OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Looking decent, if a little trap dominant (aka your traps look big :P). It does look like you carry quite a bit a fat on your back which is hiding your prorgress.

Out of interest, what's your routine?
Yeah, I have definitely added some fat over the past 9 months :(

I have just finished a 3-day split:

Bench press
Incline DB press
Cable Fly

Calf Raise
Lat. raises/upright rows

Seated Cable Rows
Cable curls

I have just started (today) Wendler's 5/3/1.
With what sets/reps? I was wondering if you were doing a more strength focussed routine because your back as a whole is quite big compared to your arms. Not in a bad way or anything, I actually think its the way forward, particularly as a beginner as it gives you a very solid base. Also it's a lot easier to pack a little mass onto your arms after you've learnt to use the bigger muscles of your body rather than the other way around...and I personally think big arms with a small body just looks silly.
In the above I was working in the 3x6-8 range. But I have also done 5x5 and 3x5 ranges when I first started a few months ago (Stronglifts)
My arms are definitely lagging, they've always been small. Aside from dips and the odd set of curls I don't do anything with them specifically. I might put a little more focus on them at some point but getting my core lifts to respectable numbers is my primary aim currently.
In the above I was working in the 3x6-8 range. But I have also done 5x5 and 3x5 ranges when I first started a few months ago (Stronglifts)
My arms are definitely lagging, they've always been small. Aside from dips and the odd set of curls I don't do anything with them specifically. I might put a little more focus on them at some point but getting my core lifts to respectable numbers is my primary aim currently.

Nice to see some smart training from someone relatively new. Definately going to make progress on 5/3/1.
Didn't realise OCUK had so many bodybuilders!

Thought I would add some pics, be gentle :)

Stats are 5 ft 6 lol
About 11.5 stone lean, currently about 12.4 stone as I'm bulking a bit
Training naturally for 5 years now. I'm also very strict with my diet, I don't drink alcohol, smoke or take any drugs and I rarely miss a meal.

Deadlift 180kg x 4
Squat 140kg x 5
Don't bench press, but dumbell press 40's for sets, need to buy bigger dumbells.
Seated Barbell press 70kg x 6

Pics are from around August/September when I was about 11.5 stone cutting.

I train 5 days a week. I like to allocate a day to each muscle group so I can hit it hard, plus it helps having my gym downstairs in the garage :) Trained in a public gym for the first 3 years but got sick of having to wait for equipment and watching idiots do bicep curls in the squat rack, so me and bro went halves on a home gym, which consists of a Powertec power rack, 220kg of Olympic weights, dumbells up to 40kg, Lat machine with high and low pulley, Incline/Flat/ Decline bench and a treadmill.

Monday- Legs
Tuesdays - Bi/Tri
Wed - Cardio
Thur - Chest
Friday- Back
Sat - Cardio
Sunday - Delts/traps




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Hey thanks a lot guys for the comments, means a lot :)

TheCenturion, I was about 9.5 stone mate with no abs at age 22 when I started.

Where abouts are you in NW London mate? I'm in Harrow.

Cheers guys :p
impressive nitram, looking lean and mean lol.

what treadmill did you buy? might get one to lean up myself in a years time, i have the same rack as you.

The powertec is a great piece of kit ain't it? Chinning bars, Dip bars it has it all.

I bought a ProForm 585V for about £685 two years ago, it even has a TV on it lol which I haven't used. The most important thing to me in the treadmill is the running width, shock reduction, high incline and the ability to fold away. My one has a 50cm wide belt and 15% incline, I don't think they make it any more but you can get similair models for even cheaper now I think.
Looking very lean Nitram - good mass and definition. :)

What are your goals over all? Glad to see you're a natural too. :)

Cheers mate, yeh I'm glad I stayed natural, I get accused of juicing from time to time which annoys me, I think it's because I have a small bodybuilder shape as I am short and stocky. The temptation to cycle was definitely there in the beginning I will admit!

All of the guys I trained with in the beginning have all turned to steroids and even GH, a few of them are huge now and a few look like ****.

My goals now are to continue bulking for another 2 weeks and get to 12.6 stone and then begin my cut for the summer, where I want to be leaner than last year and with about 3-4 lbs of extra muscle.

I have other goals like 200kg Deadlift, 160kg Squat etc which is a way off right now lol but getting there!

Also, nice lifts you have there mate!
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It's illegal to use roids and GH and stuff without prescription right? I went to my doctor to ask to be given gh, it can't be given out unless there's something medically wrong with you, and that's 100% fair imo.

It's good you stayed natural, thus proving that determination and hard work are the key, and not needles.
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