. I've started to get into a good routine of workout which is

Day 1: Arms and chest
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs and stomach
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Arms and Legs
Day 6: Rest

Is there any problems with doing this routine. I have no 'set' workout replans, and I don't know the technical names so I couldn't tell you what it is I do. I know it has been posted but I've missed a basic weeks workout plan so if someone could post it again for me it'll give me a nice guidline to follow.

I'm 6ft 1, and on average weigh 13st 5. This gives me a BMI of 24 and I would like to get this down a little bit, I'm not sure of my body fat %.

Another good place for listed routines:

Me after cutting from 13 stone to 12 stone in 2.5 weeks iam 5'8" btw, half of that was water loss after stopping taking creat mono i think. Waist down 2 inches to 33 inches and chest down 1 inch to 41 inches.
How much more cutting should i do? Not lost any strength though still lifting the same amount.
cut some more m8, your sitting at what i would geuss at 20%bf. you need to get down to around 12% before bulking imo or you'll be stuck forever in the not-fat-not-thin quandry where you cant gain and cant lean up.
im measuring based on sight but its not very accurate you could be anywhere from 17-25% the only sure fire way to tell is to be measured with calipers. If thats not an option then what height are you?
lean endomorph at 5'8" would weigh about 10.5-11st at a geuss going by your pic. aim for that then bulk up. a good yard stick is abdominal definition. If you can see a line down the center of your abdominals your about 15% the horizontal lines come in at about 13% starting at the upper abs. When you can see all six youve hit about 10-11% (ideal to start a bulk) below that is competition level stuff, not worth shooting for as a normal person
Cheers for the advice ultra i will get down to 11.5 stone then post another pic.
I used to find putting on weight quite hard but now iam 32 it seems tobe settling on my gut:( at least i seem tobe loosing the weight easily enough.
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